
Chapter 5️⃣ The tour of the East

They walked into the castle 🏰 and inside the conference room. " welcome to the East rule by King 👑 Chen Heng and queen 👸 Xiao Heng, said. Sun Mei, " here you do most of your shopping like ❤️ for baking goods, and items. Said, Cao Mei. They walked into the room, " what 😦 can we do for you, Sub Cao where is your son? Asked. Chen Heng, " they are for the modern Chengdu, that wants to come here in life and work 💼 in the west, my king 👑 and queen 👸, said. zhong Rong, " his grandparents took him from us, my king 👑, said. Cao Rong, " step forward 🔼 my friends what 😦 is your name? Asked, Chen Heng. " I am Zhou Feng my wife Li Feng and our adopted kids Ye Bingwein, Chang Yu, Háo Tengfei, and Su Huan. Answered, Zhou Feng, " welcomed to the late Chengdu, where you live for free, can have your own gardens, or work 💼 for us doing farming 🚜, building 🏠, or anything, and we will pay for you. Said, Xiao Heng. "

I could use there help 🆘 and they are more than welcome to work with me, said. Gou Qi, " you want to work 💼 for the west? Asked, Chen Heng. " on the sea as a fisherman or a perry boat? " yes, if they want me? Said. li Feng, " it is not the question of if we want you, we love ❤️ for you to have us, we can afford to pay you, said. Sun Mei, " how about you let us worry about that, what 😦 spots do you have available Sun and Cao? Asked Xiao Heng, with an away of her hand 👏 a screen 💻. Appeared in front of them. "(Yes 👍. My queen 👸. And my king 👑?) Asked. Kang Deming, " (what available spots are open 👐. Kang?) Àked, Cao Mei, "(one we do have room for the castle overseer of the West, I will be happy to let whoever take my spot and I take it.) Said, Kang Deming." (You the man Kang, ) said, Cao Mei. "( thank you, and that is the perfect spot for you, ) she looked 👀. At them and said" our former step up and give her position my king 👑, said. Sun Mei, " maybe like an oil reg do you have oil here or need to? Said, Zhou Feng. " we wouldn't know if there is, but new money 💵 is always good, how much is required in pounds? Asked, chen Heng. " what 😦 you pay by the pounds? Asked, Zhou Feng. " yeah per day, per mid-day, per evening 🌚 , and night 🌚 whatever your heart ❤️ is set on, Gou you back to work. Asked, Xiao Heng, " we give keys 🔑 to other islands, we get calls to say that they need a room design 🎨 to my queen 👸, said. Zhong Rong, " how much do you and your crew want to pay Gou? Asked. Gou Qi, talk it over with them first before giving an answer, they walked over to the side, " there are other islands, asked. Ye Bingwein, " they gave us keys 🔑? Asked. Chang Yu, " my mind is on that we get paid. Said, Hào Tengfei. " squash that Hào they will pay is? Said? Su Huan. " maybe 38% and the same for my crew too if that okay, " sure find your crew, and we have ships 🚀 that you can use to pump for oils. Said, Chen Heng. " give us 20% and you keep all. Sound good 👍, asked. Xiao Heng, " yeah sure thanks, " Li all you be doing is work 💼 with me, on audiences, weather ☀️ reports, while Zou and Cao being doing the same, and Kang be out in the village to see do anyone needs any live audience, Zhong Rong told her, " so hearing that what 😦 are you asking for? Asked, Chen Heng. " maybe, 25% my king 👑. Said, Li Feng. " done, Gou what 😦 have you'll decide, asked? Xiao Heng. " maybe, 25% my king 👑. Said, Li Feng. " done, Gou what 😦 have you'll decide, asked? Xiao Heng. " what 😦 you said 45% split? Asked. Gou Qi, " seriously a 45%: split? Asked, Ye Bingwein. They all smile 😊 at that, " I guess that is all good 👍 then. Said, Gou Qi, A 45% split my king 👑, they put them on file, and on payments planes,

