
Chp 4 : L.A. Times?

L.A. Times Headquarters

"Good morning ma'am, may I help you?" a blonde beautiful female receptionist greeted them when they stepped up to the front hall.

"Yes, I have an appointment with Mr. William Thomas, say it was Mary Gárcia who wants to meet him."

"Could you wait for a minute, I will call him now."

"Who is that Mary?"

"The chief editor, you were so lucky that Mrs. K knows a lot of people".

"Wow, amazing, I'm gonna bring a lot of gifts to Mrs. K after this."

After the call, the blonde receptionist called both of them, " Excuse me, I just called Mr. Williams and he just confirms that you have an appointment with him, so you can go to the 3rd floor and there will be a receptionist to help you get to his office."

Mary nodded her head, saying gratitude to the blonde receptionist, and moved out to the lift with Al. Arriving on the 3rd floor, they met another blonde receptionist that will accompany them to Mr. William's office.

'They sure love blondes here'. Whispered Al but his voice was heard by both women and they both giggled.

"Here is his office, if you need any help just call me okay." And the receptionist bowed a little while whispering, "I'm brunette by the way, bye cute guy." she giggled.

Al's face was now red.

"Well somebody just got a victim today, first time got out and a fish just got hooked." Mary is now laughing

"Whatever!". He ignored Mary and walked straight to Mr. William's office.

As he knocked on the door, a "come in" sound was heard and they entered William's office. He was a middle-aged man with hair that started to turn white.

"Welcome to my office, you must be Mary, Kate has told a lot about you".

"Thank you, Mr. William, I hope the only nice things" She replied.

"Haha, you bet and this little one must be Alphonse, the little genius and troublemaker."

"I must thank Mrs. K then, for making me infamous," Al said with a weird face while William only laughed when heard Alphonse saying this.

Then without wasting more time, he urged both of them to state their business, "So what are you kids want to do, I heard this little one had something for me".

"Mr. William, I have made a story for children column in your newspaper and I hope you can publish it for me." Al took out his manuscript from his backpack and gave it to William.

"Toy Story?" He said and take his story and began to read it. After waiting for at least 20 minutes, there are many expressions painted on his face, bewildered, surprise, smile, and last is a bit frown.

Saw this, Al began having a cold sweat 'does the story not good?' Then William has read this story and glare at Alphonse

"Did you really made this by yourself kid?"

"I did sir, is my story bad?"

"The opposite kid, this story is amazing, I have never seen a kid's story so fascinating even myself as an adult interested in it. A moving toy and have an interesting personality in every character on it, this is new and why did nobody ever think of it, and more so, you are still young, you are genius kid I tell you."

"Are you going to publish it then, Mr. William?"

"Of course, why not? Not only that, I can divide this story into pieces, and then I can publish it in the next 4 or 5 weeks. I can give you $1000 for full copyright of this story."

'$1000? Hell, the toy story movie made at least $ 300 million for box office in future and they want to take the full copyright" Al's face turned ugly.

At this moment, Mary began to step in. "I'm sorry Mr. William, we won't sell the copyright, only for the publishing right."

Both of them began negotiating fiercely while Al just became a spectator ' Damn, Mary is scary when she doing this thing, maybe I will think twice when making trouble for her' Blackline appeared on Al's head.

After a fierce negotiation, finally, they got a good deal which is a $500 publishing right, helped to get copyright protection, and promised priority for the next story that Al's going to write. Al and Mary shook Mr. William's hand and left with a smile on their face. They will publish the story on Sunday where most kids are on holiday.

Out of the office, they met with the blonde receptionist and Al took the initiative to say goodbye to her "Bye miss, and thank you for your help" And after the lift's door was open he add another word "And miss, I prefer brunette than blonde, bye!!"

Al had a smile on his face while the receptionist just giggled, "And you are too young for me, bye kid." And Mary just smiled watching from the sidelines.

After exited the building, they went to the car that was parked on side of the road. "Mary you are so scary when you negotiate with Mr. William."

"I had it worse Al." Mary laughed.

"And I got $500 thanks to you, and don't forget Mary, I need to buy a gift for Mrs. K and others."

While driving they passed through the famous TCL Chinese Theatre where usually movies premiere was around. And they went to a gift shop located not far from there. Al bought a football ball for the boys while he bought dolls for the girl.

Also, he bought a snow globe with a Hollywood sign for Mrs. K and a bracelet for Mary.

"Oh is this a moment when you promise to marry me in the future when you grow older?" Mary with a smug smile on her face.

"No Way! This is just a thank you gift, and you will be ol.." Before Al finished his word, Mary cupped both of his cheeks " What did you say, boy!?"

"Nothing." He quickly said.

"Good," Said Mary with a smile. 'Yup, never messed with her again anymore, to scary" thought Al.

While they put their purchased gifts in the car, Al saw the movie poster that showed on a small theatre next across the gift shop. Airplane! Blue Lagoon, The Shining, and Star Wars Ep V. Because those are medium-size theatres, they only showed movies by big production companies.

"Hey, Mary, we still got time before evening right?" He saw the clock only show 12.45. "Do you want to watch a movie?"

Mary also took a look for her watch "Yeah, we promised to go home before 4 pm. Are you asking me for a date Al?"

"Say whatever you want Mary, but I'm interested in watching <The Shining>, we can't watch those movies together with Mrs. K and others, and I can't watch it alone. But you can give me some exceptions right Mary?? Please please please, I want to watch it." Said Al with his killer move, puppy-dog eye.

Seeing Al like this, Mary sighed and decided to make an exception today, "Okay we'll watch it but don't tell Mrs. K!"

"I promise, I don't want to go to juvenile prison yet." He smiled.

After they bought the ticket they went to the cinema and watched it. While Al had his eyes wide open and see-through every scene and analyzed it, Mary had her eyes closed from the beginning of the movie until the end.

On the way to their car, Al kept talking about how amazing Stanley Kubrick was and how good Stephen King wrote a horror story. While they began to drive, Mary who still kept silent all the time made Al pretty worried.

Al decided to ask her "Are you okay Mary, I don't see you talking after the movie end". She took a deep breath and said, "Never Al, never ever, ever took me to watch that kind of movie anymore you understand!!!" Mary said angrily.

"So, you are afraid of the horror movie and ghost then hahaha....". But then Mary showed him an angry look and Al immediately shut up

'Okay I'm fked up' While having a cold sweat

To Be Continued.....

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