
Cocoyasi Village

Nami and Zeus arrived at Cocoyasi village and Zeus got off the island. Nami looked at him and said "What are you going to do?" Zeus yawned and stretched out his arms saying "Gonna go insult a few fish men then probably wander." Nami grimaced and said "How strong are you?"

Zeus looked at her and patted her head "It's not my place to do anything. Someone will help you, but it won't be me." before walking away, Nami said "Why not! You're a marine aren't you?" Zeus waved over his shoulder "For now, but I'm also on vacation." Nami stomped her feet and left, ignoring Zeus.

He watched her go and felt bad, he wanted nothing more than to just cook those fucking fish bastards but if she doesn't join Luffy and instead chooses the marines then everything would be completely fucked and he wasn't going to deal with that. He sighed and walked in his own direction towards Arlong Park.

Zeus jumped over the wall and landed in front of a group of Fish men, they looked over and said "Who are you?" Zeus felt his hand twitch and crackle with lightning, he took a deep breath and said "Shut your mouth, fish sticks. Where's your retarded leader." the fish men got angry and tried to attack him when a voice said "I'm Arlong. What does a human like you want."

Zeus looked at him, seeing a fish man in real life was much different than watching it on a screen, they were scaly and looked like walking fish. He chuckled to himself 'hence the name fish man' he thought before speaking "You're the idiot who terrorizes the civilians here?"

Arlong narrowed his eyes and said "What are you here for marine." Zeus smirked and said "Ah you know your place! I want to tell you a story.." he waved his hand and a cloud flew down and formed a chair, Zeus sat down and said "How long has it been since you all left fish man island and the sun pirates?" the fish men went quiet and Arlong snapped "What's your point!"

Zeus chuckled and held up his head with his hand saying "My point is you have no idea what's going on over there do you?" Hatchi said "Did something happen?!" Zeus smiled and nodded "Because of your leader here, 'Mr I hate humans and want to spread my hatred to the world', Queen Otohime was killed." the fish men paled and Hatchi cried saying "You're lying!"

Zeus lit a cigarette and said "I wish I was. I personally have no problem with fish men, actually I think you're quite cool! Even if you eat a devil fruit you can survive underwater, possibly with enough training you could move on the sea floor as well. Regardless, other than Hatchi, the rest of you here should be killed." before exhaling a mouthful of smoke.

Arlong said "You said it's my fault? How could that be?" Zeus laughed and said "Do you remember Hody Jones?" Zeus waved his hand and knocked out Hatchi, the rest of the fish men narrowed their eyes, Zeus continued "Because of your preaching about humans and how bad they were and how they should all die, Hody decided that he would kill Otohime to prevent her from forming a peace treaty with humans and allowing fish men to be able to live on land without getting hunted down. He framed a human and killed her in cold blood."

Zeus sighed "What a pity, because of you Otohime died unjustly by her own kind." he tapped his cigarette, clearing the ash as he let his words sink in, Arlong stood up and said "Impossible, you're lying!" Zeus chuckled and sneered "You think I came here to lie to you? You were saved from Marie Joie and instead of living peacefully as a normal fish man, you decided to do the same thing the Celestial Dragons did to you. You really are a fucking retard."

Arlong seethed and Zeus added "Can I ask you a question? Let's see if your walnut sized brain can answer me." Arlong grinded his teeth and Zeus continued "What do you think you're doing right now?" Arlong said "What do you mean?" Zeus sighed "Terrorizing humans, what is the point?"

Arlong said "Because we are the su-" Zeus sighed "Of course you'd say that, you're beyond saving. What do you think will happen to all these people after you're gone? The just go back to happy people, forget about what you did to them?" Arlong opened his mouth and Zeus said "No. Let me tell you what happens. After you're inevitably defeated all these people will hate fish men with a passion and pass on their hatred to their children and their children's children. Want to know what happens next?"

Arlong was silent and Zeus screamed "Those people will pass it on again and again! It's a cycle and eventually one kid decides that he's going to exterminate all fish men in the world! What happens if that kid becomes strong and gets a devil fruit? What about all the innocent fish men on Fish Man Island? All those people dead because of you! You fucking idiot!"

Zeus seethed and continued "I understand you were a slave but that doesn't mean you're entitled to terrorize people who did nothing to you! If you weren't such a scared and weak idiot, you would've directed your anger to the world nobles!" Zeus got angrier as he spoke and stood up, he walked towards Arlong and got in his face before saying "But despite what you say you are, you're actually scared that they'll find you again and drag you back to hell. You're pathetic and weak."

Zeus blew out smoke right into his face and sneered "Attack me if I'm wrong." Arlong was silently clenching his fists, Zeus laughed and said "That's what I fucking thought, you're a clown fish in shark skin." before turning around and leaving saying "Someone will bring you down soon enough, and I will be there to call you in. Don't worry you won't go back, Impel Down is much worse." as he jumped over the wall and disappeared.

