
Chapter 40

Arianne watched below her as the city that never slept, and its people went about their day. The Keep and its surrounding areas were being prepared for wedding celebrations, with flowers; that Rhaella had helped her pick out, and candles being placed any and everywhere. Tables were being set up as well in front of the Keep as Arianne insisted the food that was not served to guests be served to common people. Something that took much convincing from Rhaella. They finally agreed that if they were not to mingle with noblemen there would be no issue, so Arianne agreed to have tables set out for them at the gates of the Keep.

She was currently stood over the balcony, apple in hand, mesmerised by how well the people below her knew the roads of the city. They all had their own lives, worries, trials ... she couldn't fathom being ruled by Aerys with little to no money and wondered how unstable the city truly was. And she was also on the lookout for her families – the Stark's – arrival for the wedding which was to be held in a few days. Rhaegar had told her that their party had been spotted a few hours away during breakfast and she had been restless since.

"It's beautiful."

She knew that voice all too well and turned around in a flash, moving to hug Nymella as she neared her. "Hello, you," Arianne smiled following Nymella's gaze to the wedding dress that was spread over a chair.

"Do you think so?"

Nymella nodded, moving her kinky hair from her face in frustration. "It's so hot today!" She moved to the chair and picked the dress up, "was it worth the wait?"

"Absolutely," Arianne ran her hands through the fabric, it was soft and felt like water. There were beads of pearls going up the bodice of the dress, with a golden belt to give the ivory coloured dress colour. During the jewellery presentations, Ashara had gone out of her way to lend Arianne her mother's clasp, Rhaella had gifted a new necklace fashioned in true Targaryen colours and other pieces Arianne knew she wouldn't have the chance to wear.

"Well, I was saving it for my wedding, but that won't be for a while," Ashara sighed, clipping the bracelet onto Arianne's wrist.

Arianne subtly gazed at Ashara's stomach; she was very much so pregnant but refused to tell anyone who the father was. Saying the father already had enough on his plate, a child wouldn't be suitable. "Thank you Ashara, you don't have to."

Ashara shook her head, "it was collecting dust anyway. I want one piece of Dayne to be with you on your wedding day."

Arianne wasn't sure how to tell her that the King was mad, and they weren't sisters, she firmly believed the story Rhaella had told Rhaegar, there was no possible way she could be Aerys and Serena's daughter. It was impossible. But she accepted the gift, thanking Ashara. Both of them had spent much more time with each other the past moon and preparing for a wedding was the best way to do so. From the colour of the candles in the Sept, to seating arrangements, Arianne was happiest with Rhaella, Nymella and Ashara planning her wedding.

"Well ... I came here for one thing and one thing only. I want to know everything about last night. Before your family comes please tell me, I know you won't have time for me then," Nymella pestered closing the balcony doors and sitting down on Arianne's bed.

She shrugged back at her excitable friend – the pair had grown closer now that Alyse had been excused from her rank as a companion. It left Penelope and Nymella as her handmaiden's and Alyse to return to doing whatever it was she did before her arrival ... not that Arianne cared of course. "We just ... talked?"

"Hmm yes, like you and Julian talked?"

Arianne threw a pillow Nymella's way. "I am not deflowered."

"As am I!" Nymella feigned a shocked expression. "No, but I want to know."

"Wanting to know is your issue, not mine."

Nymella huffed, knowing all too well that Arianne would crack and tell her every detail anyway. "Fine. Shall we get you ready to greet your family?"

"He played the harp and then wrote me a poem, and then he did something really weird, he licked-,"

"Every day, my envy for you grows."

"My finger, you animal. That's why I said it was weird," Arianne scoffed, sending a knowing look to Nymella.

Nymella sighed, looking through the neatly folded dresses Penelope had set up according to colour in the trunk, she pulled a blue one out. "I haven't been touched by a man in ... twelve moons! Fuck." She helped Arianne out of her bed dress and into the new one. It was loose fitting and styled more to a design she'd expect someone from the Vale to sport, but it was simple and elegant. "My grandmother has this tactic, before a big event she looks her worst the days leading up to it so that people aren't expecting much from her. And then boom, she comes out looking average and people think she looks beautiful."

Arianne rolled her eyes, "you take after her then?"

"Hey! I think I look nice today!" Nymella exclaimed, touching her hair as she did so. She sat Arianne down on a chair and began brushing her hair out, bottom to top.

She shrugged back, "you're the one who said you haven't been touched in a year."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Nymella asked, braiding her hair into two and twisting it to the top of her head.

"It means-," it was Arianne's turn to rummage through the trunk, she pulled out a sheer yellow dress. "You must wear it. Julian has been giving you the googly eyes for a while now."

"I will not have your seconds," Nymella said, undressing. She was never one to protest if it meant getting to wear something new.

"Fine, what about Oberyn?"

"No, he's insane and never tires."


"I couldn't get him away for long enough."

"Rhaegar told me his cousin is coming to the wedding, an Edward Lannister," Arianne said, tightening the dress behind Nymella with the strings it had.

"I've never met him before," Nymella began. "Let's see if he's cute first if he is will you have Rhaegar introduce me to him?"

"Yes darling, we'll make sure you get fucked don't worry," she snickered, patting her shoulder sympathetically. There was a loud knock at her door before Nymella could respond, Arianne knew by now that it was Jaime signalling for her to come out. She swung the door open, "what's wrong?"

