
Chapter 75


It always rains.

Whenever there is a decisive moment in history, rain is always there.

This is one of those moments.

Kurogiri opened up portals on two sides of the battlefield.

On one side stood Axel and his army. UA students, other schools, and actual heroes who haven't lost their shit when reality hit them with the force of a truck.

On the other, Shigaraki and All for One with the LOV and many cannon fodder.

Midoriya wasn't there as he didn't have the will to go on and fight in the war after everything that happened.

After all, heroes and villains, don't exist on this battlefield.

" Guess this is it. " Shigaraki said as he stared at Axel from one side.

" Yep. " Axel said.

They closed their eyes at the same time, remembering the fun they had in the short amount of time they spent.

Red eyes clashed with blue as they stared at each other.

" I'm going to kill you. " They said with smirks on their faces.

Axel acted immediately and spread his domain over the entire field. All the heroes got ready as they steeled their nerves.

The plan was in motion.

Axel split up everyone into multiple groups and put them against multiple people at once. Not all quirks were accounted for, but in most cases, one good punch to the face to knock someone out is enough.

Kirishima displayed perfectly as he rushed into a crowd of people and started slamming his hard fist into their skulls.

"Let's go!! " He yelled.

" Yeah!! " His group yelled as they went straight into the action.

Of course, while cannon fodder is just, well, cannon fodder, in large numbers they will prove to be quite problematic.

So, to compensate for one problem, you use someone who is a problem by themselves.


" HOLY SHIT!!! "



Screams of the fodder were multiplying as the UA students watched with fondness in their eyes, remembering the time they had to face those monstrosities, trying to ignore the obvious.

The zero pointers.

" Aahahhahahahahhahahahaaa... That's right!! Dance peasants!!! DANCE!! " Rat Satan said as he watched from above, laughing at the one-sided mascara he was doing.

The Zero pointers marked forward as they destroyed everything in their path, which of course meant stamping over people, crushing them into paste but those people di decide to fight, which means they were ready for the possibility of death, so this is fine.

" Why... "

" Help... Me. "

" I'm sorry mom. "

Yep totally fine.


Okay, who I'm I trying to fool?

It was horrific.

The amount of blood that soaked the ground, corpses of people whose faces who set in pure terror as they watched in slow motion, as their lives ended by a giant monster stepping on them.

Oh wait, it's just the reenactment of every giant monster story, as they destroy an entire city. Only this time, I'm making an emphasis on the number of people dying.


Oh, that's right, how are the students taking this.

" Die!! Die!! " Bakugou yelled as he uses his quirk to blow away multiple people at once as he kept advancing.

" I'm starting to think letting principal Nezu join the fight was a mistake. " Mina said.

" Oh really, pinky. What gave you that impression?! His psychotic laugh or the fact that he's currently enjoying killing everyone on the field with giant robots?!! " Bakugou asked.

" Both!!! " Mina yelled.

" We have bigger problems to worry about!! " Jiro yelled as she pointed to one of the robots.

The students watched someone break one of the zero-pointers legs, causing it to fall over. The figure jumped into the air and landed on its head, destroying it with punches.

The figure revealed itself from the smoke and yelled in triumph.

It was Gigantomichia.

" Guess it's time for a rematch. " Mina said as she stared at the giant.

" True. " Momo said.

" Yo, guys!! " Kirishima yelled as he ran up to him after knocking out another guy.

" Hey, Shitty Hair!! Now, let's destroy that fucker!!! " Bakugou said with a grin as he licked his lips.


" Fuck off!!! " Mic yelled.

His scream ear raped most of the people on the field as Shinso and Aizawa rushed in to quickly take care of everyone.

Their scarfs wrapped around people as they threw them at other people and towards each other to punch them in the face or kick them.

Bones shattered on impact as they didn't have any time for golding back.

Screams were heard as the cannon fodder rushed towards the three. Aizawa and Shinso nodded as they grabbed the equipment on their belts and threw them.

Sound grenades.

Courtesy of Mei Hatsume.

They were filled with screams from Mic. Upon detonating, they release a blast of sound that blows away opponents and leaves them unconscious due to the loud sound, as well as being permanently deaf. Luckily Eri exists so they can get their hearing back. Now if it only worked on corpses.