Zhou Feng ocean liner operator,

li Feng castle 🏰 assistance

Ye Bingwein, Chang Yu, Hào Tengfei, Su Huan, and Gou Qi room designers. " good, everything is set you two ✌️ sign this, when you need here Zhong and when do you six want to begin? They sign the scroll 📜 " she can start tomorrow I send Kang out to get her. Said, Zhong Rong, " tomorrow is good for us my king 👑 , said. Gou Qi, " the same for me too and thank you for allowing us to live and work 💼 here. Said, Zhou Feng, " here you go Gou Qi, he gives them keys 🔑 to all of the island villages. "here you go Gou Qi, he gives them keys 🔑 to all of the island villages. " I take care of them my king 👑, said. Gou Qi, " so they walked out of the castle 🏰, the Fengs went house 🏠 shopping 👗 with Gou Qi and Zhong and Cao head back ⬅️ to the West, to do their live audience. The sun ☀️ went down in the sky 🌈 and the wind 💨 is blowing so gently down the city and valley, they got permission to live and work 💼 in the land. Talk about what 😦 a fresh start to start over again, as they went to the house 🏠 to housed 🏠 listening to everyone, They ride up the west to see how the farming grounds are,

They stop ✋ and look 👀 at the grounds, there is a rice 🍚 field, vegetable 🍃 field, and fruit 🍑 field. " looks it been not used, said. Wu Rong, " that means 😏 we need farmers, equipment, and a lot of seeds, which is going to cost a lot of coins 💰, which does not have, said. Zhong Rong, " what 😦 do you mean 😏. You don't have, the family 👪 vault in the East, use that. Said, Yuan Rong. " didn't you say it can be touch if there is an emergency mother, said, Zhong Rong, " Is this not an emergency 🚨 Zhong, is mom and dad 👨 asleep grandson? Cao Jr Rong laughed 😅, " They give it to us to use. Just in case of an emergency 🚨, said. Yuan Rong, " let's check it out. Said,

Wu Mei. They got off their horses 🐎,

Wu put Cao jr inside of the carrier and they walk up to the farms and look 👀 around, to get this done it is going to take a lot of time, money, and effort, but the East and West need food 🍕 badly. " so where do we start at then? Asked. Cao Mei, " let's get the family 👪 together, discuss it over dinner, said. Yuan Rong, " okay, we call the whole family 👪 the Rong's and Meis when we get home 🏡, said. Wu Rong, as they continue to walk up the land looking at the rusty rakes and pitchforks, " they are going to need a lot of new farm stuff, what 😦 you think 💭 my queen 👸 and prince 🤴? Asked. Cao Meii, " going to take a lot, my king, and a lot of people 👫 to keep it going. Said, Sun Mei. Cao Jr make a giggling noise 🔊, "

I heard you, my son, do we got the time that the main thing here, said. Cao Mei, " my family 👪. I guess we going to have to find 🔍 the time, said. Sun Mei after they call in the family 👪 and everyone shows up they begin to work 💼 on the farmland making it healthy to plant 🍃 again, why their wives are polishing the tools 🔨 and making them Sharpe, " this is for you, said, *Zhong Rong. It was a set of baby rags and pens ✒️, " thank you, grandmother, said. Sun Mei " we got your clothes 👗, said. *Yao Mei " thank you, great grandmother, you sre love ❤️ and adored by all my son. Said, Sun Mei " like ❤️ your mother. Said, Yuan Mei, " like ❤️ your grandfather my great-grandson, said. Sun Mei. " and like your great-great-grandfather, my great-great-grandson, said, Yao Mei, " are you bottle-feeding or breastfeeding? Asked. Yao Rong, " wow, grandmother just like ❤️ that you ask me? Said, *

Sun Mei, " he bottles feeder. Please 🙏 tell me you do not want me to do that. " it's a part of motherhood Sun, said. Yao Rong, " and it's also where you are bonding with your son, speaking what 😦. Our great-great-grandson named. Asked, Tang Ling, " his name is Cao Jr. You really don't want breast milk 🍼 right 👉 son you really like ❤️ soybean milk 🍼, said. " Sun Mei, they got done sharing and polishing every tool. They on the rice 🍚 field plowing it, " looks like ❤️ they trying to talk 💬 her into breastfeeding him, how is fatherhood so far? Asked. Wu Mei, " my poor wife, she is not going to budge on that either, whoever knew being a husband and father 👨 could be so awesome 👍, I am crazy about my new family 👪. Answered, *Cao Mei, " that is the spirit. Said, *Cao Mei, " they did it to all of ours. Son, you are a better husband than your father 👨 and you are a better 👍 father 👨 than your father 👨, said. Shi Mei, ". Praise the great dragon 🐲, don't what he is predicted to you being a father 👨 to your son, what his name? Asked. Cao Rong, " Cao Jr, thank you and I won't." Also, don't let determine what 😦 kind of a husband and king 👑 you are either, aww you name him after you. Said, Zheng Ting, they finished the rice 🍚 field,

