
Mystery Boys

The four boys stood in silence by the lockers in wonder.

    "What should we do?" Timothy asked.

       "Let's meet up after class, I know a spot that is quiet and will give us time to think on a plan, I go there all the time when I have to study for a test or something. Most of y'all go to the library, most people think all nerds go to the library but I hate the libraries, I can't focus in there," Gregg said.

     "That's why when we ask you to come to the library with us, you don't. Where is this place located?" Timothy asked.

    "It's a vacant spot in the woods on 78th Street on Cottage Grove, it's like a big open brick building I hang out in, " Gregg said.     

    "Okay let's meet there then?" Timothy said.

    The four boys left the school and conversed all the way until they reached Cottage woods destination. They all had to leap on a bus to go to the Cottage woods. 15 minutes later, they arrived on Cottage Grove street. The area had a bad aroma to it.

       "Dang, this is where you hang at man? this place stinks as hell," Anthony asked, covering his nose with his two fingers.

      "Yeah, if you have a problem with it, you can dip, " Gregg said.

      "How did you find this place?" Timothy asked.

      "I found this place last summer, I never told nobody about it, it was just going to be me coming here to clear my mind and help me focus, but since we trying to come up with a plan to attack them, so I said why not plan here in quietness," Gregg said.

      They all went inside the brick building. The building looked as if it had been abandoned for years. The bricklayers were deteriorating in color. One side had a torn of light red shade paint and the rest was light brown. There were no glass shields on the windows, but they could still look on the outside. There were leaves that grew attached to the building from the trees. There was red graffiti written on the walls from the inside stating "Vice Lords Represents Chiraq." There were other writings on the walls but it was vague to understand. 

      "Vice Lords Represent, so gang-bangers be hanging out here too?" Mike asked.

       "This graffiti looks kind of old, when I come here I don't come across no gangs. I call this place my sanctuary, " Gregg said standing on a hefty rectangle rock.

      "I always wanted to write graffiti, but I don't really know how, "Mike said.

      "Stick to being a nerd Mike, graffiti ain't you man, nerds don't do graffiti, " Gregg informed.

     "But graffiti is art, I've heard it on the street that the girls like boys who do graffiti, " Mike said.

     "What street you hang out on? The nerd street?" Gregg asked sarcastically.

      "Nah,  just heard the popular dudes say it in school, " Mike said. 

     "Y'all can sit there on that big rock in the middle, " Gregg said pointing towards the center.

       "Anybody came up with something yet? Y'all know somebody? Anybody come to mind?" Gregg asked standing near them.

      "A thought came to me when we were in school, maybe we can create flyers on the computer and post it all around Chicago saying " We Need A Thug To Act for 1,000 dollars so…" Anthony getting interrupted.

      "Wait, where we go get 1,000 dollars from?" Mike asked.

      "Don't worry Gregg, but I didn't tell y'all in school cause we got a lot of nosy dudes who be listening in our conversation, but I have money stashed in a safe my mama bought me for Christmas two years ago, it's over a 1,000 in there, " Anthony said.

      "Aw damn man, and that's a good thought, and if we wanna plan something like this, we gotta have money, people don't work for free these days, this is the 90s, people out here hustling. That's a dope plan Anthony," Gregg said giving him a dab.

         "Thanks man, " Anthony said returning the dap.

       "I was thinking maybe we can meet in the library after class tomorrow to make the flyers," Timothy suggested. 

       "Naw, we can meet at my house, I have a computer, my room is practically my library, " Gregg said.

      "You don't like libraries for nothing do you?" Timothy asked.

     "Hell naw, that's why I turned my room into a library, my library, " Gregg said proudly.

       "Hopefully our plan would scare Maron and D'Angelo," Timothy said.

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