
Medicine King

"Come out!" Old Fu spoke as he dug his hand into the sand and pulled out a cultivator by the clothes on the back of his neck.

The man he pulled out couldn't help but let out an awkward laugh full of terror and fear as he said, "Why you good sir, what can I do for you?" he said as he hastily put away the small dagger he held behind his back.

"What were you planning by hiding in the sand?" asked Old Fu.

"Oh why good sir, we were just resting a bit, I hope we didn't disturb you on your way," he said.

"Resting… I see," he said, "Then since the two of us are heading to the city mind telling us a bit about it?" old Fu said as he placed the man back on his feet.

The man nodded replying, "Yes good sir, that' city is called Demon Gorge City, since it is one of the few cities that's built atop what we think to be hell's gates," he said "And it's one of the trade hubs of the Sea of Demons."

"Where do you think you're going?" Old Fu muttered.

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