They got started on the vegetable 🌺 field and their wives are on the fruit 🍑 field. Cao jr start to cry 😂, " son it's okay 😔, said. Sun Mei, " good 👍 time to use the pump 👠, said. Yuan Mei, " I have his bottle mother, or his father 👨 does, said. Sun Mei " really you going to bottle feed my grandson? Said, Yuan Mei. " like ❤️ you was about to do with our granddaughter, said. Yao Rong and Sun Mei " and you were about to do with our grandson too, we all breastfeed our sons and daughters, said, Yao Mei. " it's soybean milk 🍼 it is very good for him. Said, Sun Mei, " stop ✋ fighting it go breastfeed my grandson, please, " he is my son and the cooks 🔥 fix him this bottle, do you want to hurt them mother, after all, you always said it is hard to come by great cooks like ❤️ them. Said, Sun Mei, " they are the best 👍 and you do not want to lose them, while you at the castle 🏰 bottle feed what 😦 they fix him, said. Sun Mei, " while you are tending to the people and farms breastfeed like ❤️ you are now, so please go feed him, Zhong, Said. Yao Mei " thank you, your great and grandparents, she walks up to the barn house 🏠 and sat 💺 down and began to feed him."

They met halfway, you got to love ❤️ our wives. Said, Cao Mei he wiped his face 😂,

He walks up to her, she wipes his

mouth 👅. And look at him, " it's looking up my queen 👸, he was done having his dinner, she gives him to him while she takes the pump off and pulled down her shirt 👔, " we breastfeeding him? Asked. Cao Mei, " only when we not in the castle my king 👑, still a lot of work to do though. Said, Sun Mei, He kisses 😘 his son on his head and sat with him, " how about we come back after lunch or tomorrow, it is getting late. Said, * Cao Mei. Cao jr went to sleep in his father's 👨 arms, " yeah it is Cao, you mean dinner, lunch as pass and it is almost time for his blessing to. Said, Sun Mei, , " everyone meets back here tomorrow morning after breakfast 🍳. Sun and *Cao see can you open 👐. The vault said. Wu Rong, " we bring lunch with us. We see you in the East. So for the evening, 🌚 they head home 🏡 to get clean 🛀 off to get ready for the blessing. The Mei's the Rong's and the Bo's and some of the Chen's all shown 📺 in the East for the blessing of baby Cao Jr. Everyone walked into the castle, finally, they ride into the gates, and he helps 🆘. Her off of her horse 🐎. And grab the bag 🎒 off of the saddle and they walked inside of the castle 🏰, everyone1look 👀. At them,

As they walk to the front, the monk starts to singing blessings over the whole family, the song means 😏 let him rule 🚷 in peace ✌️ and happiness ☺️. The second part of the blessing of the holy water 💦, he went around spraying everyone and then them too, may the eyes of the great dragon 🐲 watch ⌚. Over them. " may I have him, ask the monk, Cao Mei pick him up out of the carrier, and hand 👏 him to him. He lay him on the table, he is wiggling his little arms and legs around. " dang where did he find 🔍 a woman 💁. Like her at, asked. Sun Chen, one of Cao Mei cousins. " great the sexiest pig 🐖 is here, what 😦 the hell he doing at his blessing!? Said, cao Mei. " family 👪? My king said. Sun Mei" not to me he is my brother's best 👍 friend, which this side of the family 👪. Do not exist to him or us, agreed 👍? Said. Cao Rong,

Okay, my husband. This is our son night 🌚, she turns his head around as the monk sprinkle water 💦 on him singing a multiple of blessing on him. " damn she fine man 👨, fine enough to be my old lady 👩. Said, Ma Chen. Cao was getting tick, he was about to say something. She looked at him, " I not just going to stand here in let them talk about my wife, my queen 👸, and the mother of my son! " my king 👑 you are wearing a crown 👑 and you have eyes on you, not the mention out the family 👪 name, said. Sun Mei, " then what 😦 I must do, to defend my wife and son Sun? Asked. Cao Mei, " leave 🍂 this matter to us, my king 👑 and queen 👸, said. Cheng Ru, " we do not mind getting firey for the Royal 👸 family 👪. Said, Yi Bai, they walked up to them ask them to follow them outside, he smiles 😊 and turns around, Cao Jr start to cry 😂, he picks ⛏️ him. " letting his fire 🔥 heart ❤️ glow, said. Yuan Mei , " see is he a dragon 🐲. Like ❤️ his mother and father, said. Wu Mei,

