

Six years, three months, and twelve days.

That's how long it had been since her eyes had beheld him - the living, breathing version of him, not just the shadowy echoes imprinted on her memory's canvas. 

These were years painted in the vibrant hues of longing and anticipation.

It's been more than a year since she had returned to the vast expanse of the Magus Universe and still she couldn't find him.

Until she found a rumor of him which made her take on a perilous journey deep into the treacherous terrain of the neutral zone, propelling her towards Magus Alliance Outpost near the planet in question.

However, her progress was once again hindered, a roadblock surfacing in the form of stringent regulations.

"Canta Planet is a green zone. You're unlikely to encounter hostility there, but entering it requires proper clearance," a Magus Alliance officer explained, his words dropping like stones in the quiet room.


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