A while later

Zeus was still angry and answered his snail "What do you want." Smoker was surprised and said "Woah, where's the brat." Zeus was annoyed and said "Not here. What do you want Smoker." Smoker was silent for a moment before saying "Where are you now." Zeus said "Cocoyasi village, you should come unfortunately your leash is too tight."

Smoker seethed and said "Did you just called me a dog?" Zeus said "Are you not? This sea is fucked, Marine captains slaughtering marines, Pirates becoming Butlers to slaughter an entire island, and now Fish men terrorizing a whole region of islands. Oh but how are the petty criminals in Loguetown?"

Smoker sighed and said "How am I supposed to know what goes on in the sea?" Zeus chuckled and said "You're not. Nobody does because nobody cares. There's another marine here that is taking bribes from fish men and keeping the reports under wraps so that nobody else comes to investigate. What a life!"

Smoker was silent before sighing and Zeus said "I'm not doing anything about it either because the pirates I told you about will take care of it, also Don Krieg was defeated at the Baratie a while ago. Mihawk was there so he probably took care of it. Anything else?"

Smoker said "That's all, just calm down alright. I can't put them in jail if they're dead." Zeus laughed and said "No problem Smokey, glad to have you on my side. Justice will prevail!" Smoker chuckled and said "Yeah, whatever that means." Zeus laughed before hanging up.

He put his snail back and walked through the village, taking in all the sights before getting dragged into an alley. Zeus rubbed the back of his head and said "Did you have to smash my head against the building?" there was a blue haired woman, a child, and Usopp in the alley.

The blue haired woman shushed him and looked outside to see a group of fish men walking on the streets. Zeus sighed and looked over before mumbling "I like it rough but jeez..." the blue haired woman slapped him and said "Shut up! Arlong will hear us!" Zeus rubbed his mask where his cheek was and mumbled "I guess it runs in the family..." Usopp was already fainted on the ground at the sight of Zeus and Zeus laughed before saying "Oi, blueberry. What's your name?"

She looked at him and said "Nojiko." Zeus nodded and said "Kurama, nice to meet you." Nojiko grimaced and said "Whatever." Zeus grimaced and said "What? Do you have a boyfriend?" Nojiko snapped "Can't you just shut up!?"

Zeus sighed and grabbed Usopp, he slapped him awake and said "Oi long nose. I got a special mission for you." Usopp gulped and Zeus pointed at Arlong and said "Make sure he doesn't kill anybody, only a brave warrior of the sea can do this job." Usopp puffed out his chest and said "You picked the right person!" before running away as Zeus chuckled.

Nojiko looked at him and said "What are y-" Zeus covered her mouth and teased "Can't you just shut up?" She glared at him and he looked towards Arlong, who had Genzo by the neck. Zeus said "Now long nose!"

Usopp shot a slingshot ball at Arlong and hit him in the face. Arlong dropped Genzo and glared at Usopp, who said "Hahaha! I'm the great Captain Usopp! You'll be decimated by my 14 quadrillion man army!" Zeus covered his mouth and waved his other hand, causing lightning to strike behind Usopp as thunder rumbled above him.

Nojiko slapped her forehead in amazement as she said "Is this guy an idiot?" Zeus laughed and nodded, Arlong seethed and screamed "Get him! I want to tear him to pieces personally!" before turning around and leaving as the rest of the group chased after Usopp, who ran away extremely fast.

Nojiko shook her head and said "He's dead." Zeus clicked his tongue and said "You're not very optimistic are you?" Nojiko scoffed and crossed her arms saying "Nobody can beat Arlong, he's a monster." Zeus blinked before bursting out laughing right in her face, she frowned and said "What."

Zeus wiped his eyes and chuckled "That was the funniest thing I've ever heard." he looked at the kid and said "Go back to your mom kiddo." the kid said "Why should I listen to a smelly marine like you?"

Zeus crackled electricity around him and said "If you don't I'll eat you!" the kid paled and ran away saying "MOMMY!" Zeus laughed and the lightning dispersed, Nojiko frowned and walked away. Zeus followed her and said "Are you upset I laughed at you?" she ignored him and Zeus grinned before annoying her on purpose, she felt her eye twitch and said "What do you want."

Zeus smiled and said "Nothing! I didn't mean to make fun of you. It's just that there's hundreds of thousands of people stronger than Arlong." Nojiko looked at him and said "Yeah? Like who?" Zeus said "Well me for example, I could cook him in seconds."

Nojiko said "Then why don't you, you ARE a marine aren't you?" Zeus chuckled and said "I'm on vacation, plus Arlong will be finished by the end of the day, whether I do anything or not." as he shrugged, Nojiko squinted and said "What does that mean?"

Zeus said "Don't worry about it, do you know how to get to the tangerine farm?" Nojiko said "It's my house." before walking off, Zeus smiled happily and followed her.

(Author's Note)

Shorter chap, separating it in parts because I have something to do today.

You can check out my OTHER books while you wait:

One Piece: Another Chance (Completed)

Saiyan in Marvel (Completed)

My Hero Academia: Quirkless

One Piece: Price of Freedom

One Piece: Shadow King

Another Dragonball Adventure


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