

 They enter Phil's apartment in the Institute which is messy and full of papers and robot parts.

 "It fits the part," said Ian. 

 "Man, this guy lives dirty," said Jess.

 "He was a bit neater," said Schaffe.

 "What happens if Phil is a robot?" asked Ian.

 "It could be the Phil I killed years ago could be one too. It not like we check his body before we burned it," said Schaffe.

 "It's possibly the ones here almost look human," said Alan. 

 "So, where is he?" asked Ian. They would hear snoring nearby and see what looked like a man sleeping at a desk under the paper that fell over him.

 "So, how do we do this?" asked Jess. Schaffe pulls out his handgun and fires it to the ceiling. This woke up Phil and made him full-back in his chair. On to the floor. Phill was wearing a long-sleeved shirt black shirt and blue jeans with brown leather cowboy boots. He grabs the handgun he has in his drawer and aims at Schaffe who aims his at him. Phil looks shocked and then calm.

 "Well, it like a few years ago," said Schaffe.

 "Yeah, what you going to do?" asked Phil. Schaffe holsters his gun and he as well. "Finally, you show up with some friends old and new."

 "So, next is how I know you are the real Phil?" asked Schaffe. Phill looked as if he was thinking a bit.

 "Alright, I remember this one story you told me which was when you went to part and you…," said Phil before Schaffe who knew what he was about to tell which could embarrass him.

 "Alright, I think you proved it," said Schaffe, getting red.

 "I never heard of it," said Ian.

 "Nah, it's the best story to tell. But it proves me to be real. Because he only told me," said Phil.

 "So, you're alive, how?" asked Alan.

 "Well, I knew I was fucked when I left the brotherhood. But I knew these people because they wanted to come help with my robotic background. So, they set me up with a handsome double and he took my place in New York," said Phil. "I then went into hiding. I was going to find a way to save Schaffe from the Brotherhood but it never went anywhere because they would never let him go."

 "Make sense. But we must tell you that Max Major is gone and Sara is in charge now," said Ian

 "What? When did this happen?" asked Phil.

 "Yeah, he has been gone since you left then," said Schaffe.

 "Shit, I think someone has been lying to me," said Phil.

 "Should we tell them?" asked Alan.

 "I mean it Schaffe and Phil and I do not think Sara would not mind them knowing," said Ian

 "Huh? You know something I do not?" questioned Schaffe. 

 "Yeah, it seems you know something?" questioned Phil.

 "It's about Max he was never left. He was killed by Sara when he held us captive when Schaffe went to kill your double," said Ian.

 "Shit," said Phil.

 "What for real? Who knew she had the guts to do that to her boss? Makes me think twice when I complain about doing her jobs," said Schaffe.


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