
Chapter 3.25 - Sunday, July 17th, 11.49pm

It's almost midnight.

With a High-Power LED torchlight that I got from the garage; I head out in the dark with a katana and a dictionary with me on my backpack.

After leaving my little sister at her room… I left a note behind in her room and that man's room— a note saying that I'm going out for a while.

I'm doing so because I don't want her to worry, as well as to let that man take care of her if anything is happening to me.

Speaking of him, since that man is all tied up, I'm sure it'd be okay if I leave him and Restia alone in that house. I also sealed his magic by tying the knife on him along with the chains.

When I close the front door silently, Alpha Fenrir's daughter approaches me.

"W…Where…… go……?"

She seems energetic at this hour.

As expected, she's not fluent in my language. I think she's asking me where am I going at such a time.

'What do you think? Robbing?' or so I was going to say to her.

Let's see… this, this, and this…

But with the new set of language that I've learnt after a few hours… I decided to put it to fair use.

"…Farðu… með mig til föður þíns." (…Take… me to your father.)


That's right. Magical beast language.

After I understood its structure, all I need to do is search for the correct words through the dictionary.

"… Don't be surprised. I'm now learning your language." I said to her.

"Hvers vegan… viltu sjá föður minn?" (Why… do you want to see my father?)

Though Alpha Fenrir's daughter did felt surprised for a moment… but— with her now standing in front of my way… the surprise she had earlier had become nothing but ashes, blown away by the wind.

What does she want…? Anyhow, I will give her my reply first.

"To talk," I said.

“Það hlébarði er lygari...!” (That leopard is a liar!)

I wondered why… she seems shaken for some reason— and to call that snow leopard a liar…

"What's wrong…? Are you disappointed that the fact your father is a contracted beast?"

"Faðir minn ... myndi aldrei hlið við mannvera...!" (My father… would never side with human beings…!)

His father— the Alpha Fenrir wolf— never side with humans…?

"If you hate us so much… Why are you here, then…?"

“Vegna þess að ég vildi hefna sín á föður þínum.” (Because I wanted revenge on your father.)

…I could only heave a sigh.

Ah, shit. Here we go again.

"You came close to me… just because you want to kill my dad, huh…" I muttered. "And…? For what reason?"

"Hann drap móður mína." (He killed my mother.)

Whatever my dad did… I'm sure there's a good reason behind all of it.

"How? You saw it with your own eyes?"

“Ég… sá hann stinga móður mína niður með sverði sem þú hefur núna.”

(I… saw him stab my mother down with the sword you have now.)

"What about your father? He's there with you, isn't it?"

"…Já. Hann er rétt hjá móður minni þegar hún dó."

(…Yes. He's right next to my mother when she died.)

With this… I concede that the snow leopard is telling the truth.

"Was your dad injured?"

"…Já." (…Yes.)

"Was your mother killed in one strike?"

"…Já." (…Yes.)

"My… you are dumb." I inadvertently murmured.


With her angrily glaring at me with her fangs peeked out… I fearlessly reach out my hand and touch her nose instead.

"Why wasn't your father killed, but injured instead?"


"I'm sure you know… dealing with every single one of you is easy for my dad. Yet he chose to kill only your mother— why…? Try to think about it."

“Ég ... Ég mun ekki trúa því…!” (I… I will not believe it…!)

"Then why do you think I should believe in your words, then?"

"Ég………!" (I………!)

"Get it…? Now, I don't know what's the reason behind everything— that's why I need to talk to your father. If your father really despises humans— he would've killed me two days ago right in that forest."


She looks depressed after hearing what I've said.

"…and here I thought you were friends with Restia."

"Við erum…!" (We are…!)

"I see… so you don't hate humans as much as I thought, aren't you? Or else, you wouldn't help that man or me either."

"Þú… Þú gætir sagt það…" (You… You could say that…)

"Oh well… If I don't come back by morning— take Restia and find me in the forest."

"Bíddu…! Þú ert að fara hana í friði?" (Wait…! Are you leaving her alone?)

"Restia is sleeping," I replied. "If you are worried about her… I suggest you could help me to make it quick."

"…Fá á." (…Get on.)

Alpha Fenrir's daughter didn't even hesitate to make a consideration. While sitting on the grass, she lets me hop on to her.

“Þakka þér fyrir.” (Thank you.)

…I could only give my thanks to her.


As Alpha Fenrir's daughter enters the wolf's territory to meet her father, she was told to meet him at her mother's grave.

"…I knew you would come, child." Alpha Fenrir wolf said.

It's as if he's telling me 'As expected'.

It seems my personalities played right into his fangs.

What is his game…? Is my father the one planning everything behind my back…?

"I've come to talk, Dómr."

His ears inadvertently twitch when he hears his name.


Which then, Alpha Fenrir Wolf— no… I should change— his name is Dómr now… he glares at her daughter.

For some reason, I could tell that his daughter had a change in her look— looking depressed.

"Hold it— if you are telling her to leave… I suggest you should tell her the truth." I interrupted.

But before I want to have a serious talk with him, I want to at least let her daughter hear the story of him and her mother.

"Truth…?" He uttered. "What truth…?"

"The truth about your identity… her mother's death… and also my father's innocence."

