


                Robbie and Brennan made it out of the cavern, yet they knew that the danger they are in is far from over. Outside, they were greeted by the view of the forest- tall trees, thick vines, and wild plants are everywhere. The sky above is now filled with the shade of purple, red and a dark shade of blue- dusk had come and so…

The hunt shall begin.

Cold sweat was matched by labored breathing. The wind behind their back as they picked up their speed, there no time to look back, no moment to hesitant, not a chance to stop- death is coming and he will not be sparing.

Even before Robbie and Brennan got far, they heard a loud hissing sound- so loud it sent a deafening ringing in their ears. Which made the young men winched. The hiss was immediately followed by the sound of moving leaves and grass, one could say it was from the wind but they know better- it was their predator following its prey.

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