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For everyone watching, this might have looked like a merciful kill. But, the moment Zhang Tian's domain dissipated, the arena returned to normal, and the man once considered dead was back in his place looking completely different than before.

Unlike his corpse-like appearance, he was fully back to his human shape. No longer short of height but an above-average tall man. Instead of a skin riddled with scars and patches of death and necrosis. He had a hale and healthy skin color and tone. However, his cultivation level was completely demolished.

"Mortality is your penance, for the lives of those you have taken. They were weak and unable to defend themselves from you, but now you'll meet their punishment," Zhang Tian said.

Suddenly from above the arena, the skies tore open. Something that even I had never thought I would see.

Countless apparitions of souls spiraling endlessly above us manifested.

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