
In Wizarding World With Wishes

Auteur: Being_Humble
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Reincarnated in Potterverse seven years before harry.......and politely waiting for the cannon to start. Seriously, didn't want to risk messing with the plot without powers and actual MAGIC.

3 étiquettes
Chapter 1A Life After Death

To tell you the truth, I am already dead.

Well, no actually, it was a natural death. Nothing out of ordinary happened. I died out of age.

Then I came here(Reincarnation Counter), there are many counters like HELP DESK, WORLD SELECTION, just like we see in banks.

I go to the help desk to get the basic information. You know, if you want the best of the best in any schemes, the most important key is information.

Manager:: Hello!!!! So you are one of them??

me:: Oh! well yes...

Manager:: How may I be of help to you?

me:: well I wanted to know, if possible, how do all of these works so I can get things done.

Manager:: There are counter you have to visit if you want something specific for that option, if not then don't visit them. It will be random. And not everyone can see all counters. The one you can see are the only options you are made available for you to select if you want to. And there is a trick to it. Those that are sane enough to come to help desk are able to see a very special counter, let us see if you can visit to it.

Then he took me to a counter with no one managing it. It says the WISH COUNTER. He reaches the manager sit and again welcomes me to the new counter.

Manger:: Well your all works shall be done on this counter by me. Choose your world, fictional that is, no cross overs, the exact same as you know. Choose your timeline. And i shall grant you three wishes which doen't change its cannon. You have half an hour to think.


me:: Harry Potter world. Seven years before Harry Potter got his Hodwards letter.(So that my education is completed before the cannon.)

First wish:: I want to be born in a british wizarding family having no relation with voldemort and no casualty in the war due to death eaters.(Don't want to be spied by the Greater Good guy.) with all my memory intact and Occlumency.

Second wish:: I want to be a naturally born animagus of thunderbird.

Third wish:: A wampus cat as a pet during my Hogwards shopping for first year that can change its shape into a black cat.

That is all.

Manager:: These can all be done. When you bond with wampus cat or any mythical beast you can gain its anamigus if they deem you worthy. since you are a natural born anamigus of a thunderbird. Now of you go.

Then he opened the gate to let me be reincarnated.

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