
Chapter 19: Brief Meeting

~Jae POV~

Standing in front of me was one of the crazy backstabbing bitches in RWBY Cinder Fall is here standing in front of glaring daggers at my act as the Happy Man. Man and I worked hard with that persona as well…


Everyone is a god damn critic about my personas.

Turning my attention away from her I began to look to see Emerald is here as I began to speak to her in a normal manner again losing the Happy Man persona, "Sorry about that I thought it was with clients here. Seeing that some of them don't like my act I'll cut it off from there so then Emerald how are you doing?"

Cinder was then twitching her eyes at me as she looked positively gob-struck of my idiotic act that I played earlier as Mercury speak to me in a curious voice, "Whoa Em I didn't know this guy was either stupid or crazy from the way he acted. But why do they act man doesn't seem childish to put on?"

Shaking my head at this as Penny goes over to the rest of the group I begin to introduce myself to her with proper manners, "Sorry about my earlier theatrics that's only usually put on to trick my enemies. Let's have a proper introduction then…"

That was when I began to reveal my identity to Cinder as I know I doubt she will want to listen to me with my act. Best to have her on her good side for the time being or at least till I managed to use <Mind Control> and use <Aura Amp> to increase its effects.

But once I get Yatsuhashi's semblance of <Memory Wiping> it would only be that sweeter for me in the future. And remember in the novel that with that and the added boost of <Aura Siphon> from Gillian at the time left her older brother in a vegetive state not even fully recovered after that.

At least according to the novel from RWBY of Before the Fall and After the Fall of Beacon at least. But still having a power half-maiden class character under my belt is pretty impressive as it is.

Recalling the events of the novel Jax managed to just hold his sister's hand to force her to give up all the aura she had to him to keep his control. The effect was she was struggling to control something rather common with his victims.

But I can use the same abilities as Jax did with his <Mind Control> under my control and also adding that with <Aura Amp> I can have the boosted version of that. But remembering the effects only last for about with its effects lasting for extended periods, lasting from weeks to even months.

But that isn't without its weakness however as well and that is when used on others, their Auras take on a nearly identical appearance to his own. This means that if Cinder takes any damage people around her will notice something wrong and make the connection right away that she is under my control.

Anyone that can sense aura can do the trick really and revealing that at her this early does carry its own risk. But still, it wasn't made obvious that much in the novel because they have a hiding place to afford to.

Fortunately for me though <Mind Control> allows me to dominate the wills of others I make physical contact with. This is typically achieved by telepathically influencing their minds in the form of pushing a subconscious suggestion to them.

I don't need to control her I just need to influence her actions that support my motives or else this might come back to bite me in the ass if I'm not careful. I need to properly test the true extent of this semblance at a later date.

Going over to Cinder I act properly like a gentleman as I managed to get closer bowing to her on my knees as I manage to hold her hand giving her the satisfaction of her knowing she's in control as I spoke, "I dearly apologize for my earlier acts, my lady. If I had known that our client was a serious one, I wouldn't have gone through with that charade I pulled earlier. I would've been straight-out honest from the start. I'm known as the Happy Man or my original name Jae Green."

As I was holding her normal human part, I began to use <Mind Control> and <Aura Amp> to influence her mind already by giving her the following commands as this effect will last for weeks or months so long as I have physical contact with her.

The following commands I gave her in her subconscious suggestion were the following…

'Forgive all actions of Jae Green and Penny…'

'Allow much freedom to Jae Green and Penny…'

'Keep them up to date on plans…'

Those were the only thoughts I filled in her head for the time being as I don't want to get caught with her and Salem against me for taking control like this. I highly doubt <Mind Control> could even control Salem.

However, my semblances did work as her eyes began to become softer towards me as she began to talk to me enjoying being in control, "Hmm…. Very well then Jae Green… I'll be sure to add you in my plans but for now though I don't your help for the time being. I just need you to be ready when I want you to during my plans but as of right now though I suppose learning of the first year's students would do."


Only nodding my head I began to underestimate what she meant by her words.

She already conducted a background check on me or at the very least about the first years in Beacon Academy as she already knows about me. Fucking Arthur Watts, I'm going to have to do something about their networks at another time.

As this was going on, I see that Emerald talking to Penny as she explains herself to her in a similar happy tone as Roman began to explain to Cinder about Penny, "And that right there firecracker is Penny's supposed secret weapon of Atlas an android in plain sights. Man, I wonder how these people make such freaks."

