

AT Ellis' not so unexpected question, Astrid was momentarily silenced. Mostly because he didn't really know how to answer. As he was pondering over what to say, a certain memory suddenly flashed in his mind. It was something that happened three days ago. Not the lunch he had with Snow and Kiran, but the thing that happened after that.

His mind quickly traveled right at that time.


Astrid glanced at Wulfric, who was currently very focused on driving. Flying cars like this usually only needed an address to be inputted in the GPS system and it would fly its passengers to their desired destination. It's rare for people to actually drive on their own.

Wulfric driving like this only meant that he wanted to get to his destination as fast as he could. There's only one reason, really. Because of the little 'promise' Astrid made earlier. That he would hug the other as soon as they arrived at their apartment building.

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