
The Truth (Redone)

Author: note removed due to it confusing people

My name is Joel Baines Cochin, I have always been special, in a very special kind of way. Very soon after I was born, I understood things, things no kid should know. They said I was a genius, they said a lot of things, but only I knew the truth.

I was better than anyone my parents arranged to teach me, not just academia but sports, for that matter, anything. I was a once-in-a-lifetime find, my parents who were already wealthy ensured I had the best of everything. I felt I never deserved any of it. I would have my combat instructors visit the estate and then push myself as hard as possible to try to make what I knew into something I actually did know. Confused? Imagine how I felt.

My parents died when I was 16, it was a skiing accident in the Alps, I did mourn them, they were good as parents went, they cared for me and provided for my needs. You might wonder then why I do not seem to be showing that much emotion in regards to their passing, it is hard to when you feel like you have two sets of emotions.

Well now, that would also be due to something that had happened earlier today, but I am jumping ahead. After they passed, I sold up most of the family houses and bought a place in New York, not just any place. It was within 2 miles of The Baxter Building, Oscorp, and Hammer Industries.

You might find it strange, but they were the up-and-coming companies at this time, the distance you ask? Well, I will explain it very soon.

You remember my being special? Well apart from being a genius I have an ability, it makes me better than others, no that is not my ego, it literally makes me gain the skills and knowledge of anyone within 2.5 miles of me. I know who I am getting the power from if I can see them. And I gain them better than they have it, let me explain.

If I got the skills of a doctor, I would not just get their medical knowledge. I would get their specialty and experience, if the doctor were a heart surgeon, I would have his skills and experience but at a higher level than them. Yeah, kinda broken right? This is also why I worked so hard to make my tutors' skills my own. Once someone leaves my range, I lose it all unless I make a serious effort to make it mine. The knowledge I would keep but much like memories that slowly fade over time.

Oh yeah, back to today. The building I had set up had been completed, it took 7 months, but I had my living area on the top floor, then working downwards, my Lab, my engineering workshop, 2 free floors, and then my basement garage.

So, I was feeling good, I would be using the intellect of geniuses to create an empire, then for a moment, someone entered my domain, yeah that is what I call it, and my world changed.

I never got their personal information, so I have no clue who they were, in the few seconds they existed in my domain they ruined everything I thought I knew, their power was to see and travel the omniverse.

I learned I live in something called the Marvel Verse as I gained the ability to travel the omniverse I also gained knowledge of those places, but the part that made me stop was where the portal was open too right now. The DC verse, I lived there as well, and it seems I was not important there, although I thought I was. I am a supervillain there, I have helped a lot of villains make their weapons, serum, and poisons, for a fee of course.

Overall, I was just a side character, although I had the same powers I have now. In those few moments I synchronized with myself I was disappointed that was my life.

I gained a lot of knowledge that was now my own, thanks to the synchronization and some ideas off the way things would play out in this Universe and others.

Sitting in my penthouse I was running all this information through my head, I knew all about Captain America, any kid who went to school did. Now I know he is still alive, just in a block of ice.

I was born the same year as Tony Stark, 1970. So how do I make this work for me, I need an advantage, something, it's 1986 now so think.

What happens that I can use? What do I need the most right now?

I start writing down everything I can think of before I start to forget what has become known to me, it will help me order things this way as well.

After half an hour I grin to myself, I think I got it.

I start by writing an E-mail, the University has their details listed. I am inviting two very respectable scientists to the US. They live in the UK with their son. I include some information I know will encourage them to come to see me, I agree to send a cheque to help them out. I even suggest a hotel not far from me, I am nice that way.

Who are they? Oh, Albert and Louise Thompson, I got lucky. In one year, they suddenly disappear not to be seen for many years.

With that done I look around me and sigh, this room is so, well old. This morning it seemed so cool, I was quite happy with it.

Okay, I need an assistant, no, wait, they are still secretaries. This merged memories thing might be a little troublesome.

Although I am 16 and am being overseen by my lawyer for another 2 years, I look 18ish, I am well-built due to my training. I am slightly over 6ft already, but I have no grand dreams of getting much taller. Brown hair and eyes with an attractive face, although I am not a head-turner, I do okay. I currently have my hair cut short on the back and sides, overall, I keep it neat.

Sending out a few e-mails to find out about a secretary I am starting to not like the layout of the office.

Sitting in the large brown leather chair I tap the oak table when I recall, Chernobyl. Okay yeah, it seems sucky to make money off something like that, but then again, why not?

I get hold of my stockbroker and advise him on what I want to be done. The man must think I am nuts but who cares, he's just an extra in my life. It's not like my lawyer will stop me from doing anything, we have an agreement after I proved I understood his job better than him.

Okay, what else, there must be something. Oh, I am an idiot, I now know about SHIELD. I am going to need to go have coffee across from their office in New York.

Just my luck it is not in my range and I hope the man I want will be there, I know he leaves SHIELD soon.

Okay, what else, oh, my knowledge of the other Universe, duh.

Well, I could try that, I have nothing to lose, no wait, I have a lot to lose. Wait, I think I have a way to make it safer, hehe.

I head down to the garage and take my bike out, a Kawasaki Contours, I see no reason to attract too much attention. I am glad to see the garage doors are fluid, nothing like finding faults in your own house.

As I ride it gets darker, I don't mind it so much, the dark can feel comforting, let's see, 1407 Graymalkin Lane, Whooooo forget that I am close enough.

I feel the power flow into my body, my mind kicks up a few gears and I feel physically powerful. I am guessing Charles Xavier, Beast, and Wolverine at least. After the events in 1983, most of the world knows about the X men, or at the least mutants

The cool thing about my power is that I know how to use other people's powers the first thing I do is apply mental shields. I mean I stack them. If things go the way I expect I will be found and taken to the mansion, if I am lucky, I will be conscious, so mental shields are a must.

Ah, Raven is there, she must have been out the back, okay let's move closer. I slowly cruise to about 2 miles away then park up next to the side of the road. Pull out a bottle of water and blanket and lay back. This might not even work and here I am being overly careful.

Well, I guess there is no time like the present, as they say. Looking up at the stars while running a maths formula through my head, placing myself as the "?", not as easy as it sounds, this is something only a maths genius could do (or the entire Quick family), I say confidently " 3x2(9YZ)4A=?"

A loud bang, light then darkness. Thank god I came within range of Wolverine.

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