No kidding from me there but then again though Penny is an android created by her father, Pietro Polendina, with the aid of the Atlas Military and James Ironwood. Designed to be the first synthetic person capable of generating an Aura.

Of course, it was after I took out the original and replaced it with my own that made her more manageable along with the fact that reprogramming would be more helpful for my cause to have a true loyal ally.

But still going to the crown has been more than what I ever dreamed had to happen to get this powerful in this short amount of time. Especially the <Mask> semblance helping my ass out in times like this hiding my true power.

While I have gained a lot in the power of the aura department, I need to still train my body physically at least in proper conditions.

With that done with I began to move towards Emerald as she seems to be done talking to Penny as I made my appearance as I spoke, "So them Emerald how ya been working under Cinder? Pretty good was it?"

She shakes her head towards me as she shivers a bit from her as I took an interesting expression on my face as she spoke scared even, "Your kidding right Jae? Working under Cinder is anything but scary for her. One mistake and that would be the end of little old me ya know. But still thought what she has plan… is certainly something that's for sure."

Nodding my head at that yeah I would agree it would take some level of skill to get to the level of Cinder. Power-wise though I could safely say I can match her in terms of power and versatility technique and experience is what I lack.

While talking to Emerald I finally took notice of Mercury as I finally noticed the guy I spoke to him in a dry voice mocking him even calling him by his family name, "Well I'll be damn. If it isn't Mercury Black the father of a bastard –"




That was before he tried to attack me with a swift kick to my head as I casually moved to the side and grabbed his feet that attacked me then slammed them down to the ground as I finish, "That was rude ya know. But as I was saying you are that bastard son of Markas Black the good old drunk assassin ass man?"

Mercury was breathing under his breath with clear temper issues but soon cools as I watched him with a cold gleam in my eyes and Penny already having her weapons at the ready to end Mercury as I told the kid in a cold tone, "Like I said kid you are that bastard son of Markas Black… the good old… drunk assassin… ass man…"

Suddenly getting distracted like this and getting triggered he could only grunt as I relented his robotic feet to him as he scoffs at me going away while Penny lowers her weapons, "Tch. You only got lucky you mask-wearing freak."

Sure, sure whiney baby bitch.

Talk to someone who gives a rat ass…

Oh, wait I forgot you killed the guy so sad with no friends or parents too-

On second thought scratch that as I kind of did the same but earlier than him so…

Yeah, might not want to compare his life to mine own.

That was when I heard a burst of light laughter from Emerald as she mocks Mercury for being scolded like this, "Bahaha! Oh! Man having you around Jae certainly makes my day seeing the whiney bitch Mercury shut up. Have got to teach me how you do that."

"Fuck you Em!"

Ignoring the clear threat to my pawns for now Cinder seems to take delight in this amusement but I digress to them explaining their next steps as I lend Penny to Roman and Neo for the next few heists for her to learn under their ropes as I have Beacon Academy to attend soon.

But either way, the night was called off right after I was introduced to the plans which were fine, and even have Cinder contact info. But I did command Penny to work with Roman and Neo for a while as I need to return to my classes in Beacon Academy soon.

Looks like Ozpin finally had enough time of me being suspended after that stunt I pulled with him against Cardin and my protest bullying against the bully. Go figure about that one but I got the amount of time I needed to get what I needed.

Now the only real questions were to infiltrate inside Atlas to get the Winter Maiden power to Penny to get the Relic of Creation. The other is getting a new Spring Maiden or Raven to voluntarily open the doors to the Relic of Wisdom.

I'm going to need both of their powers for me to work to get a free ticket out of this world for good. But I still have to keep my guard up for the time being as having my aura being extremely vast in reserves and semblances to use doesn't mean I'm strong only tuff.

Guess the only way to find out is to catch Raven by surprise for that to work…

Fortunately for me, she does make an appearance once volume 2 starts and by then I'll be prepared to force her to become my literal bitch by command. With her, I'll have an easier time hunting down and fleeing when I need to be out of Beacon.

For now, though I got to have patience for the time being…

I just need to bide my time a little while longer I just have to wait…


A/N: Currently the MC is just biding his time for him and waiting for the benefits to reap the rewards of what's going to happen next as well as plan ahead of what to do next.

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