
chapter 15: conquering a goblin camp part 3

As we begin to March I noticed there were corpses of horses I raised my arm pointing to them curious to see if I created a undead horse

"Create undead"

As I say this to my surprise I saw the flesh of the dead horses began to move as they began to stand up then system would appear with a huge smile on her face

"Well done my friend you have found out on your own that you can create undead mounts"

Luck and Luna jumped at her sudden appearance does that happen the undead horses began to approach where we were there were only three of them but they would be more useful and probably move faster than us walking I heard a Luna ask me a calm question

"Jack who the hell is that and how did they do that?"

Luna continue to fly around me over my head as I would respond to Luna well I also try to get on the back of one of the undead horses

"She's my familiar that I received when I was first summoned to this world no she sticks around with me even though I have pretty much said I will not do what alduin said he had planned for me"

System continue to fly over my head and as I would just stir for them to climb on the back of the horses Luna seemed afraid at first but eventually did try luck didn't hesitate even the slightest we all began to move towards where the barricade was we had about 11 hours to prepare until the gallons would come out again to try and gather more resources began to wonder what everyone at the village was doing well he was away

"Luck tell me how do you think your former tribal react to the barricade blocking their only entrance and exit in how fast do you think they would send their troops?

I would say as I looked back at him he had a finger to his face and he was thinking

"Well knowing how impatient my former tribe is they would send everything they had towards the barricade without thinking about the consequences I was the only one who had patience and I was the strongest and no one disobeyed that's the only reason why we've been able to keep ourselves hidden for so long from the two kingdoms but now with me gone they without doubt which Rush the barricade triggering any traps your people has set already and most likely would run into near certain death without even thinking the slightest there are plenty of stereotypes about us goblins butts are impatience and most of us being idiots is not a stereotype and it's more of a fact truth which is why people like me and the shamans have to stay in control of a tribe to keep them from getting themselves killed it's a shamans are leading the charge you can expect some form of strategy but it would mainly be powering up there warriors and letting the warriors do all the work that's why I only brought one shaman with me when I attacked you guys I thought when shaman would be enough plus my own strength being enhanced by their magic which obviously didn't work as soon as he got took it out and the morale boost to my troops went away"

I smiled as this flaw in his plan when he attacked us simply gave us the chance of creating ourselves a very working mind doors were the stereotypic size from my world but goblins don't seem to apply to that I would then look back at look and ask another question

"So are there any other types of goblins besides yours?"

There was a smile on his face as he nodded and lifted up four fingers and then he spoke

"Yeah there's four different kinds of goblins you have what my people are the hobgoblin then you have the frozen tundra goblin then the volcanic goblin and then the bug bear the two that came after my kind you can probably tell what they prefer living location is well the book bears are simply are more stealthy and stronger cousins the frozen tundra goblins for freezing ice magic and have light blue skin and the volcanic goblins have bright red skin and use a lot of fire magic they also ride mounts native to the volcano they live at same with the frozen tundra well bug bears and hobgoblins like me do not have mounts typically and prefer to be quiet moving during night time well the other two will tag at any time they see an opening"

I placed my hand against my chin missing around my small goatee as I thought about what I just learned about goblins back in my world there was only three types a normal Green goblin a hobgoblin and a bug bear but in this world there is four different types which was definitely more interesting than my peoples interpretation of goblins once you made me smile if the weakest creatures besides slimes are more interesting than what my world perceived them as then I can only imagine what creatures that are extremely dangerous like dragons and vampires will be like which then brought a question to my head as I looked over to system

"System is it possible to turn a dragon into an undead creature?"

Luck and Luna's face simply pale that my question as system just flew around my head with a big smile on her face and answered

"Yes my friend you can turn a dragon into an undead creature it would be extremely hard to control but it would be your most powerful minion you could gain not to mention you also could force it to evolve making it even more powerful but you would be better off trying to control a living dragon than an undead dragon"

I raised an eyebrow and then I would simply get a notification it would say

"You have learned about the monster taming skill find a monster tamer to learn the skill basic level"

And then ask system one more question

"And how would I control a living creature like a dragon?"

System smiled as I noticed the faces of luck and Luna began to return to color

"Well my friend it would require you to learn the monster tamer skill which allows you to tame wild animals monsters and creatures such as wyverns dragons and sea monsters but when it comes to monsters they can't be sentient like look for example he is a sentient creature he can think and process strategies the monster team or skill will not work on it which I also do and notice that you anointed him would you like to learn what he gained from that?"

