
New Team Member

"If we drive through the night we should reach the studio in the morning." Terry said while driving the van.

"Great, we can check in with our bosses, and then head home and get some rest." Drew replied.

"They are going to shit themselves when we show them this footage." Sam laughed to herself. "Though it might be best if we don't tell them the truth."

"You mean that it's real?" Drew said.

"Yeah they might think we are crazy and drop the whole project." Sam explained. "Then we would all have to find a new job."

"I thought we wanted to tell them the truth and ask for permission to continue." Drew said. "Does that mean you are on board with continuing real ghost hunts?"

"I guess it does." Sam said. "Look I was on the fence about it, but after what happened at the black site, we can't let monsters like that exist in this world. If we can do something about it, then that's what we need to do."

"I feel the same way." Drew said. "How about you Terry?"

"I don't know why you all are worried about the studio pulling the plug." Terry said. "We have ratings and that equals money. Whatever we do to get more ratings is going to be fine by the studio. They wouldn't care if we were certifiably insane, as long as we made them money."

"I guess you're right." Drew laughed. "We are probably just overthinking it. Hey same you want to start editing the video and making an episode out of it?"

"Already doing it." Sam said. "What do you think I am just going to sit back here and not do anything?"

"Thanks Sam." Drew said.

"Don't worry I'll have it done by the time we arrive at the studio." Sam said.

The three of them chatted and joked the whole trip to the studio and just as Terry predicted they pulled into the parking lot a little past dawn. They exited the van and headed inside. They were not the only show stationed out of that studio, there were several, one show about a traveling chef, another about people living on an island, and a home renovation show.

"Oh Paranormal Drew!" The secretary said from behind her desk. "Welcome back you three! Are you here to pick up some equipment or just talk to our beloved overlords."

"Hey Beth." Drew waved. "We just need to talk to the all mighty overlords, we have a new direction for our show, we think it will increase the ratings."

"Oh, I'll buzz you right in." Beth said. "You three know the way. Great seeing you Drew, I like seeing you, but I love watching you walk away." She winked.

Sam rolled her eyes. "Try to stay HR appropriate Beth." Sam sighed.

"It's only harassment if the target doesn't like it." Beth explained. "You like my teasing don't you Drew honey?"

"Doesn't bother me." Drew said. "Talk to you later Beth." With that the trio made their way upstairs and went into their producer's office.

Their producer was sitting back in his chair with his feet propped up on his desk. He had a large cigar in his mouth. "Well if it isn't my three favorite spook chasers." He said. "Beth said you had a new idea for the show? One that will make me, I mean us, a lot of money?"

"That's right Bob." Drew said giving Bob his signature double finger gun point. "We have a video for you to watch and we want to know your thoughts."

Sam walked over to the Television in the room and placed the DVD she had made into the player. Bob watched the whole video with his mouth open wide. His cigar even fell out a few times. "You three!" He shouted. "This is amazing! This is wonderful! I don't know how you stepped your game up so much! I don't care! Just make me some more of this!"

"We were hoping you would say that Bob!" Drew said. "So what we need is full freedom to go wherever we want for however long we want. That is the only way we will be able to continue making you this content."

"That's fine!" Bob said. "Oh, before I forget! The higher ups called yesterday and wanted me to add someone to your team." Bob pressed a button on his desk. "Beth send her in." He said as he pushed the button.

An athletic woman with long brown hair and glasses entered the room. She smiled as she saw Drew and the others.

"This here is uhh," Bob started and then started looking through papers on his desk. "Alex! Her name is Alex, and she will be a new addiction to your crew, where you put her is up to you. If it were up to me, I would have her in front of the camera though, just look at her, beautiful."

"Oh stop it." Alex blushed. "It is an honor to join the Paranormal is the new Normal team, I have been a big fan for a long time."

"Sir we don't need another member." Sam said.

"It has already been decided Sam," Bob said. "Just deal with it. Now is there anything else you three need? If not see yourself out, I have like twenty chefs to see today, each pitching me a show idea."

Drew left the room and the others followed him. They waved at Beth as they exited the building. Drew, Sam, and Terry all looked at each other unsure what to tell Alex. "So, where is our first case?!" Alex eagerly said. "I can't wait to hunt my first ghost!"

"Alex tell me do you believe in ghosts?" Drew asked.

"Well of course I do! I am a fan of your show!" Alex replied.

"That's great! Because ghosts are real!" Drew said. "We walk into the bowels of death to do what we do, are you prepared to do the same?"

"Yes!" Alex said with no hesitation. "This is going to be so great!"

"Alright, well the three of us need to go home and rest so why don't you meet us here in the morning and we will pick you up." Drew said.

"Okay!" Alex said with a smile as she turned and left.

"That's lucky!" Sam said after Alex was out of ear shot. "Bob must not have told her it was all fake, probably thought it would be funny for us to burst her bubble."

"I know!" Drew replied. "Let's all go home." With that the trio got into their cars and drove to their houses.

Alex got on her phone as they left. "Yes sir." She said. "No, sir they don't suspect a thing. Don't worry, I will find out what happened at the base, you have my word."

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