So they kick the crap 💩 out of them and send them away. They walked back ⬅️ inside of the castle 🏰, the prince 🤴 fire 🔥 heart shows 📺 through him and burning bright, he is indeed a dragon 🐲 a Xiaolong little Dragon 🐲 of the west. " what 😦 did you name him, ask the monk, " his name is Cao Jr. Mei. Answered, Cao Mei. He gives him back to them, they kissed their son's head and they kissed 😘. Each other, " will the Rong's, Mei's Bo's, and what 😦 left 👈 of Chen's gather around them. Said. Chen Heng, they got up and surrounding them. The monk said one more final blessing over them, a sign of good 👍 faith, he is chatting up a storm. " what are you talking about grandson huh 😕? Asked. Wu Mei " will grandfather I never felt so loved like ❤️ this. Said, Cao Mei, he rubs his head, he shakes his little head, " dad 👨 stop ✋ that, said. Yuan Mei "

Now we will have the blessing dinner to welcome our new prince 🤴 to Chengdu, Everyone sat 💺 down at the table and the cooks bring out the dinner, and ever start talking, eating, and holding the baby. When Song Chen walks up to his table, " Cao congratulations, he looks so much like ❤️ you, said. Song Chen, he looked 👀. At her, she looks 👀 back ⬅️ at him. " thank you I help 🆘 to create him, that was all mom's doing right son, said. Cao Rong, he stops ✋ and looked 👀. At his father, " Welcome welcome to the family 👪 to both of you, said. Song Chen, " thank you, she was shocked that she welcomes them into the family 👪 ,

mmm, Cao jr moaned, she kisses 😘 him on the head. " someone getting sleeping 🌚 does that mean 😏 you going to sleep 🌚. All through the night 🌚 son? Asked. Cao Rong....mmpo He rubs his little eyes, " this was wonderful my queen 👸, and thank you for doing this for us, we need to get back ⬅️ home 🏡. Said, Zhong Rong. " he getting sleeping now, and it's getting late, said. Cao Rong, " make sure they get home 🏡 safe you twenty. They shake their head okay, "

Called us when you arrive safely at the Castle 🏰, said. Wu Mei " let me kiss 😘 that boy 👶 goodnight. She gives him to her father, " you have a good night's sleep 🌚 grandson. Don't keep Mommy and Daddy up. Said, Wu Rong. " we see you in the morning 🌞 Jr., Cao contain yourself tonight, said, Shi Rong. " I try you know what 😦 they say about a man 👨 in love ❤️ with his wife, said. Cao Mei, " yes we know, but we got a busy day ahead of us, said Cao Mei, he kisses 😘 Cao Jr by as he takes him, and they walk out of the castle 🏰 and they head home 🏡, they all went back to the west, the arrival at the castle 🏰, they walked in the castle, they locked 🔒 down the Castle 🏰 for the night 🌚, she walked into his room and got him ready for 🛌, Cao Mei stand at the door 🚪. " what's on your thoughts my husband. Asked, Sun Mei. " tell me I am wrong? " no, you are not wrong, you are doing what 😦 best for the family, you are head of the family 👪 , my king 👑. Sleep tight my son, " we will see you in the morning 🌞 Jr. They walked out and closed the door 🚪, and he went fast to sleep in his crib, "

That all I want to do, like ❤️ them, will always to ruin the happy 😂 day in my life, I do want Bai's sexist pugs. Drilling over my wife or touching my wife or son! He cut the screen 💻. On, " we can't be touched, we are highly guarded and protected, Cao. Shh, 😯 you are going to wake ⏰ him up. Said, Sun Mei "( I glad 😆 you made it safe, ) said, Wu Rong. " ("(Sleep tight you two and we will see you in the morning 🌞, ) they cut the screen 💻 off, they kiss 😘 each other. " Jr. Is asleep 🌚, said. Cao Mei

" yes 👍 , I know he is my king.

He picks ⛏️ her up, and into the

bedroom and closed the door 🚪, they start to make love ❤️ with each other in the bed 🛌, as smoke 💨 rises into the air. He grips her hands so tightly, as he continues to make love ❤️ to his wife. In cao Jr. Mei's room is sleeping so peacefully, that was until his no good 👍, drug sexist pigs cousins followed them to the castle 🏰 tonight, "

