Chapter Type: Minor Plot, Character Development
It was pleasant to re-acquaint myself with the captaine and crew of the Sharkbite, which was easier because Elkenmoor was no longer part of the crew. Honestly, I should feel like I owe him an apology; had he done anything other than conceal his shapeshifter nature to draw my mistrust?
Jeanne, in particular, was interested in the anti-taint ward and my theories about how to rid oneself of taint.
"You'd never gather so much faith in one place." She said.
"I'm not certain. A level one storage holds three points. That's forty level one storages."
"There are problems enough melding three points of mana. Is faith easier to meld?"
"Harder." I admitted. "But that means that experienced divine spellworkers have to be better at the type of skills involved, right?"