"Your – the Starks are here, they're at the gates."

Arianne let out a squeak, almost forgetting to leave her room without her shoes. She scrambled to get the silk slippers on and then ran as fast as she could towards the gates of the Keep. Her footsteps were followed by Jaime's loud ones and Nymella's smaller ones. Jaime held onto his sword and breastplate as he and Nymella both skipped steps to catch up with her. He had never seen her run so fast and was shocked, to say the least, at her speed. He braced himself as they made their way past the Great Hall and into the courtyard towards the main gates, Once they had reached the gates, they both tried to catch their breaths subtly.

"What – what's wrong with her," Nymella huffed, placing her hands on her hips as she watched Arianne weave through the newly arrived Northern party.

Jaime watched as Nymella struggled to regain her breath, "just so you know. You could get me away if you wanted to. Plus, Eddie's ugly."

Nymella gave him a pointed look, unsure of what to make of his words so she chose to ignore them altogether. "Are you eavesdropping on your lady?"

He didn't know how to respond, "no, you're just really loud."

"Hmm." Nymella paused for a moment. "You are a sworn sword."

"Nobody cares."

"How many women have you slept with?" She moved closer to Jaime, not wanting their conversation to be overheard. They were merely on the outskirts of the muddle that was the arriving party, there were people unloading carriages of gifts, trunks, horses being given to stable boys, people being introduced – Nymella saw Rhaegar's white hair stick out among the grey clothing.

"One." Cersei.

"Have you been with any whores recently?"

"No." Jaime had no intention of sleeping with Nymella but found that the role of Kingsguard was boring. He was allowed to flirt.

"If you infest me with a whore's illness, I will have you hurt."

"I just want to fuck for free Nymella, not marry you," Jaime said to her with a stiff smile.

Nymella sent one back, "how charming."


Arianne felt like she was searching the crowd of Northmen for eternity, she even found Rhaegar before she found her family.

"Arianne, oi!" It was Lyanna, her voice muffled over the chatter. Arianne was annoyed at the way that the party was invited in, there were no instructions, so everyone was doing what pleased them.

She was eventually enveloped into a hug by Lyanna, who nearly winded her in the process. Arianne let out a laugh, "I'm so happy to finally have you here." She had missed Lyanna greatly, being the one who always followed behind her like a lost puppy at Winterfell it felt foreign to find her own ... alone.

"Brandon's married; can you believe it?" Lyanna whispered to her, waving over Brandon, Ned and her father. "And Benjen's gone to the wall but he sends his best and so on."

"Your grace," Rickard said, bowing along with Ned and Brandon to Rhaegar. Lyanna had forgotten herself and thought it too late to courtesy now.

"My Lord Stark's, I'm happy our second meeting is a happy one," Rhaegar smiled, shaking Rickard's hand. He wasn't sure how to address Rickard, thank you for fostering Arianne? Is she your daughter? Is my father crazy? Who knows and who cares! Rhaegar thought to himself, watching as Arianne hugged every last Stark.

"Hello married man," she laughed, ruffling Brandon's hair. "This one I saw only a moon ago, I didn't miss him much," Arianne said, hugging Ned, nonetheless.

She gave Rickard the biggest hug, trying her hardest not to cry, she would have looked silly. "Father," she sighed, Rickard laughed picking her up with ease into a bone-crushing hug. He had missed her. "It's okay, I know the King is mad and what he said wasn't true. I know I am your daughter." She had made sure no one would overhear her words.

Rickard sighed, putting her down and placing a kiss on her cheek, he knew it would be silly to respond in public and worse yet with the Prince present. "I cannot believe you are getting married. I should have never let you go to that Tourney," Rickard joked, though his words were his true feeling.

"No, then we would have never met each other!" Rhaegar joked, taking her hand in his. Arianne let out a coy smile as her siblings teased her. Once the large crowd of lords and ladies were guided to their rooms for the week, Rhaegar left Arianne to speak with her family. "I'll see you at dinner, call on me if you need anything." He kissed her forehead and walking away with Rickard.

"Well ..." Lyanna began, sending Arianne quizzical eyes.

"What?" Arianne asked, her cheeks turning red as she played with her hands nervously. There was an awkward silence, it seemed like everyone had a lot to say but no idea how to say it. "I hear Catelyn is with child, congratulations."

Brandon's ears perked, "thank you. She's coming, just slower and with Lysa and Robert."

"Hello," Lyanna said, moving the attention towards herself. "Can we talk about how I hate Robert and father refuses to change that matter?"

Ned rolled his eyes, "please no. Our sister-," there was a short silence, "is getting married to the Prince of the Seven Kingdoms. Can we talk about that?" He wrapped his arm over her shoulder. "Those two are so conceited it's not even funny anymore. I listened to how much she disliked Robert for days, I refuse to do it again," he whispered to her, leading the way into the Keep.

"Is he going to follow us everywhere?" Brandon's voice from behind them asked.

Arianne turned around to Brandon indicating to Jaime, Nymella was standing next to him.

"Yes, he is my guard. Also, this is my dearest friend Nymella Toland of Dorne." Arianne smiled, mentioning for Nymella to take her hand. "Nymella, this is my brother Ned. Ned is a virgin."



here we go again -.-

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