hey cao, how's that fine piece of the wife of yours? Yelled out Sun Chen, " you can tell us man 👨 we family 👪, said. Ma chen, he got up, " no, my king go see if our son is still asleep, I will get Ren and Kong to remove ❌ them. Said, Sun Mei. She rubs his chest and he put his pants on and walk 🏃 into their son room, she put on her robe and walk up to the screen 💻. "( Ren Yu Kong Chuntao you need at the castle, ) said. Sun Mei. They ride up and pulled out their weapons and pointed at them, " the Royal 👸 family 👪 do not want to drunks at their home 🏡, turn around go back where you came from. Ordered, Ren Yu." We want an audience with our cousins, please 🙏. Said, Sun Chen. " or meet your demise we don't care which, they do not want you here at all, take the to beat it, said. Kong Chuntao" said. Kong Chuntao, Cao Jr. Is still asleep, he walked out of the room, up to her, " thank the great dragon 🐲 he is asleep, what 😦 one does to protect his family 👪 from being threatened by these people? Asked. Cao Mei " is your family 👪 threatened my king 👑, said, Sun Mei. " yes 👍, my queen 👸. Said, Cao Mei. " what 😦 can I do to protect you and our son? She looks 👀 at him and said" tomorrow we ride out with all nineteen legions, distress the captain ask them to help 🆘 you, my king 👑 , I'll see you back in the room. She walked into their room, they pop up on the screen 💻 and told him they got his back ⬅️ and they will ride out with him. He cut the screen 💻 off, " they don't want us here, I not leaving until he speaks to us, few of the captain ride up, all four jumps on them and kick the crap 💩 out of them, and dragged them back home 🏡 throw on the ground in front of the house 🏠, "

Stay away from the Royal 👸 family 👪. Of the West. Stay away from the castle 🏰, said. Yao Ai, " the king 👑 does not want you in his life, his wife life, or his son life, a concern that this whole family 👪 is outcast, that you never be a part of the prince 🤴 life at all, this is the beginning expected a visit of fire 🔥 this morning 🌞, said. Wan Hua, they left 👈 and head back ⬅️ home 🏡, he walked into the room and he got in the bed 🛌. " everything is going to be okay my king 👑 , are you happy 😂? He strokes her face so gently and said" I more than happy 😂 I got a family 👪 with the woman I love ❤️, hey you want to go back ⬅️ to the Dragon 🐲 village later on this evening 🌚? Asked. Cao Mei, " that sounds 🎵 great how about after we finish for the day in the barn, said. Sun Mei. So they finally went to sleep 🌚, and suddenly Cao Jr wakes ⏰ his rag was wet, Cao Mei got up and walked into the room he picks ⛏️ him up and takes a rag and pens along with towels into the bathroom 🛀 to get him clean and change, he is splashing in the water 💦. And chatting up a storm, "

What 😦 you talking about Son huh 😕. I love ❤️ you so much. We are so lucky to have mom, said. Cao Mei, he drains out the water 💦 and dries him off puts his rag on him and pen it on him, and kissed him on the head. He loves his family 👪. So much, they mean 😏 the world 🌎 to him. He walked into his room and lay him back ⬅️ in his crib, he closed his little eyes 👀 and went to sleep, he walked inside the room and lay on the bed 🛌. She looked 👀 at him, " I happy man 👨 in Chengdu because I have a generous wife and she blessed me with a beautiful baby boy 👶. I love ❤️ you so much Zhong, from the first day I saw you. Said, Cao Mei. " I saw you why didn't you come in talking 💬 to me? Asked. Sun Mei. " I didn't think 💭 you would be interested in me, so I study 📝 you go to earn everything about you, until that day I was ready to ask you to marry me, he ruins that for me. Said, Cao Mei, " did he? I may pick ⛏️ the wrong brother at first but I end up with the right 👉 one at last Cao. Said, Sun Mei

they kissed 😘 each other and went back to sleep 🌚, as the beginning of the hour night 🌚 slows 🐌 disappear in the morning 🌞 skies. The rooster 🐓 crows letting all of the people 👫. It is morning 🌞before the sun ☀️ comes up in the skies 🌈. " mm, moans Zhong Rong, and Cao Rong rolls over on his back ⬅️, baby 👶 Cao Jr. Is starting to wake up, their bedroom screen cuts ✂️ on. " he is up. Said, Sun Mei. " he just waking up, maybe we should too. Said, Cao Mei, " too early my king 👑, he goes back ⬅️ to sleep 🌚, said. Sun Mei, so they went back to sleep 🌚. In the castle 🏰 kitchen 🔪. The Castle 🏰. Cooks is fixing breakfast 🍳and soybean milk 🍼 for the prince 🤴, he starts to cry 😂, because he is hungry. " son come on it is a little early, said. cao Mei, anyway they got up out of the bed 🛌, and put their armors on. " do you want to feed him now or on the way. Asked, Cao Mei. " what 😦 you think 💭. We should do my king 👑? Do you want to keep up to the farmland out of the village? Or go before breakfast 🍳? Answered. Sun Mei "

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