
The Call


Ian woke up to the sound of his phone ringing loudly, he grabbed it and winced at the bright light as it burned his eyes.

"Jackson? Why is he calling me this late" he says. He took a glance at Vince who was snoring softly, he picked up the call.


"Ian? Thank God, where are you? I need your help"

He could sense the pain in Jackson's voice. He sat up, the moonlight providing dim light in the room.

"Are you in trouble? I'm at a cabin as we speak"

"I'm at a hospital, i need financial help"

He frowned, what?

"I can send you some cash via PayPal, you'll cash it out"

"I appreciate it, thanks"

He hanged up and sighed.

What was Jackson doing at the hospital this time of the night? Ian found himself writing Vince a note that he went back home, he ordered an uber and walked to the main road.


Jackson paced back and forth in the empty Hospital hallway, his brother was in the OR, the doctor had said he overdosed on sleeping pills and drowned.

His eyes were bloodshot red from the tears he had cried all the way to the hospital.


He froze and turned to look at his friend, his bottom lip quivered.


They embraced each other in a tight hug. Ethan had never seen Jackson look so vulnerable before.

"He's going to be alright"

"I know but....the voice in my head"

Ethan held him by the face looking him in the eyes.

"Ignore it, your brother will be fine, trust me"

Tears brimmed his eyes again.

"Why are you being so nice to me, especially after...everything"

Ethan smiled and hugged him again.

"We were friends before the whole drama, let's just be that, deal?"

He sniffled.


The doctor came out of the Operation room taking off his glasses.

"We managed to pump out the pills so he'll be fine, the water in his lungs however will be a different story, i suggest he stays here until we find a way to drain it out"

The two teens nodded and the doctor gave Jackson an encouraging pat on the shoulder before he walked away.

"See? He'll be fine" Ethan says making his friend smile.



It's morning and Vince woke up alone in bed, he sighed and sat up only to find a letter at his feet.

'Vince. Jackson called saying he needed help, i went to help him out, please don't be mad and trust me, love Ian :)'

He crumbled the paper in a ball.

"It's Jackson who i don't trust" he says before putting on some clothes and head out.

Jeremy and Alice were already up frying some eggs.

"Hey lover boy, where are yo-" Alice starts only to be cut off.

"Ian went back to find Jackson"



He walked inside the hospital and made his way to the ER, he saw Ethan at a vending machine buying some snacks.

"Ethan? hey"

Ethan looked at Ian, the boy he had once had a crush on, he smiled.

"Hey, what brings you here? Hope you're okay?"

"Oh I'm fine....Jackson called in the middle of the night saying something about money so i came to see if he's okay"

"Oh" he said.

He thought Jackson only called him but hearing he also called Ian made him feel some type of way but he shouldn't because they are now only friends....right?

"Jackson is fine, his brother however attempted suicide last night"

"Oh God....i hope he's okay"

"He'll be fine, I'll tell Jackson you stopped by"

Ian frowned.

"Am I not going to see him? So i can atleast say hi"

"I don't think that's a good idea, especially after your history with him"



Ethan watched him walk away, he sighed and walked back into the room.

"I bought you a kitkat, sorry i couldn't find more food" he says. Jackson flashed him a smile.

"Thanks, i appreciate it"

He eyed the door again,

"No worries"


The three of them sped down the road heading to Ian's home, the fact that he would leave in the middle of the night to help his ex was baffling.

"I'm sure it must've been an emergency"

Alice says trying to make Vince calm.

"If by emergency you mean turning me down so he can fuck his ex then yeah, maybe it was an emergency" he snapped.

"Don't talk to her like that, she's trying to help" Jeremy chimed in.

"I'm sorry, it's just....it's Jackson" he says remembering how he could immediately tell that Jackson was using Ian.

The car stopped in front of the house, Vince practically jumped out and hurried to the door, he knocked furiously.

"Oh hello, Ian is not here"

Vince almost snapped at the poor woman, he cleared his throat and smiled.

"Where did he go if i may ask?"

"He went to the hospital, something about a friend in trouble?"

He nodded.

"Thank you, we'll stop by later"


Jeremy and Alice watched him stomp his way to the car.

"Sheeesh, he's so angry" she says.

"Any guy would be, imagine your boyfriend sneaking out in the night to go to his ex, major ego blow"

Vince got in.

"You guys can drop me off at my place"

"If you say so"


Wesley frowned as his calls to Charlie went going through.

"Is he still mad at me?"

He called him again and this time it went through.

"Charlie? Are you okay?"

"This is Jackson, Charlie's brother, he's been hospitalized"

His body ran cold hearing that.

"Which hospital?"

"I'll send the address"

The call hanged up and Wesley quickly put on some casual clothes and stormed out of his house.

The only thing in his mind was Charlie.








A/N- so this story was supposed to end at 20 chapters BUT your comments made me reconsider so SPARKS will be updated again. But i have no wifi sooo the updates will be random, hope you guys don't mind. Leave a vote and a comment

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