However, they do have a range, so people at the lower end of the range only experience some pain from the sound and will be able to attack after a few seconds. But it's still enough time for Mic to knock them out with a couple of punches while Aizawa and Shinso cover their ears with soundproof earbuds.

" I should've had these from the start. Would have saved me so much time? " Aizawa muttered.

" No. You should've used sleep gas pellets from the start. Those would have been more useful. " Shinso said.

" See!! I told you from the beginning, but did you listen, Noooo..... " Mic said as he punched someone.

" Alright. Alright. I get it. " Aizawa muttered with a tick mark on his forehead.


" It's been a while. Hey Uraraka, Tsuyu. " Toga said as she stared at the 2.

Uraraka and Tsuyu were on guard as they stared at Toga with concentrated faces but there was confusion in their eyes.

Toga wasn't smiling. Her usual smile was gone, replaced with a blank face and normal eyes as she sat on a stone. She stared at the destruction ton outside with a calm look on her face.

" You're feeling... sad. " Uraraka said in surprise while Tsuyu kept staring.

" Is that what I'm feeling? Well, my heart isn't into this at all, considering that you'll be dying today. " Toga said as she twirled her knife.

" Why would you be feeling sadness at a time like this? " Tsuyu asked.

" Because the fun will be ending today. " Toga said as she stood up.

" Ever since I let myself go, I've been able to have fun, smile for the first time, and just enjoy life. But now that we are at the end, the thought of making you bleed doesn't bring me joy. " Toga admitted as she stared at her reflection on the knife.

Uraraka and Tsuyu stared at her in surprise.

" Hey tell me, do you hate me? " Toga asked as she looked at the 2 of them.

" Honestly, yes, I do. " Uraraka said as she stared at Toga.

" Yet, I understand you at the same time. After everything that has happened, what you told me at the mansion, makes a lot of sense. " Uraraka admitted.

" I see. That makes things better. " Toga said with a regular smile on her face, one of happiness as she stared at Uraraka and Tsuyu.

Holding her knife, she readied herself as Uraraka and Tsuyu tensed up as well before they charged at each other.


" Yo. How did Rei take the news? " Dabi asked with a smirk on his face, staring at Endeavor and Shoto.

" She took it better than most of us expected. " Endeavor said.

" She admitted that you becoming a villain was partially her fault as well. " Shoto said much to Dabi's happiness.

" Finally!! " Dabi said with a smile on his face. " Seriously, it was always annoying how she kept trying to make things better when she was also part of the problem!! "

Dabi's flames erupted from his body as he stared at his father and younger brother, whose flames erupted as well.

" I'm bringing you back Touya. " Shoto said.

" And what will that do in the end? " Dabi asked. " It won't change anything, but you believe in what you want to believe. "

" Then I will fix my mistake all those years ago. " Endeavor said.

" By killing me? " Dabi asked as he stared at his father.

" No. By being a real father. " Endeavor said.

" Sorry to disappoint, but whatever you try to do, won't atone for your sins. After all, neither can I. Once a sinner, always a sinner." Dabi said.

Blue flames clashed with orange flames.


" Guess All for One couldn't make it. That's honestly rude, I even gave him an invitation. " Axel said as he stared down Shigaraki.

" That's false. I'm right here. " Shigaraki said as he pointed at himself.

" You're All for One? Sorry, but you seem more like Shigaraki to me. " Axel said.

" That's also correct. " Shigaraki said.

" I wonder who I am at this point. Am I Shigaraki? Or am I All for One? " Shigaraki asked as he stared at Axel.

" How should I know? " Axel asked with his eyebrow raised as he stared at Shigaraki. He could see it. The quirk All for One was attaching itself to Shigaraki, trying to take him over but Shigaraki was holding him back.

' Sigh, this is annoying. The original quirk is inside him but the actual human body is somewhere else. ' Axel thought.

' I just need to get in close and steal his quirk. Once I do, it's all over. ' Shigaraki/All for One thought.

" Guess we will have to find out then. So let's see who comes out on top to decide the fate of the world. " Shigaraki yelled with a large grin on his face.

He lifted his right hand and used three quirks simultaneously, sending a large concentrated blast straight towards Axel.

It was blocked however by a simple barrier.

" Fate of the world? Sorry, but this is only for Japan. " Axel said with a chuckle.

" The rest of the world can go fuck itself. "



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