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Georgina sits on a chair under a tree while drinking cold mineral water that she just bought from the vending machine, since morning dozens of places have refused to work because Gina can't show her work permit from the government. Which letter is legally obliged to be owned by foreign nationals who want to work in a country she is visiting and of course Gina doesn't have that, because her main purpose in coming to Barcelona is to meet her father's extended family to make revenge not to work.

"Looks like I'm not meant to work in this country," Gina muttered softly as she enjoyed her hot dog for lunch.

Gina smiled as she chewed her food, she remembered all the treatment she had received at the places she visited. Even her application letter was discarded by a minimarket manager who came to the floor, at first everyone was friendly to her because they knew she had just graduated from school. However, after finding out that Gina was a foreigner their attitude changed 360 degrees, which she did not understand at all. Why did people's attitude immediately change.

After finishing one portion of the hot dog, Gina reached for her cellphone to check the social media accounts of her stepbrothers that she had followed, even the account of her stepmother Vanessa Sanders. Gina's smile returned when she saw how luxurious the life of her half siblings was, even Diego Alvarez, who clearly had nothing to do with his father, also enjoyed all the luxuries that should have been her..

"What should I do, ma'am? Do I have to come straight to their place and speak loudly in front of all of them if I'm Julian Sanders' daughter? Ah but no, I can't do that. If I come and scream in front of them. everyone, they would all look down on me, no. I can't be like that. "Gina spoke to herself as she gripped her cell phone firmly.

While considering what to do, suddenly there was a scream from a woman from the left where Gina was sitting, shortly afterward, two masked men with sharp weapons seemed to run quickly and each of them was seen carrying two women's bags in their hands. his left. Fix, they both are pickpockets.

Without waiting for a long time, Gila then put her cellphone into her pocket and immediately stood up trying to block the two masked men.

"Go away, don't get in our way." One of the men screamed loudly while pointing his gun from a distance at Gina who was now standing in the middle of the road.

Gina narrowed her eyes trying to get a better look at the two men who were running towards her without flinching, Gina was reading the strength of her two enemies from a distance. Her smile grew when she was sure that the two men who had gotten closer to her did not have the fighting ability to be afraid of, they both seemed to be just petty criminals with weapons only.

The screaming sound of several pedestrians who saw the two criminals getting closer to Gina shouted loudly, they ordered Gina to stay away from the middle of the road. However, Gina, who was more than ready to welcome the two men, just smiled, just before the two men used their weapons to injure Gina who was in front of her, Gina was already looking down. She moved her legs in a circular motion, tackling the feet of the two men with ease. One second later there was a sound that was quite loud when the two men's bodies touched the paving box, Gina was sure they would be hurt considering how fast their running speed was.

"Fuck ... you're looking for death bitch!" Shouted one of the criminals loudly as he grabbed his gun again which had slipped from his hand and immediately stood facing Gina with the hand that drew the weapon.

"Let's get out of this place, just leave this woman," said the other thugs in a low voice, but Gina could still hear her asking her friend to leave the place.

"No, this little bitch has to be taught a lesson," said the first thug loudly, his eyes glistening at Gina full of anger. He seemed really annoyed that Gina made him fall.

Georgina narrowed her lips, she wanted to take advantage of this small quarrel for a bit. "Listen to your friends, go while you can. Don't be embarrassed again by falling."

Gina's words immediately inflamed the two criminals.

"Damn, this litte bitch."

"Let's finish off this lowly whore before leaving," said the second thief who had previously asked to leave with great emotion, as if he had been hooked on the words Gina said.

Gina tossed her long hair back when she heard the mention of bitch being applied to her again. "Ok, move up the two of you. I am ready to serve you."

"Talking a lot ...

The two criminals whose body was much bigger than Gina attacked Gina simultaneously with sharp weapons in her hands, Gina who was ready to immediately use her punches to paralyze the two people at the same time. Gina deliberately used her two hands to attack the two criminals to save time and effort, knowing that her opponent was not someone who knew martial arts, Gina didn't want to waste a lot of time. Even though it was only one hit, the two people immediately fell backwards and again touched the paving block quite hard, everyone who saw it immediately clapped their hands. Several men who had previously watched from the sidelines went straight to the two criminals who had already fallen, they rushed to try to direct blows at the two helpless criminals. But the loud screams from Gina finally made all the men stop their actions.

"Don't take the law into your own hands, remember that real men won't gang up and attack people who are helpless," said Gina loudly.

The ten men who had previously tried to beat up the two criminals immediately froze, they were ashamed of Gina's words. The screams of the two women who owned the bag who were stolen by the criminal made everyone turn their heads, including Gina, Gina's smile immediately grew when she saw two policemen appear behind the two women who owned the bags who immediately took their respective bags. Feeling that her job was done, Gina then stepped back, trying to mingle among the crowd of people who were huddling over the two criminals who had been arrested by the police.

Nobody noticed Gina's departure except for a child who had seen her teach the two criminals a lesson. Gina immediately put her thumb in front of her mouth. She gestured to the boy not to make a sound.

"Bye." Gina spoke silently while waving her hand at the little boy before finally getting into a bus that had just stopped at a bus stop.

From inside the bus, Gina could see people starting to look for her, but Gina, who did not want her identity to be known, chose to hide herself on the bus so that people who were looking for her would not see her.

The Hero will leave when the task is done and that's what Gina is doing right now.


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