
Weaponizing The Faith Of The Foxes.




The battle between Hal and the remaining six Elders was taken to the air but in barely an hour, it was more than clear to them all that they were not going to be able to pick up the victory.

Hal went on to decimate two others and sent them out of the Sovereign Space to be tied in servitude to him and even then, none of them had been able to land a single hit on him.

Hal remained as mentally strong as he had been when he first entered the Sovereign Space and commenced the battle and with every Elder he defeated, the more mentally stable he was.

You see, the Elders losing and getting kicked out of the mental space meant they were too mentally exhausted to continue being a part of keeping the formation active and so in the physical world, the formation was weakening and its effect on Hal's mind was waning.

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