
Have a Heart

So, I was feeling good, enjoying the cutworms infesting a broccoli plant when I finally found a rodent. 


Oh, my scribe wants to know why I didn't set up a bug ranch of sorts, eating only one or two pests, and then moving around to other plants.  So long as I didn't eat them faster than they multiplied, I could have infinite food.  In theory.

In practice, not a chance.  I was moving faster, but not fast enough; managing eight limbs while walking is tough.  At running speeds?  Nope, recipe for disaster. 

Likewise, while wrapping a leaf (sometimes folded double) around my eyes helped as the moon grew fuller, just not as much as eyelids and tear ducts would. 

Sooner or later, I'd need to walk upright during the day.  And sure, I could live as a scavenger, eventually find something with eyelids.  Maybe.

I liked my plan better, especially with the mouse right there safely within my [Beast Sense].  Now, all I had to do…

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