

Emery wished he could do his potion-making inside the confines of the Khaos space. Unfortunately, he could not. 

The dragon watched Emery exit the Khaos Space silently, unable to say anything against him.

"I apologize, but I really do need to make some preparations for the battle. You can understand, right?"

Emery said with an awkward expression, before he exited through the gate.

Thanks to his nine months trip all over the world, his [Spatial Storage] was filled to the brim with a few hundred new ingredients. If he had to analyze each manually, it would take literal months, but luckily the [Universal Flora knowledge] skill did most of the job for him, so he didn't have to experiment on all of them. What she needed to do was to separate the ingredients into different properties. One category for healing the physical body, one category for strength, one category for healing the mind, one category for the poisonous ones, and so on.

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