
Chapter 29: Memory lost

Hime wakes up to look up at the ceiling. Her vision seem to twirl around, making her head spin. She didn't know where she's at. She can hear the heart monitor beeping next to her. Her whole body felt heavy and soar. She move her arms a bit to see the I.V. stick in her hand. Hime start to panic. She wonder if she had dreamt the whole thing of being in U.A. all her classmates. Her teachers, her clubs. Have it all been a dream. Have she never woken up from her comma? Hime heard a loud snore next to her. She look over to see Leader sleeping in the couch. Hime lightly smile to see him.

Don't tell me he stood here all night? She try to get up but her body burn in pain. She stay lay down since she didn't have the strength to get up. She look over to her side to see Leader still sleeping but she look up, next to her bed is a vase of roses. Hime look over at Leader with a soft smile, did he...hehe.

Tomura groan harshly as Sora help him set up. He can feel the pain burning him but not as bad as it was.

"Oh stop being a baby!" Sora told him.

"It hurts!" He complained.

Sora roll her eyes at him but lightly smile at him. She roll over some cleaning supplies to help clean him.

"I didn't know sponge baths are a thing here! Mind helping me out here sweetheart?" Hawks grin at her. He lay next to Tomura and Spinner. Sora threw a wet hand towel at his face.

"If your healthy enough to talk down on me like that then your healthy enough to clean yourself." Sora groan at him. She unwrapped Tomura's bandage to see that his scar his already healing.

"That's strange!"


"It's already heal up! But how? This usually takes up around 6 months!" Sora seem surprised.

"But it still hurts!' Tomura complain. He touch the scar to see that it have already close up. How? He knew Andrea was good but not this good. Unless, ... "Hime!"

"Huh?" Sora look at him.

"Nothing. It's nothing. The doc is good at what she does!"

"Hmm." Sora takes off the bloody bandages off. "I'll have the Doctor exam you when she comes back but for now I'll give you something for the pain." She told him.

"Yeah, thanks ." Tomura groan at how bad it still hurts.

"So am I goin to be exam too, sweetheart?" Hawks grin at her and wink. Sora walks up to him with a soft smile. She then close the curtains on him for him to be alone.

"I already warn you, not to give me pet names." Sora sound more annoyed. "The doctor would examine your wound when she gets back. Suffer the pain!"

She's so scary! Tomura and Spinner felt a bit nervous by her mood. Sora walk to Spinner . She seem quite and still avoid eye contact with him. She check his heart beat. Spinner can see that she still blame herself for what happened.

"Your vitals are normal." She told him.

"Look at that, I'm cure!" He joke. Sora grin a little bit turn it back to a frown. She walk away from him towards the door.

"I'll check on you later. I have to attend the other patients."

"There was a ruckus yesterday. What happened out there." Hawks ask her.

"A villian attack." Sora stood quite. She look at Spinner and Tomura. "Not many people made it." She walk away and close the door.

"You haven't told them. have you?" Spinner look at Tomura.

"If I did that, the doc might want to run." Tomura told him. Spinner sigh. he knew he's right about that. If Andrea knew who was chasing after Hime. She miight want to pack and grab Hime to leave. he knew there were things that she kept sectets. but there were things she have told them so far but it didn't add up.

"Are you going to tell her?"

"If i did that. She'll find out that Hime isn't in Sia academy. We can't have that."

"She needs to know." Spinner told him. "Their lives might be in danger."

"I know. But it's best they don't know. For now. If it gets worse, I'll take full responsibility."

"Okay," Hawks was up open the curtains. "So, this Hime."

"None of your business!" They both told him. They forgotten he was here. Tomura still look at the heal wound. It still hurts even though the wound is all healed. But he can still feel the burn from the scythe . He can still feel the hot metal slash him.

