

A few hours later, Olivia's eyes stirred as she seemed to be waking up. Releasing a long yawn, she expelled the pent-up, stale air from within her lungs and slowly opened her eyes.

Making out her surrounding with her blurry vision, it took her a few seconds to gather her thoughts, 'Hmm, did I fall asleep?'

Stretching out her arms in reflex, Olivia then corrected her posture and sat up straight. She then used her hands to massage her neck, which had grown a bit stiff from her odd sleeping posture.

Partway through the massage, when Olivia had regained a sufficient amount of her mental facilities, a question appeared within her mind, 'Wait a second.'

'My back was leaning against the wall which means that my head should've also been resting against the wall behind me. However, just now, I straightened myself from the side.'

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