
Chapter 348 - Vine Invasion(Part 5)

Damn it, there's just no end in sight to these vines! I keep using Delete to get rid of them, and then a few seconds later, several more pop up and surround me, as if I'm stuck in a freaking loop or something. This is starting to get old real fast. 

The vines may be trapped within the Disintegration Field, but...to be frank, can we really defeat this thing? It's even more powerful than it was the last time I faced it, and I nearly died back then. 

I have Accelerate maxed out and I'm in my Unleash Anomaly form, so I'm going all out, prepared to respond to it showing up at a moment's notice...but what if this isn't enough? And after everything I've seen and heard about this thing, that seems to be a very real possibility. 

As I took out a few dozen more vines and continued heading forward as fast as I could, I grimaced as even more vines than I'd just taken out burst up from the ground, surrounding me. Tch, is it trying to make me use up my XFE? 

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