
After the Battle

Naturally, one doesn't just let an unknown being wander about and kill people, even on a battlefield.

"I am your prisoner; I will not resist." I said. He was one of the new ones, barely seven feet at the top of his horns. He was dark brown of skin, but covered in the pale dust that coated us all.

"And what if I decide I want you in my stew-pot instead?"

I shrugged, bringing to mind the minotaur language; it was more elusive than it should have been. "To the victor go the spoils." <1 >

"I don't have a set of manacles small enough for you; run and I will stomp you and bury you with the same movement."

"Fair enough." I said. To quote the old saying, even if I had turned to run, I'd have only died tired.

The rate of my growth, given my age, was far beyond what another could have accomplished. But still, I was far short of a normal warrior, let alone the kind that formed Rakkal's.. I hesitate to call them a personal guard.

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