At U.A. High, the principal have gather a meeting with the other teachers. Aizawa sat in the meeting room among with them. They were discussing about the villain attack yesterday. Many lives have been taken. Both civilians and heros. Homes were destroyed. Hospitals were full. A lot of people have become homeless after what happen. The principal were discussing about the teaching methods of the hero course teaching.

"Seeing how this villain have no sympathy towards anyone. We must prepare the students."

"That much power, it's dangerous! Do you think its the league of villains?" Midnight look at the news cast. They see a lava monster destroying everything in its path. Then they see a titan wolf lava monster being destroy by green flames. The news cast couldn't seem to to get any closer. "Who ever was fighting that villain, at least we know they're responsible for the attacks.

"Let's not forget to mention they hurt a student." Aizawa told them.

"Oh right. From your class? I heard about it." Vlad sound worry. "Who was it?"

"Seifuku, Hime. The doctors said she had lost a lot of blood and the surgery took a long time. But she should be stable. They just don't know when she'll wake up. It seems she was fighting the villain or at least stop them."

"That means she know what they look like."

"Yes. But we have no idea when she'll wake up. The doctor said the cut could have killed her. It's a miracle that she even survived."

"Yes, I understand her and two other students are in the extra studies. They haven't received their licenses yet." Nezu look at his tea.


"Eraserhead. Present Mic. I think it's time to have them take part."

"Don't you think it's a bit soon?" Mic sound worried. "Seifuku still learning how to control her sonic screech. She's hesitating a lot from using it . Don't get me wrong, the kid is great on combat. But Shinso is barely learning. He have a long way to go. As for Adam, well. I mean. His small little body can do so much."

" Hatsume and her club are working on his hero body. They've been working on it while working on their project." Powerloader told them.

"Eraser, what do you think?" Nezu watch him as he thought carefully is right.

"Shinso and Seifuku are not ready. They have a long way to go. However, i do believe this well be a good opportunity for them. They need to know what they're getting themselves into."

"They're not ready!" Midnight protest. "Sure, their classmates have more experienced then them. But it's still too early."

"Midnights right. You can't put these kids through what your students already went through. They still need more training."

The teachers were all talking and arguing over this. They still don't know if putting the extra course students already in the front lines is such a good idea. Meanwhile in the dorms. Everyone was worried about Hime.

"Is it true? Is Hime in the hospital?" Hatsume burst open the doors wide. She was running around the hero course dorm in panic.

"How did you get in?" Sero look confused.

"I have a spare key."

"When did you have a spare key?" Kirishima sound shock.

"That's not important right now. Is it true?"

"Yes. So far from What Kaachan told me. Me-me was in surge that she lost a lot a blood. That's all he told me."

S-S-senpai i-is hurt?" Yuie shyly walk behind Hatsume. She look worried and was ready to cry.

"Yeah. He hasn't text me back. Adam is with her too." Midoryia explain to her. "I'm sure she's fine. I hope."

The newscast play back from what happen yesterday of the villain attack. They saw the lava monster walking through the street , melting the concrete. Then it changes to a huge lava titan wolf. Something was fighting it but the camera couldn't seem to zoom in. But something was diff entry fighting it. Then it shows a glowing green man using green flames to let the lava wolf. The newscast explains the event that happens.

"That area!" Shoto looks at Midoryia. "Didn't Seifuku say she lives near there?"

"Dah! Your right!" Midori sounded worried he then remembers about Tatsu and Chip. They live close to the beach area. "Mr. Tatsu lives there too." He remembers.

"Who?" Iida asks him.

"Mr. Tatsu. He's Me-Me's teacher. We met him. They live in that area." He looks worried now. "I wonder if he's okay?"

Hime woke up again. She was still in the hospital. She has fallen asleep again. She's been dozing off with the medications they gave her. She felt a cold hand on hers, she looked to her side. She saw Andrea sleeping while holding her hand. She smile a little but then soon faded. Andrea is here. Aizawa was here. And Leader is here. She felt a bit nervous about how can she explain this to Andrea. How does she know them? How she is in the U.A. instead of Sia Academy. Hime tries to move a little but her body felt soar. An awful soar. Everything is pounding and the pain shoots through.

