

LANCE slowly opened his eyes. He was sitting on a chair, the familiar dining room of his mansion in front of him. Feeling the stinging pain at the back of his neck, he suddenly remembered what happened before he lost consciousness. Someone attacked him! 

At that realization, he tried to stand up but he was immediately pulled back down to the chair. He then only noticed that his hands were tied at the back of the chair. 

"Shit- what is this?" he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Oh, you're awake. Good."

Hearing that voice, Lance's head turned to the direction it came from. There, sitting at the bar stool was a man. He was wearing all black. The cap on his head covered his hair and half of his face. He also had a mask that was slightly lowered because of the spoon on his mouth. But most importantly, he was holding onto a tumbler of ice cream.

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