
Tide starts!!!

Axel was getting ready for tomorrow. Mew arrived early in the morning. It wanted to try that dish again. Axel knew that Mew would come very fast so he had already prepared the dish for it. 

"Ok, tell me what you want and give me the dish again.", said Mew.

"Wo Wo… Slow down, Mew. First, here is the dish. Eat it while it is hot.", said Axel.

Mew didn't thank Axel for it and started to eat it. It fell on its back after feeling satisfied.

"Now, my wish. I have around 6000 members in my team and I have promised them that I would not let them die in the tide. Their training has not finished and I want to uphold my word.

So, can you protect them during the tide?", asked Axel.

"I want to but my other half won't like that.", said Mew.


"He says something about balance. I cannot understand it very well.", said Mew as it was trying to remember something.

"So, you cannot help me?"

"I cannot but I can do one thing. I will protect all these people one time during the tide. If they are on the verge of death, I will protect them one time but if they come near death a second time, then I will do nothing.", said Mew.

"That would also help me a lot, Mew. Thanks."

Mew started to laugh at it. It was happy about Axel's behavior towards it.

Axel had gotten one lifeline for his team members. It was not full immunity but it was still something.

Mew was very powerful. He knew that he could trust it. 

25 million Pokemons, around 5 million pseudo-king rank Pokemons. That was what Axel was going to face tomorrow. 

He got himself a strong drink. Took it and then went to sleep. Sleep was highly important during the tide cause he may not be able to sleep for days. He had to be strong.


Next day,

"Hector, what is the status?", asked Axel.

"The tide has started sir. It is just the beginning and the traps have worked very well. This has boosted the morale of the soldiers. Till now there are no deaths but 2000 of them are seriously injured and are getting medical attention.", said Hector.

It was already afternoon. Axel had not stepped up and he was just getting the reports. Till now, no pseudo-king rank Pokemon had attacked. There were only rare rank and elemental rank Pokemons.

"What about the water-type Pokemons? Are we dealing them in a planned way?", asked Axel.

"Yes sir, the thunder team and the grass team have been very effective. Our battle strategies are working well."

"Nice, if a pseudo-king rank Pokemon comes, you know what to do. We have to change the strategy instantly. Also, call me when the first pseudo-king rank Pokemon comes along.", said Axel.

"Ok sir.", said Hector giving a salute, and then went outside. 

Axel, Dragon, Agatha, Hector, and Kurt have created separate teams for dealing pseudo-king rank Pokemons. 

The soldiers that had pseudo-king rank Pokemons were not many. There were a lot of them compared to Burbos town but not enough to deal with 5 million pseudo-king rank Pokemons. So, Axel had to strategize and place these teams in a way that they could cover the whole north zone which was incredibly hard. 

After he had 4 king-rank Pokemons with him, he was not worried about king-rank Pokemons but pseudo-king rank Pokemon. 

It was not that an elemental rank Pokemons could not defeat them but they would need multiple elemental rank Pokemons for a single pseudo-king rank Pokemons.


It was already evening and Axel got a call from Hector. 

"Sir, we have pseudo-king rank Pokemons now. You have to come here to assist us."

"Ok, how many of them are there?", asked Axel.

"Around 500 of them sir."

"Ok, call Dragon, Clair, and Kurt too. We are dealing with them. Are there any flying-type Pokemons in them?"

"No sir, only land type Pokemons."

"Alright, I will be right there."

Axel had 11 Pokemons right now. He called all of them to deal with these pseudo-king rank Pokemons. He was not holding back. 

He had learned from his experience that one should not hold back during the tide. 

He didn't disturb Agatha cause she had to lead the night watch. 

The soldiers were surprised to see that all of Axel's Pokemon were pseudo-king rank except for Pidgeot.

He strictly told Pidgeot to not interfere in this battle and to only focus on elemental rank and rare rank Pokemons.

"Each of you would be under king-rank Pokemons. So, Venusaur, you would be under Nidoking..."

Axel started to separate the teams. He told the king-rank Pokemons to not actively participate in this fight but to protect those in need. 

This was his strategy. 

It was the first time for Absol and Tauros to fight in the tide. They were very exited. 

Venusaur was given extra responsibility to heal other Pokemon during their time of need. 

"Let's start and finish them off!!!", shouted Axel.

The battle was finished within an hour. None of them got hurt. Dragon, Kurt, and Clair also helped Axel. 

"500 are gone, 4,999,500 are left.", said Dragon.

If one were to look at the numbers then it was just a drop in a bucket but it was still progress. Since they only battle for 3 minutes, none of them were tired. 

Axel wanted his Pokemon to be healthy cause he had to assist Agatha in the night raid. He wanted the night raid to be finished immediately. That is why he asked 2 trainers of the Venu family who also have king-rank Pokemon for their help. 


Night time,

"Sorry for troubling you Agatha but you are the only choice that I have.", said Axel.

"You should be sorry. It is my bedtime now. I am an old woman Axel. I need my rest.", said Agatha.

Axel felt a bit guilty after hearing it but he had his job to do. Alon was also there and he was instructing the soldiers on their job. As of right now, they were only dealing with rare rank and elemental rank Pokemons. A pseudo-king rank Pokemon had not arrived till now. 

Some of the soldiers got injured and they had to be taken care of. However, the battle still went on. The night battle was not very hard. The wild Pokemons attacking at night were very less compared to in the daytime. Almost all of the Pokemons at night time were ghost type Pokemons. Ghost type Pokemons only had 2 weaknesses. Ghost and dark type. 