Following the flow, his daughter lowers her head with sincerity.

Though seeming to disagree at first, Dómr eventually agrees.

"…I will only tell her what she needs to know for now. As for the rest— she's not needed to be here to listen."

"…Do you agree with this?" I asked her.


That's a yes, I guess.


11 years ago, a shipwreck happened on this island.

That ship only had a human and a wolf, which they survived from the shipwreck.

The first thing they realize… is the smell of death— the smell of rotten corpses on this island.

Witnessing such a scene, the kind-hearted human decides to stay and help every magical beast he could find on this island before he leaves.

The wolf, or rather, The Silver Fenrir Wolf— a loyal friend to the human as well as his contracted beast… though disapproves at first, he eventually agrees and helps together with the human.

The human soon researched and found out why the corpses all over the island. It was because of a deadly plague.

However, the human found out that's not the only reason. There are signs of scratches on the dead bodies.

One day, they found a few local Fenrir wolves, looking ill and weak. The human gave them some medicine to soothe the pain while conversing with them. Because of that, they soon know what is going on with this island.

Not only deadly plagues… there's even been a war going on between the White Snake tribe and the Black Cat tribe not too long ago.

Their war ended a few weeks back— where it was said that only a few remaining Black Cat and White Snake remain behind.

Thanks to that, the human immediately understood that the survivors are immune to the plague, he decided to look for them to create a cure.

However, after searching for days— there's no luck— the local Fenrir wolves' condition is getting worse each day.

Until the day— the clash between the remaining White Snakes, Black Cats, and Snow Leopards.

Because of the causalities, the human and the wolf had to save those in need first as they slowly inch their way towards the incident location.

But as they reach, it was already too late. The human saw the two Black Cats crushed and swallowed by the White Snake.

The human understood that there's no room to talk— the White Snake has already lost its mind.

The only choice is to end the cause once and for all.

The Silver Fenrir Wolf kills the White Snake instantly with his fangs.

The human reached out to help those in need— the Snow Leopard King, Snow Leopard Princess, and the White Snake's daughter, while the Silver Fenrir Wolf head to search for The Black Cat.

The wolf found the Black Cat not too far away. The Black Cat is alive but unconscious and heavily injured. But next to her, he saw the corpses of the Snow Leopard Queen, mangled from head to toe.

The wolf then carried the Snow Leopard Queen's corpse and the Black Cat to the human on its back.

He returns, realizing that the Snow Leopard Princess and White Snake's daughter fainted and the Snow Leopard King's lifeless body.

As for the kind-hearted human, he cries and mourns for the death of the Snow Leopard King, who did not survive from the White Snake's poison and grave injury, even if he tried everything.

Later, the human told the wolf that the Snow Leopard King has gave its final words to his daughter— the Snow Leopard Princess, to take their place as the Snow Leopard Queen before he passed away.

The Silver Fenrir Wolf could not bear to witness the tragedy happening to the cat, snake, and leopard— who were orphans now. He wants to take the responsibility to raise them as if they are his own.

The human disagreed at first— but with the wolf pleading again and again for several days… one day, the human finally accepted it just like that.

However, the wolf knows that it was not his pleading that made him agree, but it was something entirely else— the wolf never asks why.

Eventually, after rescuing the magical beasts on the entire island with the vaccine… the human decided to build a house on this island. Which then afterwards, he brought his wife and lived together.

The wolf soon took place as the local Fenrir wolves Alpha, as their leader. From time to time, the wolf would nurture the cat, the leopard, and the snake as if they were his own children.

The Black Cat— her condition has never gone stable ever since her parents' loss, but she accepted the wolf somewhat as her foster father.

The Snow Leopard Princess— takes on the Queen's role, while learning from the wolf to become a great leader.

The White Snake's daughter— now living with the Snow Leopard, offers help to protect the Snow Leopard's territory.

After a year, the wolf falls in love with a local Fenrir Wolf during mating season.

However, in the following year— a tragedy occurred to the wolf's family.

His wife had dystocia.

If it's not for the human's help, both the pups and his wife would've died that day— but because of that, the wife is unable to have children anymore.

Shortly, only one of the four pups remains afterwards— the rest died.

Unable to bear the death of its children, the Silver Fenrir Wolf's wife's mental's condition got worse and worse. She blames the fault of her child's death to the human.

The wolf could never agree to that. Never.

…Not to his saviour and friend.

After two years, the human diagnosed that she had emotional and behavioural disorders, also known as Major Depressive Disorder (MDD).

There's no cure. All the human could do is offer his consolation to his friend, The Silver Fenrir Wolf.

Finally, after another two years— the wolf's wife went mad, even attempting to kill her own husband from time to time.

The human then diagnosed that her mental disorder had ascended to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Finally, after three months— the human, unable to stand the pain of his friend, the wolf— he offered him a choice.

…His decision to put his own wife to rest.

Though the Silver Fenrir Wolf was angry at the human at first... yet after two months, he finally yielded.

The Silver Fenrir Wolf wants to end things himself, yet— how could he do so…?

Finally, offering his final prayers— the human ends the life of The Silver Fenrir Wolf's wife, with one blade straight to the heart.

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