I know this looks eyebrow raised as soon as he heard he had gained something I nodded to system as she sounded like she was going on to a another rant which to be perfectly honest did help pass the time

"Luck was a normal warrior before he met you no he has become a new class necrotic spellsword and he's capable of using magic spells of the necrotic and blood magic spell trees he also gains a 5% attack boost when he is near a undone unit the more undead units he is near the more powerful this boost becomes as well as he gets in if 5% increase to defense and speed all three stats will max out with a 50% increase as well as he is capable of talking to you through telepathy but he also has gained one debuff which is truth he is incapable of lying to you"

All of us looked amazed at the information we just received from system that's when I realized she's going to be a lot more useful than I originally thought we continue to walk as I noticed my connection with paarthurnax was getting stronger which I figured man we were getting closer together then I noticed that he was waiting for us at the end of the road which meant system doing all the talking helped us pass the time quite a bit I talked to the rest of the group

"Looks like we're here already thanks for doing a lot of talking system"

System pouted thinking I was scolding her but then realized I wasn't the smile appeared back again she didn't vanished as we made our way into the little camp that was set up for us I got off the undead horse which honestly I couldn't tell if it was a skeleton or a zombie it seems to be half and half paarthurnax spoke up as he standed in front of me

"My Lord the barricade is fully constructed the trumps have been sent and we already with our archers with bows we are all waiting for orders"

I had a smile on my face as I looked over to Luna

"Luna go join with the archers but take the highest vantage point that they made look you and I will be right behind the barricade to battle any goblins that get over it and finally paarthurnax have three of The archers switch out for swords to help protect the rest of the archers and make sure when a good chunk of their forces are coming up those steps you pour off the oil onto the path downward Luna then you would shoot a fire arrow onto the oil look you will be in charge when I give the order to shout for negotiations and make sure to mention only the shamans are the only ones of their side allowed to do negotiations on their behalf now move out people"

All three of them scattered out to get their orders done and get into position Jack would speak to himself again

"We got about 10 hours max until the battle actually begins so I should probably get some sleep"

Jack laying down with his great sword right next to him in his hand on his lap ready to attack anything that tries sneaking up on him sometime had passed as Jack slept only about 8 hours however when he woke up by Luna he didn't try taking a swing because she was talking as trying to wake him up

"Jack please wake up Jack"

Jack opened his eyes as he looked at Luna which he did something he wasn't expecting himself to do but he was sleepy so he didn't really have an excuse he put his hand on the back of Luna's head and then kissed her which made her face immediately turn red when he broke the kiss she was less speechless then paarthurnax walk towards me and spoke

"My Lord we need you at the barricade"

Jack got up and made his way to the barricade with Luna and paarthurnax right behind him when he got there he saw a group of goblins the group was about 10 people large one of them seemed to be carrying a staff which the look on luck's face was in awe of what he was saying I stepped on the barricade my great sword on my back now as the person carrying a staff seem to be a woman who seems to be staring at luck this woman also seems to be wounded same with a couple other of the goblins. luck spoke up looking at me

"That is one of the only two remaining shaman in our tribe my question is why is she wounded?"

I look down at the wounded party and shouted

"Tell me the reason why you're wounded and why you're up here and not with the rest of yourtell me the reason why you're wounded and why you're up here and not with the rest of your tribe?"

The woman looked down to stairwell as even I could hear the sounds of footsteps heavy footsteps then a voice

"Kill them for our Queen rule to be unchallenged"

Which immediately I talked to parthenax through our connection

"Latest small group through and drop the first set of oil down the stairs"

Without much word the small gate we made for the barricade opened up as I just threw the small group of goblins to start moving through the gates the undead were starting to drop barrels of oil only three as they crashed on the ground the oil slid down behind the small goblin party they quickly ran through as the woman just stared at me while she went through the gate then paarthurnax began to close the gate look immediately jump down to the shaman he looked very worried maybe they were more than friends ad the goblins who were running up the steps seem to not even notice the oil it was a rather large group too but before I could say anything to give an order one of them shouted

"Give us those weaklings and we'll let you live"

This honestly made me smile as I would point to Luna and then to the oil and snapped my fingers she could guess what I meant she wrap some cloth around a arrow she had and then let it on fire with a torch she took aim and shot it into the oil making it spark and all the oil began to turn into fire forcing the goblins on the steps to either retreat or be engulfed by flames then I raised my one hand and then swing it down all the undead archers open fired I then looked at the shaman who seems to be using magic to heal everyone but herself

"You shaman tell me why they were after you"

She seems to annoy me until luck grab her shoulder which then she looked at me

"My sister betrayed me and those who were still loyal to me wanting us dead so she could rule the tribe all on her own"

I signed apparently goblins were about as power thirsty as humans were even though they're supposed to be closer than family according to luck Jack was now staring down the stairs which was pretty much illuminated by all the fire he saw many burning corpses he also saw there were smaller tunnels off the side of this main one which he then saw a goblin peak from behind a cornerand fired an arrow at us it didn't make that far it landed in the fire he raised his arm again to make all the undead hold their fire he looked around saying they only had two oil barrels left he looked at luck who seems to be trying to tend to her wounds

