
Fleeing Refugees

The Fall Of Garlen, was a tragedy. Those who managed to leave the city before it all happened, and those who managed to slip by the dead were lucky. Where they went they attracted more people. Especially the villages nearby to Garlen. They left as soon as the bellows of smoke began. An omen felt across them. Those that stayed watch the dead open the gates and march at dawn. 

They swiftly left after. The last messengers of a coming omen.. 

Dark days behind them catching up by the minute they only hoped that Farevie could handle the dead. Let alone the kingdoms armies which were already suspiciously absent since the kings death.

With a child on the throne, and rumors of corruption in the kingdom amongst the Dukes. They felt that their world was crumbling around them. Peaceful times would bot come for a while. That they felt, and saddened as they were trudged on until the majestic city rose in the horizon.

The city of Farevie (fare-vi) a large bustling powerhouse. Its bustling market outside the walls were a sight to see.

People of all walks of life walking up and down the streets. Carts of goods, beast and lifestock rumbling along their path. Guardsmen in trio's patrolled the main roads, even whole squads stood on corners asvarying events were happening. Or they spoke to another. Easily a meet up between guards who got off shift. Yet stood in their armor, just along the outskirts of this fine city wooden watchtowers stand alongside sparse short walls of wood. It isn't some massive stone wall. But it is where most find themselves when trying to gain access to the markets outside the walls. 

Such a bustling city was not dignified when this was barely a small portion of it. Past the markets and homes, of outskirting shops, to slums. Were the first walls of Farevie, thirty meter tall battlements overlooking the outskirting city, towers of stone with open hatches across its battlement. With a long pointed roof batting away any weather. 

Atop these walls guardsmen walked, their spears the only linger of their position. Bowmen from time to time peer over the walls. Even down the murder holes. Which gander at the base of the wall. 

Behind them a mile before the next wall. Between the first and second wall was the military zone. A place where the cities military operations heed from. Gates of tempered steel and treated oak stand between any enemy and their king. A whole army, the city was regarded as a military power in the region. Second to the capital. 

The second wall, often considered "Last Bastion", surrounded the richer part of the city. Where mid high to high class remain, here the shops, entertainment and people were nothing short but class. 

The walls though a reminder to the people within the core did serve a military purpose. Yet instead of guardsmen. They are protected by the elite of the military. Its best long range archers, long bowmen who can reach up to half a mile! They have the best spearmen and halberts, swordsmen, axemen. Should any breach this, then they would find themselves at the mercy of the Royal guard. The best of the best, geared with the latest that the city could afford. Barely two hundred men protect the inner city and its king. Yet there is more than brute force. Like the assassins under the king, intelligence officers, and finally the Royal bodyguards. 

Farevie is a powerful place. With tens of thousands of troops between the outskirts and the inner city.

If the empires repated attempts at bringing this city to its ruin. Then what chances do the dead have? 

Only time will tell..



Duth hummed a small tune an eerie echo with hardly more than the boots of his troops and their equipment. The animals knew better than draw close. Though Duth was saddened by the loss of new forces. He wouldn't mind it, raising the occasional animal when he came across their corpse. 

What really angered him though was the abandoned villages. "Bah.. They run before i can see them.." He took a step near their graveyard, tens of skeletons breaking thr9ugh the soil. Even a few zombie children. Duth glanced at them, kneeling infront of the group. 

"Though i call you back to your body. No child be they dead then or now see this. Rest in eternal peace little ones." Flames took the children, tkaing their flesh and burning their bones. Until the soul passed again, no longer a tether to the mortal plane. 

He took to the march again. His army in the time of his departure to gander at the village hadnt slowed at his behest. 

A day passed by in the march, when finally duth came across a horse.. Dead, eaten. He whisked a shadow of Soul mass across its corpse. Gave it life and rose it. "Ah.. You'll be my steed. Your name will be Nightshade"

He waved more SM to uptake his steed giving it a saddle. The horse inhaled and exhaled necro energies. Melting the trees and grass of life into a decayed goo.

"Good, now lets ride. I see our target.."

The city stood high. He would ride ahead. For he needed to procure more levels. His army would arrive perhaps hours before he did. The knights were motioned to come with. Time to buff their group up in levels.

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