"Andrea?" She whispers her name. She woke up slowly to see Hime was finally awake.

"Hey, Hey, Hey sweetie?" Andrea's voice sound shaken. She look as if she wanted to cry. "My sweet angel. How are you feeling?" She brushes Hime's hair off her face. Tucking in her hair to the side. She smiles happily in relief.


"Oh, my sweet girl." She still wanted to cry but tears refused to spill. She tries to calm Hime by making her feel comfortable.

"The mom! And her son, where are they?" she sits back up with a gasp of panic. She's now just remembering them. "And Tomura! Is he okay? Andrea! He got hurt! I...I" Hime start to panic. She remembered what happen. Tomura protects her from a villain. That villain who knew her. Hime doesn't know who she is but for some reason. She knew her. Her scent, her scent was very eerie.

"Easy love, easy! He's okay. He's back at home resting." she stroked her hair. "as for the mother and her young lad. They are safe. She only has a few bruises on her but she's going to be fine. And so is her bae"

Hime relaxed a little once she heard they were okay. She lay back down and took a breather. "I'm glad." her voice croaked. "I tried, Andrea. I try to protect them."

"Shhhshshhhh. I know my dear. And you did a marvelous job. I am so proud of you." she told her softly. Andrea stroke Hime's hair off her face. She smiles at her softly.

"I'm sorry Andrea." She croak. She look at her confused. But Hime look at the ceiling, "I know you don't want me to be a hero but I couldn't Andrea." She cover her face to hide her tears. "I couldn't sit back and watch. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. "

"Oh love. Hush now!" She pay her head gently. "I am so proud of you. I have never been more proud of you then ever." She softly smile.

A knock soon came to the door as they both turned to see a middle age man come in with a chart in hand. His face a little pale but nothing less looks friendly as he quietly approaches, "Hime Seikifu?"

"Hello doctor! Is everything alright?" Andrea look at him with a stern straight face.

"Well, from the look of things, everything else seems to be normal but...Mrs. Seikifu." He looks at both of them with a curious look on his face as he looks over his glasses and towards her, "May I ask you a question, and I would like you to be honest with me please."

"Um okay?" Hime look at him with confusion.

"Tell me Mrs. Seikifu, what kind of calories do digest--most accordingly would you normally eat on a daily basis" he asks questionably.

"Um, why?" Hime tilt her head sideways. Andrea raise an eyebrow at the doctor with suspicious.

"I just want to make sure before I tell you." He says with assurances.

"Tell us what?" Andrea sound annoyed already.

"If I tell you, promise not to go ballistic even though it's understandable?" He says as he still looked at the chart.

"why? Do I have cancer or something?" Hime is already panic.

"Love calm down. I'm 100% sure it isn't cancer." She smile at her but her eyes turn red when she look at the doctor, "But I am sure the hospital we'll have another body at their morgue. " She glare at him.

The doctor shutter a bit as he clears his throat, "Like I said, from the look of things it seems normal and no cancer is included but...what doesn't make sense is your blood work. I noticed your blood pressure was over 180, technically 280/180 and we all know t-that's not good and we did a Angiography to make sure all blood vessels were in tact but..." he paused for a moment as he tries to figure out on how to explain the next part which was just confusing to him, "...w-we found three different blood types within your body..."

"Eh?" Hime look more confused now. Andrea tight her grip a bit.

"That's impossible!" Hime sound sure. "Even I know that would cause a ABO. Are you sure doctor?"

"Clearly the fool have received a wrong diagnosed." Andrea sound annoyed.

"I'm sorry but I'm not lying Mrs. Seikifu because we had you looked over nearly three to four times during your surgery...." the doctor started but pauses for a minute as he heard a tapping sound by the window and he looks over to see a black bird tapping at the window.

