
A Battle With The Galar Champion?

Pokemon: Wandering Soul Chapter 1

Ghosts, a part of the supernatural, mysterious on how they formed, where they came from. Are ghost type Pokemon souls of dead humans? Do they come from the Spirit World to lure innocents to be their food? This is the story… of a Ghost-Type specialist.

Kalos, Lumiose City

Soul Ecto, an 18-year old boy, with lavender hair and eyes, wearing a light purple jacket on top with a white shirt with black jeans also wearing a pair of lavender and black striped rubber shoes, was walking out of the plane in Lumiose Airlines. He came from Alola. He was an orphan, neglected and abused, but that didn't stop him, he had a goal, to become strong. He didn't need to become champion, he didn't need to prove ANYTHING to ANYONE, but himself.

At first, he was driven in revenge, but now with his Pokemon, he changed himself for the better. His best friend, Hunter, the Shiny Decidueye was there for him from the start, never leaving his side along with all of his Pokemon.

Soul went out and called a taxi to go to the Pokemon Center. He just fiddled with his Rotom Phone which had Zap, the Rotom, inside of it.

After an hour, he was dropped near a Pokemon Center and he went to Nurse Joy and asked a room. Nurse Joy then took his Trainer ID and gave it back to him.

"Would you like to register in the Kalos League, sir?" She asked politely.

Soul quietly thought something. 'I think she thinks I am a new trainer. I did complete the trials but it didn't register in the ID…'.

Soul shook his head. "I am just here to look around Kalos, sorry." He said.

"Oh! No need to be sorry, sir." She said.

"I can't decide for now but I will consider it, anyway, can you heal my Pokemon?" he said revealing 6 Pokeballs. Nurse Joy seemed to gasp, his assumption was correct, he supposed.

"Oh, I didn't challenge any gym, I came from Alola." He said simply. Nurse Joy seemed to understand.

"So, you tried out the trials, sir?" Nurse Joy asked.

Soul nodded. "Yes, I completed the trials, there wasn't any "league" in Alola though, it was just an ordinary tournament." Nurse Joy proceeded to take the Pokeballs and gave them back to him.

They talked for a while since nobody was going to come for a while. It was a nice chat but it ended because Soul wanted to roam around Lumiose. They exchanged waves and he went to the center, Lumiose Tower, where the Lumiose Gym resided.

He went there and noticed there was a huge crowd but ignored it. He was minding his own business until he was pointed by a guy with purple long hair who also wore a hat.

"Hey! Can you come here for a minute? I need your help with something." He said.

Soul sent a questioning glance at the man before he was sent menacing glares by the crowd which made him furrow his eyebrows.

Soul sighed with Hunter snickering in his shadow but still was ready for anything. There was a small stage which heightened his curiosity further. He was escorted by a woman who had an "assistant/secretary" vibe with her glasses and clothes. He now stood beside the man in the middle of the stage while the crowd was still sending him menacing glances.

He has seen some scarier things than those glares, him being a friend of many ghost types.

"Can I ask for your name?" He said. Soul just gave showed him his ID card.

"I am Leon, Champion of Galar and you, Soul Ecto, will help me demonstrate… a POKEMON BATTLE!" He shouted which made Soul widen his eyes. The crowd screamed in excitement to see a champion battle, LIVE!

Before Soul got any say in the matter, he was again ushered by the assistant to the battlefield.

He was now standing in front of the champion named Leon, he knew this person, he met him alongside Elios a long time ago. He seemed to not recognize him.

Well, he was uninteresting to look at.

"This would just be a 1v1 battle, is this fine with you?" Leon said with a smile. Soul was ticked off a bit that he was just technically, in a way, forced, to do this.

Soul nodded and saw that the same woman was in the field.

"The battle between Champion Leon and trainer Soul Ecto will now begin!" she said. As she said that a Charizard was flying through the air and roared and let out a Flamethrower which made the onlookers look at the Charizard in awe. It landed in front of Leon which made him smirk.

Soul forgot about the ego of the Galar Champion. Soul raised an eyebrow on the seemingly epic entrance the Charizard did which Leon noticed and only grinned.

Soul shook his head. He didn't like doing this because it made him look like an arrogant person.

"Come out, Hunter." He said as he let his hands into the pocket of his jacket.

The crowd seemed to be confused that he didn't show a Pokeball. The woman was about to say something only to be interrupted by a shadow that came from Soul as a small pillar of shadows erupted from the battlefield that sparkled and showed a hooded owl.

Leon and the Charizard seemed to be impressed while the crowd was impressed with some saying that he is a show-off.

"Okay Charizard, show the crowd what a powerful Flamethrower looks like!" He said to his Charizard. The Charizard dashed and flapped his wings and a huge torrent of flames came out from its mouth.

Soul was now annoyed, was he just showing off? Soul shook his head and commanded his partner something unusual.

