
Enemy of the Law II [Perez]

the world doesn't play nice. there is no good or evil. there are only the winners and the losers on the big game of life.

officer Perez was too green to know about the ways on which the world works. he was too naive to think that there was nothing wrong with been the good cop on a sea of corrupted cops. he failed to see thing on the right light.

now it has been a month after the accident. it was called the "Good-Will-crash" because the father of the imbecile is known for always ending phrases with those words. he always works for the 'Good-Will' of the citizens.

for the moment no one has attacked Miguel. but he is been observed by others. he is been ignored and threatened by others. silently they await for an opening.

Miguel has quiet nights and days working on the force. there are moments in which he doubts if he did the right thing. then he thinks about the little girl. it was for her safety that he had to act. it was to punish the imbecile who killed her family.

just last night Miguel was on a police bar. inside, there are two police officers who use to be on friendly terms with him. Miguel tried to talk to them. both of them ignored him.

the tallest one is about 5'9 ft tall. a white man on his thirties that comes from a family that has worked on the force for generations. a blonde man with freckles. he has a skinny body that seems easy to break, but he is actually strong. his name is Josh Smith.

the other guy is about 4'6 ft tall. an overweight Latino man on his thirties. the first one on his family who graduates from an university with master's degree. he become a cop when an uncle was attacked on a gas station. the name is Josue Schmidt Rivera.

Miguel felt bad to see that even his friends turn the other way. there was no one to help. he felt excluded from that place. they all treated him like a criminal.

and there he was, Howard Church. the man of the night. the hero on every TV showing the local news channel. Howard came to leave an impression on everyone. he came to show Miguel who is boss.

that wasn't all. Howard looked directly at Miguel's eyes. there was a creepy threatening smile drawn on his face. there was a sinister aura around of him.



Miguel knocks on a door. there is reply. he knocks again.

a white bearded man opens the door. this older man looks like one of those sugar daddies from social media platforms with muscles, stylish modern hairstyle, long beard, a well kept body that looks ten or twenty years younger, and a rough face.

the man who opened the door is Richard McDonald. he is the man who helped Miguel's family on his childhood. Miguel came to seek his help.

Richard was a hero to Miguel. but they both are aware that Richard lose his position on the police force after the incident. Miguel is expecting for Richard's guidance. he doesn't expects much, the tiniest of words can be helpful.

Richard invites him inside of his home. from outside the house looks simple. but on the inside it looks extravagant. it looks otherworldly. there are so much expensive objects including exercise equipment and the furniture.

from the moment that Miguel gets inside. he knew that something was off. he knew that the man he admired was no more an honest simple man.

Richard puts on a mask while playing games. it is obvious that he is just trying to keep Miguel in there awaiting for something to happen.

"you are not even trying. who is coming?"

"the Hammer Giant. I heard he is a beast."

"why? I believed on you all those years. you use to be my hero.... you are the reason why I wanted to become a cop on the first place."

"don't take it personal. the truth is that the man I took down then, he was Howard Church's enemy. your case was the tool to destroy him. I only did my job to take a healthy dose of wealth and retirement... don't get me wrong I like you boy, that is why I didn't even try to pretend. he is going to come for you silently."

"then what do I do?"

"stay on the spotlight. as long as you are on places surrounded by people and cameras they will try really hard to keep it quietly. but whatever you do. Don't go after them, nor those who keep them protected. that is suicide."

"you used to be a paternal figure on my life while growing up. even after the revelation I am not disappointed. goodbye my Hero, I have to be somebody else's Hero."

Miguel leaves. he didn't lie then. he didn't felt betrayed. he knew that if Richard McDonald played for Church, it was for survival. that was enough information to know what is the key on this game. it is all about surviving no matter what you do.

Miguel calls his fiancee. he talks to her while driving. Miguel told her about his worries. he asked her to look out for the girl while he tries to fix things. he didn't enter into many details on the phone.

Miguel realized that he was low on gas. he stops on a gas station. he goes to the bathroom in there. Miguel was taking some snacks.

Josue Schmidt and Josh Smith are on the gas station. they both look at Miguel with a mixture of emotions. they were given an order.

it was to kill Miguel. to make it look like an accident.

Miguel knew what they wanted to do. it was too obvious. he turns around taking his gun out and aiming at them. he screams letting them know that he is not afraid. his abrupt actions surprise the other two cops.

Josue is scare as he tells Miguel that someone is coming. Josh whispers the words, "the Giant Hammer" is coming. Miguel doesn't need to know who the Giant Hammer is. he has heard the tales. the stories about the most notorious Hitman.

Josh and Josue are trembling. they confess that Church threaten them. Josue and Josh stay away from him. they keep looking around expecting the unexpected. there is a long silence like a bad omen.

Miguel takes some things. he pays for everything. he felt something on his chest. Miguel jumps to the floor.

someone from outside starts to shoot with a machine gun. the shooting is abrupt and brutal as it didn't came with a warning.

as a straw doll, the person on the cash register falls. he was covered on blood. there was no hope for that person. and just like that, Josh and Josue also fall on the ground. but unlike the other person, the aren't badly wounded. they only have some scratches.

the fear was real. the mysterious executioner was outside with no care for consequences nor shame. the executioner is Jacob "the Hammer Giant" Einarsson, Daniel Grinberg's henchmen.

