
The Date

School, work, home, sleep and repeat. That is my life, with a little spice up here and there. Sometimes I don't have classes so it's just work and home, or sometimes I don't work so it's school and home. Rare occasions it's just home, and on a rare occasion is when I met Will.  He is all I've been able to think about for the last few days, even when taking notes in biology I stem off into my own little world thinking of him, not that it's odd of me to zone out. Even at work between cashing customers I would often get caught staring at the clock on the computers, seeing it count down the minutes till the ever so anticipated Friday. These feelings are normal right? Of course they are, I could only imagine a sociopath wouldn't feel anxious about a dinner date with someone of Will's status. 

I think I'm really reaching 'out of my league' like the kids say these days. I'm confident enough to know I'm not necessarily unattractive. However, when compared to him, I'm nothing short of a side character. I'm 5'10, and yes turns out he is actually 6'2. I have a swimmers build to say the most, no fat really but minimal muscle to accompany. I'm tanned and have this dark brown hair and deep brown eyes that I rather despise. If there is one feature that I find the most mesmerizing I would have to say it's someone's eyes, they really are the window to the soul, and they can never tell a lie. My eyes however, are quite uneventful. Anyways, there is also a small age gap between us, one we both have agreed isn't something worth thinking about. I'm 19, nearly 20 in a few months, while he has just turned 22  just last month in October, October 14th to be exact.

I can hear my poor stomach growl as I sit down on my lunch break. Although I intended on making one more sandwich, I had been to side tracked to actually do so. Not to mention this morning I almost did, but reasoned that it may be better to not eat as I would be that much more hungry for my dinner tonight. If there is one thing that really kills my appetite, it's being nervous. So, to counteract my nervous loss of appetite, I'll make it so my body craves the food far more than it can handle. It's stupid and not healthy I'm fully aware, but there is at least a method to my madness. I lay my head in my arms and sigh as my stomach let's out another howl for nutrition, it's only four, meaning I have another five and a half hours till I see him and I don't even know what to wear. He texted me the name of the restaurant, The Queens Corridor, it's just a couple blocks over from the cafe and is quite a nice establishment. Will also told me to just dress casual, which is how I always am, but I don't imagine that the standard long sleeve knit and casual pants would exactly suffice. My alarm goes off to let me know my lunch is over, I swipe back in and take a deep breath pushing open the doors, it's 4:30 now, "Only five hours left, that's not to bad". I say lying to myself as I make my way to my till.


I run into my house, throwing the door shut behind me which sends Mycroft leaping off my couch. I'm panting out of breath as I look at my watch, 9:10. Work had run a little later than I thought, and I could swear I have never hit so many red lights as I did tonight.  Will is gonna be here in twenty minutes and I haven't even begun getting ready! I run upstairs throwing my outfit onto the bed, black dress pants, a nice black long sleeve with an accenting grey cardigan and a white scarf. My sister was right, I have a horrible sense of style. But, that isn't the focus right now! I bolt into my bathroom and whip out the shaving cream and razors as I strip and hop in the shower. A light rinse while I shave the hair that has miraculously grown on my face in the past five days, then I'll do my hair as I dry up and put on my clothes. Multitasking and time management at its finest! 

I turn off the faucets and check my face in the mirror, smooth and well done, despite the small cut just under my chin, but it's no matter it didn't even bleed noticeably. The clock ticking in my kitchen mocks me as I once again look at my watch, 9:24. He's gonna be here in almost five minutes! I waddle back to my room and see Mycroft nonchalantly laid out across my pants,"Mycroft, I understand you're making yourself at home, but today is a big day and I really need you not to lay on my clothes right now!" I lift him off my pants, which he returns with an annoyed meow, sulking as he walks farther up my bed and lays on my freshly cleaned pillows. I begin to dress as quickly as possible, one leg into my pants, my arm in the long sleeve and the scarf in the other when I hear my doorbell chime downstairs. Now I'm panicking as I pull on my outfit and yell as loud as I could,"Coming!". I bolt back down the stairs and collect my composure as I open the front door. I am caught far off guard by none other than William, dressed to impress on my front doorstep. His hair slicked back like mine, but is shining in its beautiful chocolate glory. He's wearing blue dress pants accompanied by a stunning brown leather belt and equally stunning brown dress shoes. His top of choice was a standard white button up that gave him an ambient glow in the right lighting. I was seized in awe with my jaw dropped as he chuckled,"You look very attractive as well Mason." I smiled and stepped aside, trying to think of a way to cool the burning in my cheeks, "Please come in, I was just freshening up." A half lie, but I'd rather focus on the truth of it. He came in and sat down on my living room couch as I went to the cabinet next to the TV stand and sprayed on some perfume. "You have a cat?" I smiled as I tediously began to organize my shelf, "Yes but also no. He is a stray that I've been trying to adopt. However he can be quite stubborn in his independence. I'm sorry if he is bothering you." I turn back to Will but see no Mycroft in sight as I look around the living room. "Oh I haven't seen him yet, just there is some fur on your clothes so I made the assumption." He smiled at me innocently while I attempted my best to not burst into tears with embarrassment, "Ah yes the mark of a true pet owner!" I ran into my kitchen where luckily I kept a spare lint roller and began to tug off all the cat hair,"Can I interest you in a beverage?" 

"I would love one, however we are heading out to dinner so I think I can wait" Right! That's why he is here! I pat myself down once more and walk back into the living room, only to notice his eyes are scanning it intensely. 

"Something the matter William?" He turns to me abruptly and shakes his head smiling,"No no, just I like your home. It's cozy, and very well decorated," he said that while staring at my little stuffed squirrel I have sitting on my wall shelf. "Well what is your house like?" He turns to me kind of sheepish in nature, and avoiding eye contact,"It is much larger than this. That may sound nice but it really isn't, it's far to vacant and lonely. I'd much rather prefer a place like this, but my parents roof, their rules right?" I smile leaning against my wall. He's very humble, although he has told me that his parents have it well off. He however wants nothing to do with the money, nor the family business, which I'm not sure what exactly it is. I stretch out my sore back a bit as I walk over to him,"Shall we get going now?" He nods and stands up, following me out the door as I lock it, turning to see a rather luxurious black car. It kinda looked like an old-school taxi, but painted over and a redone leather interior. "My chauffeur's name is Scott, I think you'll like him. He's funny but can be a little arrogant so please be patient with him." He chuckles as he walks me to this car. Isn't he aware not everyone has a chauffeur to drive them around, or is he just used to my jaw dropping already?

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