Shedinja was not here now but Absol was still present. Most of Axel's Pokemon were resting now. 

Finally, a group of pseudo-king rank Pokemons came into the field to fight. There were only 200 of them. The numbers were very much less compared to daytime. 

Gogoat and Alakazam had not participated in the night raid cause Axel wanted Gogoat to be fresh during the morning and Alakazam was weak to ghost-type moves. 

"Megalania, Steelix, both of you use 'Earthquake'", shouted Axel.

Both of their 'Earthquake' had already crossed level 40. It was a devastating move and most of the ghost type Pokemons were already injured by this attack. Some of the rare and elemental rank Pokemons were even killed by the combined 'Earthquake'.

"Megalania and Steelix; you guys form 1 team and attack them separately. Gyarados and Mamoswine, you guys would be in another team. Beedrill and Venusaur, you all will be in another team. Tauros and Absol would be in the final team. Pidgeot would help you too."

These teams were carefully designed by Axel. Nidoking and Steelix started with 'Sandstorm' and 'Sand hardening'. Since both of them used the same moves at the same time, the power of the attack was more than doubled. Both of them were in king rank and they were able to do a lot of damage. 

All of them had used their status moves before the start of the battle. Steelix had already used moves like 'Rock polish' and 'Iron defense'. It then used moves like 'Sand tomb' to trap the ghost type Pokemons and also used 'Sand trap'. 

Most of the ghost type Pokemons didn't even know what was happening. Nidoking added 'Spinning poison' and killed 10 pseudo-king rank Pokemons at the same time. 

The battle was going in their favor. 

Gyarados and Mamoswine used moves like 'Hail' and 'Rain dance' for their area effect. 

Gyarados were flying during 'Rain dance'. Gyarados was very intimidating and its presence had changed the battle. Its ability 'Intimidate' had lowered the attack stats of the wild Pokemons. It used moves like 'Tail Blade', 'Aqua tail', and 'Hydro pump'. It was also using 'Water manipulation', so the power of the attack was more precise.

Mamoswine had upgraded a lot of its moves and it was now using all these moves to its advantage. It used 'Anchor shot' to bind 2 Gengars and then raise them in the air and crash them in the ground. One of the Gengars froze from the attack and Mamoswine took advantage of it. 

It then used 'Mist' to decrease the vision of the targets and then started to use moves like 'Ice shard' and 'Icicle spear'. 

Within half an hour, 200 pseudo-king rank Pokemons were already dead. Agatha had not participated in the battle till now. She didn't need to. Axel and 10 of the soldiers had taken care of all the pseudo-king rank Pokemons. 

Axel was still not done yet. He actively started to kill all the rare and elemental rank Pokemons. Doing so will result in other stronger Pokemons coming out to fight and the night raid's time would decrease. 

Axel had not done the same for the day raid cause he needed his soldier to rest and regroup. However, the night raid was different. He had to finish the night raid as fast as he could so that Agatha would be free to participate in the day raid.

When the rare and elemental rank Pokemons were going to be finished, another group of pseudo-king rank Pokemons came towards them. This time, the number of pseudo-king rank Pokemons numbered 1000. 

"Do you need my help?", asked Agatha.

"No, I can handle this.", said Axel. 

There were very few soldiers that had pseudo-king rank Pokemons during the nighttime. This was done for 2 reasons. Even though night raids were dangerous, the number of wild Pokemons attacking during the night time was very less compared to the daytime. 

Another was due to scarce resources. There were not many soldiers who had pseudo-king rank Pokemon. Axel had to prioritize the resources based on their need, which was why there were only 20 soldiers who had pseudo-king rank Pokemons during the night time excluding him and Agatha. 

However, all these 20 soldiers had 6 Pokemons each who were pseudo-king rank Pokemon. That was a total of 120 pseudo-king rank Pokemons. 

They were facing 1000 pseudo-king rank Pokemons now and Agatha was not going to interfere. 

How was Axel going to complete the task? Nobody knew except for Axel.


His confidence came from his king-rank Pokemons. King-rank Pokemons were not a joke. Axel had 4 of them right now and 2 of the pseudo-king rank could even use their pre-domain move. 

At first, they battled with the same strategy. Nidoking and Steelix used a mixture of 'Sandstorm' and 'Sand hardening'. Gyarados and Mamoswine used 'Hail' and 'Rain dance' strategies. 

Venusaur supported Beedrill while it attacked. It also used moves like 'Grassy terrain', 'Sunny day', and 'Solar beam'. 

Tauros and Pidgeot supported Absol while it was spasming dark type moves.

However, this strategy proved to be ineffective as there were a lot of them and they were being punched by more ghost type Pokemons. Most of them were Gengars. But there were also some Dusclops, Misdreavus, Banette, and Sableye.

"Sir, we are not able to hold so much. What should we do? Should we ask Lady Agatha for help?", asked one of the soldiers to Axel.

"No, Agatha's Pokemons need to be in full power when they face king-rank Pokemons. So, we have to finish them off. Tell me the details. How many pseudo-king rank Pokemons remain?", asked Axel.

"Around 700 of them had died and 300 of them are still left.", said the soldier.

"Ok, tell all of your Pokemons to move aside. I am going to try something big.", said Axel.

The soldier followed the order and told others to tell their Pokemons to back down. Within a minute only Axel's Pokemons were surrounded by the hoard of ghost type Pokemons.

"Guys, it is time to get serious. Activate your pre-domains!!!"

Chapitre suivant