
Potion making

Timothy and Ortana went down to the basement, so they could practice alchemy. At some point they considered the basement to be a more quiet space, and the best place to relax in too, because the main floor was getting a bit crowded. Well, the mule he had created made it seem crowded, as it chowed down on anything it could get its tongue around!

The mule had a brain of its own, Timothy gave it one, so the mule wasn’t a brainless zombie who listened to every verbal command, no, it was just a mule who was atoms away from being considered normal. Likewise, it behaved normally, and at some point Timothy felt as if he was dealing with a giant puppy who would insist on stealing everything off of his plate! It ate twenty pounds worth of bug meat so far.

“I'm seriously considering putting that bastard in a cell,” He thought, “It may not be as cruel as I imagine it to be.”

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