
Chapter 18: Realizations and Decisions

(Mari's pov:)

We Managed to send the shadows (and Shadow Madarame) running, and we retreated to the entrance room to catch our breath. Yusuke sat on a couch, resting. He exerted quite a bit of strength fighting those shadows. I sat next to him, rubbing his back soothingly. Mona was on my other side, looking at Yusuke. Skull was casually leaning on the couch, and Panther and Joker were standing looking at Yusuke as well.

"You've known for quite some time, haven't you?" Panther asked.

"I am no fool... strange people have been coming by for years, and the plagiarism was an everyday affair," Yusuke said.

"But... who would want to admit that the man they owed their life to was doing such terrible things?" He continued.

"Why didn't you leave?" I asked, rubbing his back.

"Well, he was the one who painted the "Sayuri." On top of that, I owe him a massive debt..." He explained.

"You mean he raised ya?" Skull said.

"I... never knew my father. I was told my mother raised me by herself, but she died in an accident when I was three. That's when sensei took me in. I heard he had helped my mother while she was still alive." Yusuke explained. As he continued to talk, I sat by his side, comforting him. By the time he finished and thanked us for showing him the truth, shadows suddenly appeared, and we had to leave.

(Time skip! Brought to you by Dr. Bright's Chainsaw canon (a cookie to those who get the reference)!)

So, after we booked it out of the palace, we arrived at a cafe to continue to talk. There, Yusuke apologized for his behavior towards my friends and me. And, after some more talking, Yusuke joined us as a fellow Phantom Theif!

"Oh! Also..." Yusuke added.

"I noticed that you all had some unusual abilities, other than your personas. Care to enlighten me on what they are?" He asked.

"We... will tell you later..." Ann told him.

"Alright then, let's start eating then... wait... I didn't bring any money..." Yusuke said.

"It's okay, I'll buy you something!" I said to him.

"You are too kind, Mari-san." He said with a smile.

"That kindness might be your downfall, Marinette," Morgana said from Akira's bag.

"Maybe..." I replied, not really paying attention.

"Depends on who she's given' that kindness too," Ryuji put in. I didn't pay much attention to that conversation. But in the back of my mind, I wondered if my friends were right.

(The next day...)

"What brings you to my office today, Cheng-san?" Dr. Maruki asked me as I sat down in the armchair opposite him.

"I just have a few things on my mind..." I said.

"Well... If you're comfortable with sharing... mind telling me?" He asked.

"Well, ever since I moved here, I've gone out of my way to be kind to everyone. But, I'm starting to think that maybe, that's not the best course of action..." I said to the counselor.

"What makes you say that?" Maruki asked.

"I'm just scared that people will take advantage of my kindness and hurt me..." I confessed.

"Why is that the first thing that comes to mind?" Maruki asked.

"Do you remember the first time I came to you?" I responded.

"Yes, you were the first student to see me. You told me that you moved here because of some problems you had in France." Maruki said.

"Yeah... well... I neglected to mention that one of those reasons... were bullies..." I said, pulling up my knees and hugging them.

"You had bullies? In France?" Mauki asked with a surprised expression.

"I know it's hard to believe that a thing as ugly as bullying exists in a place like France, but it's there. My life was Hell in that place. I try not to let the past affect me, but what if history repeats itself?" I confessed to the man in front of me.

"Cheng-san, you can't be worried about what-ifs. You have to live your life to the fullest. You should let go of your past but never forget it. Focus on today, and tomorrow, trust me." Maruki told me. I smiled at him and got up.

"Merci, Maruki. I needed to hear that. I'll see you later," I said, waving goodbye and walking to the exit.

"It's my job!" Maruki responded happily. As I walked out, I wondered if I should ask for some advice on my situation with my cousin. Yes, I still haven't contacted her yet. I know, it's pathetic. I keep putting it off, and I don't know why. Maybe I could shoot her a text? I don't know!

I took out my phone as I walked down the school halls. It was the end of the day, so I could do that. I opened social media and opened Bridgette's profile. I scrolled through it, looking at all the pictures. You see, when my cousin and I were eight, her father (my mom's older brother) and her mother hit a rough patch in their marriage. So, Bridgette's father moved to France to live with my family and took Bridgette with him.

They stayed with us for a year or so, and during that year, Bridgette and I became very close. We shared a love for making clothes, and we hoped to create our own brand one day. We'd spent days designing, and we even learned to sew together. Those were some of the best memories of my childhood. But then, Bridgette's parents mended their relationship, and she had to move back to London. We used to text each other every once in a while to check up on each other. We would share images of designs and clothes we've made and told stories.

I miss those, I need to contact her. Maybe I could introduce her to my new friends here in Japan! I'll shoot her a text after we changed Madarame's heart! I thought this as I scrolled through my cousin's social media. A particular picture then caught my eye. It was a long pink dress with flowers on it (https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=7%2FxdOgFm&id=C960D6F429A6104C2B9F1A98AC7A2CE1EF39BB45&thid=OIP.7_xdOgFmYJ9xMTaEeLVmWQHaKv&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fdpegb9ebondhq.cloudfront.net%2Fproduct_photos%2F63684705%2Ffile_d23e738028_original.jpg&exph=1740&expw=1200&q=Long+Dress+Pink+Flower&simid=608047870696229384&ck=1C854FAF0DDF3DECCDE67C3B79A4A8B1&selectedindex=70&form=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0&vt=0&sim=11). I looked at the description, and I stopped in my tracks.

"This dress was supposed to be a gift to my cousin. I was going to give it to her when I'd visit this summer. Now... all I can do is let this dress collect dust in my sewing room. #I'msorry #Lost #F***suicide #F***bullying."

I stared at the post, reading again. Bridgette was planning on giving me that dress? It's so beautiful. I remember her telling me about a big project she was working on a few weeks before I left France. But I thought she was working on a commission or something. I'm sorry Bridgette, I swear, I'll see you soon!

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