Josue looks at a hole on his left hand. he laughs nervously. he jokes around saying that he needs another one to become a martyr. he looks at Josh who is bleeding from both of his legs and a shoulder.

Miguel didn't have much time to think. everything was happening too soon. he struggles to come up with a plan. he then looks at the other two cops. he nervously crawls towards them asking if they are okay.

Josue cries loudly. his wife is pregnant and with two kids from her previous marriage. Josh has younger siblings and two elderly parents who can barely work. they have reasons to live.

sadly it doesn't matter how much you wish to live, because life happens. it never stops to warn you nor it cares about how much damage it can create. once life gets jealous it will drag you right to hell's entrance.

there is no way to rationalize the outcome. all they can do is to wish for the best, as they hopelessly search for the right answer. life is not evil, but it is cruel towards every living being on the world. that is life's way of been fair.


Four years Ago.

Miguel gets inside of a cop bar. he asks for a beverage. Josh and Josue welcome Miguel asking if he is a cop. Miguel tells them that he is about to be. he just graduated from the academy.

Josue and Josh laugh. they confess that they also just graduated from the academy. the three of them celebrate the eventful coincidence.

"oh by the way he is Josh Smith. and I am Josue Schmidt. but you can call us the J.S. Duo. our names aren't just similar, we also look almost like identical twins."

"keep dreaming fatso. I am the good looking one from the Duo, you are the F plus."

"come on man, give me some credit. I am at least a charming Fatso."

"and that is why you are an F plus. F for fatso. and plus for charming."

"I don't know man. that isn't enough."

"so are you two idiots friends or siblings?"

"friends, but we behave like siblings."

"or are we siblings? that behave like friends."

"shut up fatso. don't confuse our new friend."

the duo keeps fighting. Miguel laughs loudly. he haven't had so much fun in so long. all his life he didn't had a single friend. all his life was him working hard to achieve his worn out childhood dreams.

there is some charm that comes with those two idiots. Miguel smiles as he can finally call someone his friend. he feels the need to tell Richard about tonight's miracle.

Richard is going to be so proud if he learns that he has two actual friends. Miguel asks them if they want to visit his home. the duo stops fighting. Miguel tells them that he wants to present his family to his two new friends.

Josue and Josh accept the offer. they feel bad for Miguel's awkward behavior. it is obvious to them that he haven't had a friend before. they feel like they are adopting a homeless dog, and not accepting a new friend.

the night was fun and entertaining. that was a time of peace. a moment in which Miguel could be naive and innocently unaware of his surroundings. a life time away from the crisis he is now facing.

on that night Miguel was thinking hopeful of the tomorrow. there was nothing cruel or evil for him to be worry about. there was nothing more than a bright future been shown in front of his own eyes.



Miguel takes Josue's gun. he looks at the front door trembling. the front door is blown up by a grenade.

"leave. use the back door. we will take care of that motherfucker."

"don't worry about us bro. we tried to betrayed you. now is our time to shine like the true heroes that we are."

Miguel is silent. he has no words. the friends who tried to kill him five minutes ago, are now offering to sacrifice themselves for him. there was no time to think on a rational mind when a beast was approaching with a death sentence.

Miguel left like a coward. he left thinking if he is just a coward, or is he smart. he didn't wasted a second to think about another choice. he just left without looking back. he knew that his friends are officially dead once he left.

Jacob takes two steps inside. he looks around of him trying to find Miguel. he smiles feeling bad for the other two cops. Josh shoots at him. Josue walks behind him. he aims at Jacob's head as he trembles.

Jacob throws a grenade at Josue as he turns around. at the same time Jacob throws a tomahawk at Josh. they forgot that they are dealing with a professional Hitman. almost a mythical beast who has taken many lives.

Josue jumps away from the grenade. but he wasn't fast enough. the explosion burn most of his left arm and part of his left leg. he is taken by the throat and head by Jacob, he is dragged in front of Josh.

because Josh legs were on a bad shape, he wasn't fast enough to avoid the tomahawk. it was nailed at Josh's side. he has bleeding a lot as he tries to force a smile. he whispers telling Josue that everything is going to be okay.

tears come out from Josue's eyes. his dear friend was dying in front of him. and there was nothing that he could for him, nor for himself. it was an stupid idea to think that two cops could deal with a beast like Jacob.

Jacob breaks Josue's neck on a second. he then walks slowly towards Josh. his presence was so sinister that invokes fear. he takes his tomahawk out of Josh. the sound of cutting flesh was horrifying. Josh falls backwards on the floor.

Jacob looks at Josh, as he is dying. he decides to not finish him, he was already dying. Jacob left following Miguel's trail. he was given an order.

Josh looks at Josue who is dead on the floor. there is a loud noise coming from outside. some people are coming inside. Josh smiles as he keeps bleeding out. he is unable to move with all the wounds on his body. all he can do is await for his own death.

Jacob Einarsson is the lead of his own story, later when his story comes I will give more detail to his physical appearance.

TlatoaniPizarrocreators' thoughts
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