
Fight Night II

"Kemono no fukusei(Beast duplication)!!."

Boa yells as three duplicates of him appear around Dan. Dan is wide eyed as he sees that he has been outnumbered by his opponent four to one.

"This is nice."

Dan says as he readies himself to take on Boa and his duplicates.

"Here I come."

Boa and his duplicates attack from all four sides with a killer intent. Dan tries his best to fight back the onslaught of Boa and his duplicates but his efforts prove futile has Boa uses his sheer number and superior speed to brutally assault Dan from all four sides, kicking him to the ground with such a mighty swipe of his feet that it pushes Dan to the point of cracking the ring beneath him with the weight of his fall.

"Ouuu, that's gonna leave a mark."

the commentator says as the crowd continues to enjoy the spectacle before them. Dan gets up to his feet, with multiple scars on his face and blood on his lip.

"That was painful."

Dan says as he cleans the blood from his lips.

"But you are not the only one with tricks up his sleeves."

Dan continues as he puts out his right hand with a seal of confrontation and yells out.

"Furumetaru no shutsugen(full metal emergence)!!"

Dan's body is immediately clad in iron, including his face.

"Let's go again."

Dan says as he rushes forward for a second clash with his opponent, Boa moves forward with his duplicates.

The showdown continues between both men as the confrontation becomes more intense with both men attacking with such ferocity.

Boa repeats his assault which had put Dan down the first time, but it has no effect has his claws seem to not be penetrating Dan's iron skin.

Dan smirks and goes all out in his assault against Boa not worrying about his attacks.

His offensive attacks prove to be effective has he is able to land a strong enough blow with his blade to destroy one of Boa's clones, Boa steps and assesses the situation seeing that he cannot penetrate Dan's suit of armor with his claws anymore.

He resorts to using brute strength and speed to overwhelm his opponent.

Dan gets into stance waiting for Boa's next attack with bated breath.

Both men clash again, each man looking for an opening to land a strong enough blow.

Boa disarms Dan of his blade and continues lashing out at him with his duplicates, Dan's armor proved effective against Boa's claws but prove not to be enough to protect him from the intensity of his blows and kicks which seems to be increasing in force with each successful strike.

"I'm gonna beat you out of that suit!!."

Boa yells as he continues with his assault.

Dan resorts to his knowledge of hand to hand combat to put up a defense against Boa's assault which was starting to worry him. Boa steps back from Dan and surrounds him again with his duplicates.

"How quick are your reflexes."

Boa asks with a smirk on his face.

"What's it to ya."

Dan replies with a suspicious look on his face.

"You'll know soon enough."

Boa answers as he clasps his hand together with his index and middle fingers up and the other fingers joined together downward.

"Mitsumata-jū sutoraiki(three pronged beast strike)!!." Boa yells.

Dan steps back as Boa and his duplicates start moving so quickly it seemed like it was one man running literal circles around him. Before he can react, Boa lashes out and his assault is nothing short of quick and brutal as he attacks Dan.

Dan tries his best to block the assault but his efforts are met with scorn as Boa's attacks keep making contact while he is fisting out at thin air.

The assault takes it's toll on Dan has he starts to stagger with each new successive hit landed by Boa. Before Dan can regain composure, Boa steps back while allowing his duplicates continue with the assault and gets into a stance to finish the job, forming his palms with his left hand hovering over his right hand at his left side, he yells

"Mōjū no bakufū(raging beast blast)."

A blue ball of energy forms in between Boa's palms.

"This is the end, Be gone!!."

Boa yells as he let's out the energy blast at Dan with his duplicates making way for the blast. Dan is caught off guard and takes on the blast full force with no way to dodge it, the blast takes Dan out of the ring, smashing him into the edge of the arena with such force that it shook the entire building in which they were in.

The crowd cheers loudly has they immediately start calling out in unison "Beast" as they hail Boa with excitement.

"And I think that's a wrap folks ,I don't think our contestant would be getting up from that."

The umpire says as he makes to end the match, Boa starts to walk out of the ring when he is stopped abruptly by a loud voice.

"Is that the best you can do??... I expected much more from you."

Dan calls out as he steps out from the broken arena wall, the blast had shocked Dan out of his metal form and even cracked his suit of armor.

"You are quite stubborn, Dan… I'll make you regret getting up from that attack."

Boa yells has he rushes towards Dan, intent on finishing him off, Dan clasps his hands together and yells.

"Tetsu kuchiku-kan(iron destroyer)!!."

A powerful wave of wind stops Boa in his tracks has he looks on at the transformation Dan underwent. Metal from around the arena goes towards Dan forming an impressive suit of armor on him, covering him in a helmet as well.

"Now I'm gonna show you what I can do when I am pushed to the wall."

Dan says as he calls his blade to him with a wave of his hand.

"Come at me."

Boa gets into stance with his two remaining duplicates.

"Here I come."

Dan says as he makes to move, he moves so fast for Boa with his duplicates to keep up with.

One second he is in front of them, the next he is behind them, landing a heavy blow on one of Boa's duplicates to destroy it.

Boa immediately steps away from Dan with his last remaining duplicate following suit.

Dan doesn't give Boa any breathing space as he rushes forward again to attack, Boa is forced to go on the offensive so as to not be pushed to his limits.

The clash begins again with more ferocity than the last as both men were attacking with intent.

Dan seems to be keeping pace with both Boa and his duplicate, even landing some blows of his own.

"Would you look at that folks, this fight just keeps getting more and more interesting to watch."

The commentator says has the battle reaches it's last legs.

"Time to finish this."

Dan mutters as he steps back and sends a barrage of metal projectiles at Boa, Boa does his best to dodge as many as possible with some success but Dan doesn't allow him enjoy his success as he attacks Boa's duplicate with a swing of his blade.

The duplicate blocks but Dan is not fazed has he removes his right hand from the hilt of his sword and clasps it together in a fist, calling a bunch of metal shrapnel and propelling them at the duplicate.

The shrapnel's penetrate it's skin and the duplicate let's out a yell of pain at the onslaught of Dan on him.

The original Boa immediately moves to provide assistance for the duplicate but he is a bit late has Dan cut down the duplicate, leaving Boa all alone, with no duplicates to outnumber Dan.

"Now it's just you and me, Beast, whacha gonna do about that."

Dan says from underneath his helmet.

"You're becoming cocky and I hate that!!."

Boa yells out as he prepares for another energy blast.

"Are you really gonna try out that attack again??"

Dan asks, getting into position to counter the attack.

"Let me see you counter this…Mōjū no bakufū(raging beast blast)!!"

Boa yells as he let's out another blast of energy at Dan, this one more intense than the last, Boa intent on finishing the fight with the attack.

"Jigoku no tetsu no mon(iron gates of hell)."

Dan claps his hands together and then goes ahead to face his palms outward as an iron shield forms in front of him, making a defense in front of him.

The blast hits the wall in front of Dan with such ferocity that the impact was felt throughout the entire building.

Boa continues yelling has the energy blast continues hitting the wall, Dan is not letting up as he also yells out at the top of his lungs, the resulting explosion blew up the entire ring....

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