"Spirit Shackle." A simple command was said to which Hunter nodded. He had an archer like stance as he knocked a feather arrow. Hunter let go of the arrow and it flew at high speeds with a ghostly aura surrounding it.

It collided with the Flamethrower and miraculously overpowered the flames as the arrow passed by Charizard and looped and hit the Charizard shadow which made the Charizard grunt in pain.

Leon wasn't showing it but he was surprised at how his Charizard's Flamethrower was overpowered. The crowd was both amazed and enraged.

"Hunter, follow it up with a Phantom Force and Leaf Blade." Hunter followed his partner's command and slowly went into the ground. Leon was also surprised by this.

"Get ready Charizard! Counter it with a Dragon Claw!" His Charizard's claw was filled with dragon energy as he readied to counter.

Hunter appeared out of nowhere and hit Charizard with a Leaf Blade which connected with a Dragon Claw. A shockwave was made in the air as Hunter pushed Charizard back which surprised him again.

There are many surprises here, it seemed.

Hunter flapped his wings and landed with Charizard doing the same.

Charizard just stared at Hunter who also stared at him.

It continued with Leaf Blade and Dragon Claw clashing together. There was occasional Dragon Pulse which Hunter easily dodged and retaliated with a Sucker Punch and Shadow Claw. It was a heated battle, even though it was not an official one. The Charizard was panting a bit as Hunter was just fine.

There weren't any scratches on Hunter to which Leon was slightly annoyed about.

"Wanna settle this in one move?" Leon offered. He was just here to entertain his fans anyway, he had somewhere to go and it somewhat ticked him off that a grass type was seemingly beating his strongest Pokemon, a Fire/Flying-type.

Soul just nodded, he also had somewhere to go. Coffee jelly was now in his mind. Maybe he can make another recipe for his Pokemon to enjoy too. He was eager to try and make some Poke Puffs.

"Okay, Charizard! Sunny Day with Fire Blast!" Leon said. Suddenly, the atmosphere became a little hotter as the Charizard readied a powerful Fire Blast that was boosted by Sunny Day. The crowd was now excited, some of the people in the crowd said that Soul didn't stand a chance which made

Hunter annoyed that they insulted his trainer.

"Hunter, counter with Shadow Blade," Soul said which made the crowd confused along with Leon. Shadow Blade consisted of using Solar Blade and Shadow Claw.

How did that work? Even Soul didn't know.

A green and purple blade formed at Hunter's wings as he readied his move.

Finally, the crowd cheered as Charizard let out a huge Fire Blast and Hunter swung his wing downwards as he released the Shadow Blade. As the moves made contact with each other, a blinding light covered the battlefield which made both trainers cover their eyes along with the crowd.

As the light faded, the Charizard was standing albeit REALLY exhausted as Hunter was just standing there, with a bit of dust on his feathers, not even that tired. Hunter was going to tell Soul to clean his feathers after this and eat a Rainbow Poke Bean.

The woman was awestruck at the battle, along with the crowd as they cheered for the epic battle.

Leon took out a Pokeball and returned his Charizard who was exhausted from the battle while Hunter just went back to Soul who did a high five with him with a smile.

"That was a great battle! I hope we can meet each other again and fight in an official match." Leon said as he approached Soul with a hand stretched out as Soul awkwardly accepted the handshake.

"Yeah, I hope so too," Soul said as he did a quick fist bump with Hunter.

"Is that Decidueye your only Pokemon?" Leon asked as he was curious about his team. If they were anything like Hunter, it would be a tough battle.

"I am a specialist. I specialize in ghost types." Soul said, not wanting to reveal his team to the champion. Leon just sighed. He wasn't going to get anything out of Soul.

Leon smiled as he waved at Soul and told his fans that they would get their autographs and pictures.

"Well, that was interesting," Soul said as Hunter hooted in agreement. Soul then felt something he has experienced before… excitement and joy. Soul then had a flashback on his journey in Alola, it brought back nostalgic feelings.

"…hey Hunter," Soul said to the owl as he got his attention.

"Do you think we still got the thing for battling?" He said. Hunter let out a loud hoot that said 'OF COURSE!' to which Soul smiled and looked up in the sky with both hands on the pockets of his jacket. He shook his head and it seemed like everything stopped. His eyes glowed purple.

"Kalos League, here we come…"


Author's Note:

What do you think? This is my first time to write a fanfic. About the update schedule, it would be random but I will try to post a chapter weekly, even if this doesn't work out the way I imagined.

About this fanfic, it would be somewhat of an AU, it won't follow a set series of events in canon but will still steer at that direction. I would just create the events myself and use some inspirations.

If you have some complaints, point it out but if your complaints are just you throwing some stupid hate and death threats (Yeah, I have seen some people do that.) then just don't read this. I just need to release my imagination anyway.

Thanks for reading!

Please visit https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13691207/1/Pokemon-Wandering-Soul to fully experience it...

(This is the Re-written version)

DarkTSMcreators' thoughts
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