
Authors Note

Dear readers

This is your author. I thought of sharing this to you before you go ahead with the story. 

First of all thank you to everyone who dropped by this book and also the one's who are reading this note right now.(Well Idk if you checked this out bcoz you wanted to or just clicked on it accidentally) 

It's almost six months since I have started writing this story and I am really enjoying the writing so far. I hope you are doing the same while reading.This book is on realistic fiction genre and I know it's not one among those popular genres on the platform. However I am still here to give it a shot. 

Each character has their own back stories and at times I will have to include their point of views too. So be patient while reading them , as they are all related to the main plot. 

Hope you understand this and show some love to this amateur author by supporting the book. Your opinions are always appreciated. Let me know how you feel about the story in the paragraph or chapter comments. Now I don't want my reader's to be those silent one's, okay? 

Share your thoughts;that helps a lot honestly.Okay now I won't waste much of your time... ;D

 ~Love, Your Author

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