
8. Sorting & Hogwarts

"Harry, take a seat." I smiled at Harry who also smiled back. He sat down and we started talking, I put a modified notice me not charm on the door. It will only react to those who come within 20m of the door and will only effect a certain red hair. I already saw Ron walk up and down a few times.

There's no way that he's looking for an empty cabin, he's purposefully looking for Harry.

[He has been confunded by Dumbledore to look for Harry.]

Ah, thanks. I almost forgot that you knew everything.

Me and Harry talked for quite a while, I told him about the wizarding world. I also told him that he shouldn't judge things by their label, I don't want him to turn out like the movie version.

While we talked, a bushy brown haired girl slammed open the cabin door.

"Have any of you seen a toad, a boy named Neville has lost it?" She asked in a bossy tone.

"No I don't think so." Harry answered while looking around. I just pulled out my wand, for disguise, and chanted a spell.

"Accio Neville's toad." Out of nowhere, a frog came zooming into my hand. Harry and the girl stood with their jaw drop. I put the toad in the girls hand.

"You know, it's rude to enter without giving your name. Also, close your mouth, it's not polite." I said as I closed her mouth with a smirk on my face. She blushed while giving a fake cough.

"I'm Hermione Granger, was that the fourth year spell?"

"Well hello Miss Granger, yes that was a fourth year spell. By the way, my name is Luxion Arius, pleasure to meet you." I smiled at her, which made her blush.

"And I'm Harry Potter." Again, it went like canon. Hermione started talking about him, but she soon left while reminding us to put on our robes. Honestly, I don't need robes because Lilith can shape shift.

"By the way Harry, in the wizarding world, never look directly into someone's eyes unless they're less than 20 years old." He looks at me confused.


"Because some wizards can read your mind that way, they can also look through your memories. Also, when you're in a private meeting, don't eat or drink anything, it might be laced with potions." Now he realises the dangers of the wizarding world.

We left the train and followed Hagrid towards the boats. Under the boats was a massive soul signature, it probably was the giant squid that made sure nobody drowned. Me, Harry, Hermione and Neville climbed into the same boat.

"Hey Neville, it's been a while." I greet Neville who smiled.

"Lux, thanks for finding Trevor. I really appreciate it." I just shrugged it off. While I hanged out with Neville, I tried to make him regain his confidence, but he only becomes confident around me.

After the boats moved for a while, we made it into the castles boat docks. We followed Hagrid who handed us off to Professor McGonagel. She gave the same speech about the houses, the sorting, rules and house points. After she left everybody kept quiet until Harry spoke up.

"How exactly do they sort us into houses?" Harry asked which caught the attention of other students. Naturally, I answered with a sweet lie.

"It's a battle. We get paired up and we fight each other. The one who wins gets to stay at Hogwarts, while the one who loses has their memories erased and they're sent back home." This caused a panic amongst them, some even started crying. Me and Harry tried to hide our smiles, but we couldn't so I spoke again.

"It was a joke, we get put in houses depending on our personality. Sheesh, no need to cry about it." I was glares at, but then Professor McGonagall returned and saved me from angry shouts.

"The Sorting is about to begin. Now form a line and follow me."

She then lead us into the great hall, where other students and professors could be seen. I noticed someone that shouldn't be here, but I kept my mask on. All the first years, including me, were gaping in awe at the ceiling that showed the night sky.

"It's bewitched to look like the sky outside. I've read about it in Hogwarts, A History." Damn, she sound like a know-it-all. No wonder Ron was so rude. After all the first years were in the hall, the sorting hat started his song. It was a pretty catchy song though.

Finally, the sorting began. Professor McGonagall brought out a scroll and read out a name.

"Abbot, Hannah."

A pig tailed girl walked towards the hat and put it on, completely covering her eyes in the process. A small pause and then the hat shouted.


The girl walked over to a now cheering house before they calmed down again. Professor McGonagall read out the next name which brought silence to the hall.

"Arius, Luxion."

I strode towards the hat before putting it on, and also dropping my occlumency shields. My vision was replaced by darkness.

'Ah, another Arius! The last time a sorted one of you, they went to Ravenclaw. I believe that would be your mother?'


'You're quite peculiar aren't you? Just like all other Arius before you, but you are much more.'

I'd appreciate if you didn't tell others.

'Don't worry my boy, I keep all secrets safe with me. Although I'd normally have to tell the owner of Hogwarts if asked, but since you are the owner I won't have to.'

That's good to know then. By the way, can you go on with the sorting?

'Of course. Now, you don't have much ambition, but you're quite cunning. You're also quite loyal to those close to you and you're kind to those seeking help. You literally have all knowledge at the tips of your fingers and you're quite intelligent. You're also a brave one, not overconfident, but brave enough. So you're compatible with all houses. This is one of the rare moments where I'd let you choose your own house.'

You can just put me in Gryffindor, also put Harry in Gryffindor, but don't tell him I asked you to. I want to stick close to Harry. No homo by the way.

'So be it then.'


I thunder of applause came from the Gryffindor table as I made my way towards it. I was greeted with pats on the back and handshake. Then all the other students were called and sorted, Susan went to Hufflepuff, Malfoy and Daphne went to Slytherin, Neville sat opposite me and Hermione sat to my left. It was finally Harry's turn.

The hall was so silent, you could even hear a pin drop. As soon as the hat went on his head, it shouted loudly.


Cheers so loud, that I almost went deaf, filled the hall. Harry made his way towards the table and sat to my right.

"Congratulations Harry!" I pat his shoulder as he smiled at me. Ron was also put into Gryffindor. I've been very slowly changing his mentality ever since he got on the train. Now he doesn't see Slytherins as badly as he did in the movie or books.

He just has a neutral impression of them. I've also changed his preference in girls. He now likes blonde haired girls with a haughty attitude and a prefers them to be tomboyish. All of this work done in about 6 hours is quite impressive. Best part about it is that it's untraceable and unnoticeable. Of course, I'm not done changing his mentality, this is just the beginning. I have bigger plans, much, much bigger plans.

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