"I could heal her you know"

Luck seemingly wants me to do that just by the look alone at his eyes I could tell I went over to one of the dead bodies that they had brought to replace any of their comrades that's got destroyed I pulled a chunk off as I began to walk towards the woman

"I'm going to graph this onto your skin to help you heal so fair warning it's going to hurt a lot"

Luna luck and the woman faces pale including all of her goblins that were with her

"I'm a necromancer I don't know any healing spells that are typically used so I graph flesh to help heal people"

I knew it was right in front of the goblin woman as I began doing my thing a lot of the goblins that were with her Drew their weapons luck drew his weapon and all of them looked terrified

"This will stop the bleeding but it's up to your body to do the healing"

Jack said as he began grafting the flesh as he noticed the woman bit her lip as her other hand was grabbing at the ground it took Jack a few seconds with her moving a lot but after those few seconds he stopped he finished the graphing and he went back to the barricade looking down the corridor of course a song or a woman with a staff he guessed this was the remaining shaman and the sister who betrayed the woman behind him she had a lot of goblins right behind her our eyes met but the difference between our eyes her seemed more alive and I can tell she could see the death in mine this was probably because of alduin summoning me to this world this woman probably use magic to extend the reach of her voice as she shouted towards me

"Human who eyes speak of nothing but death who are you and why do you interfere in our business?!"

I looked calmly down the corridor as I spoke I didn't mean much to extend the reach of my voice

"I am Jack a human being who was summoned by alduin the god of death but now I have no purpose so now I desire to conquer all the world"

The comments behind me I could tell where afraid and the goblins down the corridor were afraid as well the shaman in a tunnel backed up a little as she then again spoke

"What does a champion of a God have to interfere with goblin affairs!!!"

The fire is disappeared and the corpses being nothing but bones Jack raised his hand and so did paarthurnax we simultaneously spoke

"Create undead"

The corpses of the fallen goblins began to rise and begin making their way up to the barricade

"I desire to make all submit and those who will not submit will join as corpses to my army"

In my couch the amount of undead goblins we created we're around 30. 20 of them belonging to paarthurnax the remaining 10 belonging to me maxing out my capacity for the crates undead spell which meant I had to gain another necromancy spell that allow me to raise corpses even without the fires I could tell just from the goblins down the corridors eyes they were terrified of what they were seen I heard the woman's voice one more time before I could notice the eyes were moving closer

"We will not fall to you human!!"

I began to sigh as I pointed towards the end of the corridor the undead goblins that were coming to the barricade immediately started charging down it their weapons drawn and began combat the sounds of combat rain through the corridor I looked at the remaining goblins they were afraid

"So what will you do after the rest of your tribe is gone and there corpses serving me what choice will you choose?"

Luck look terrified and what I was suggesting he then spoke up as he did I looked at him with a curious eyebrow raised

"They will serve but they have to take orders from a goblin to follow them faithfully so allow me to take command over them"

I raised a hand towards the goblin shaman pointing to her

"Will you agree to that because it do seem luck is trying his best to keep you alive"

There was spirit in her eyes but she spoke with clarity

"I devonna swear the tribe of scar tooth to your service whatever you give an order we will be there to follow on my honor as the only remaining shaman"

I had a smile on my face then I noticed I know ofcation popping up and it said

"Congratulations you have the tribe of scar tooth at your command they will remain loyal as long as you keep your end of the deal of any deal you make with them"

I smiled as I looked at the shaman

"Very well welcome to the empire I will make no I would like you after we're done start creating torches in your tribes area because this place will become a mind to gather resources for my empires beginning and after we have several other minds this one would be shut down for your tribe to live peacefully until I give the call two war"

There was a huge smile on luxe face as he hugged the shaman I guess they were either close friends or more than friends then I got to notification

"Your relationship with luck has increased from 100 out of 1,000 to 500 out of 1000"

My eyes widened at the notification I guess doing this kind of thing would prove beneficial I noticed the sound of combat stopped as I saw the glowing yellow eyes of the goblins continue to move forward

"Well looks like they got through those undead paarthurnax prepare for a battle and all archers start firing arrows down there all warriors prepare for combat all spellcasters prepare to buff your allies or attack the enemy!!"

I shouted at the top of my lungs which rang through the corridor like if someone exploded a huge chunk of the cave and it rang through everyone fall their orders as I drew my greatsword and luck drew his and paarthurnax raised up his shield and his sword I also noticed all the goblins that were with that shaman were warriors as well as they raised their axes and swords this is the real battle now...

Chapitre suivant