
Without Mercy!

Done satisfying himself on Sylvia, Mehos left the secret room.

Sylvia was tormented inside after learning the truth that the soul occupying Nathan's body was not her son's soul.

Then who is it?

Who the hell is it!?

C-could it be that the soul inhabiting Nathan's body was that of the unconscious guy?

She remembered so well the day her son was resurrected.

She was so happy that her beloved son had come back from the dead that she never doubted him as an impostor!

But if he was an impostor - why did he know everything about his young son's favorite food? And what is the impostor's plan? Why he was taking over her son's body? What's his purpose?

Now that she's currently stuck in the netherworld, the soul who occupied her son's body can do anything he wishes.

He was getting worried about her husband and her son Corbin's well-being!

What if that impostor will do something bad to her family?

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