
Trust and Leadership 2

It felt like the noises in the room were quieting down as if everyone was listening to her conversation with Aria. The air drew tight between them and Sarah could feel their anticipation in the air. They were waiting for her to do something, waiting for her reaction, and she decided to wait...

"I'm sure she can behave better than you at least," Gail said with a gentle reprimanding tone that evoked respect, "At least, Sarah had the decency to greet you what you two were introduced. You barely did the bare minimum. I'm pretty sure that this is not what your parents raised you to be like..."

Sarah remained silent sizing up Aria, who turned to Gail with a look of anger on her face.

"Oh, please Gail don't be upset without Aria, she only acts the way she does because she's concerned about the future leader of our family," Said an older man as he approached their group with a smile leaning close to a smirk.

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