
Chapter 56: All Alone

The others were almost done, taking care of the fiends. There was too many, but you don't know how crazy Drago can be.

Killing almost half of them. He still wants more, more stronger than what he's been fighting, one that would make him go all out, put his life on the life.

"Weak, come on! That's all they got? I'm not even serious yet"

Corpses were scattered everywhere around him.

"Ugh! I hate this! Why do we have to be here!?"

Said Ruhan, angrily.

"He said, things will be explained to us, so let's just finish this"

Calm as usual, Zest always look out for her and with just his words, Ruhan would stop and just do as Zest says.


"Ow, ow, ow! Ouch! Their magma's too hot, hiss"

Maeve and Hazel's almost done on their side too. Maeve was luring them, whilst Hazel, she do the finishing touch. Hazel had not still gone back to herself.

"Come fuckers! I'll fucking rip you up and throw you into the boiling magma!"

"Their coated in magma! Idiot! Hiss"

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