Hime look over the black raven. Her heart ache once she seen it. She didn't know why but something about it hurts her emotionally.

Andrea gets up from her chair. She look annoyed at the doctor. But turn back to Hime with a friendly smile.

"Hime darling, why don't you rest up a little more. I'll speak to the doctor privately. Okay?"

"Huh? Oh! Um yeah!" Hime nod. Andrea wave at her but Andrea push the doctor out to talk to him the halls. Once she close the door she drag him far enough from Hime's room to an empty room. She slam him to the wall angerily . She took off her glasses and place it in her jacket pocket.

Matthew stood outside, lightly tapping the window in hopes of being let in.Hime blink a couple of times to see the raven tapping on the glass. She carefully gets up but the pain shoot out through her body. She breathe heavily to feel the pain again. The drugs must have wore off. She grab hold of her I.V. stand. She slowly try to walk towards the window.

"Why hello pretty bird." Hime set her fingers out for him to stand. Matthew flew to her fingers and rested right on them.

"Hehehe, strange. A wild bird would avoid human contact. You must belong to someone." Hime carefully pet, "Who do you belong to pretty bird?"

"Well if you must know, since I hope you remember, I actually serve my master...Dream." He says as he places the bag down from his mouth.

Hime drop her mouth in shock. She didn't believe it. "Hahahaha, okay whose pranking me?" Hime look around to see if there are any microphones around.

"Um....pranking? So, a talking bird here, with his mouth or better yet my beak is moving, is quite shocking to you? Oh, okay, well this is going to be interesting but you miss Hime is definitely an interesting one." Matthew says again and this time he was definitely having some full words here.

Hime look more shock. She crawl away from the bird only to be block by a wall.

"Great Queen of London! You are talking!" Hime look at the raven in surprised. "Wait, is this another quirk? I did talk to my cat one time and my classmates rabbit but then it stop! It only happen one time though. Unless? I know Ravens are highly intelligence. They can repeat words like people if they're train. Interesting."

"...I'm not even sure if that was a compliment, or your just saying that because your still in shock and processing everything?..."

Hime look at the bird. She grab like a doll and start to exam him. "Um...w-what are you doing?" He says looking around.

"Eaither I'm still unconscious or your your real. But I'm more interested on how are you talking? Could be a new evolution ? Always said that you're so intelligent of a high IQ. But do you have managed to put words in together and able to talk? I'm actually quite curious now!

".....um...would this help?" He pecks her hand to prove she was awake.

"ouch! That hurt!" Hime let's go of him.

"Well it proved your awake right? And I'm talking for real?" He jumps to land on her lap.

"huh! Okay." Hime looks at him still doesn't believe it. "Not to be rude but, why are you here? Do you have a name? And how did you know my name?"

"Oh! My apology since we got drafted to the left of things but; my name is Matthew and well, Dream sent me here to give you this miss Hime.

Hime look at a small bag. She unwrap it to see a golden sand inside. "Sand?"

"Yes. Dream said it'll..actually help bring back at least a small portion of your memory..." Matthew said quietly.

"Dream?" Hime didn't understand him. Something about this feel off."Mr. Matthew. Not to be rude. But why should I trust you. I can't just simply take your word for it . And this Dream person, why would they help me?"

"...*sigh*..because he actually knows more about you then some let on. The bag there holds some amount portion of bring you back some of your memory to help you..." he pauses before continuing, "It'll also help you at least deal with what happened during your time being the coma, especially when 16 rampage the streets."

Hime look at him then the bag. She only took a pinch of it, "what do I do with it?"

"Well for starters, just grab it out of the bag."

"Okay, but do I just what?" Hime looks at the sand. She lead her hand of sand up to her mouth.

"No! God no don't eat that miss Hime!" Matthew flaps his wings hysterically, "Just sprinkle it into the air instead for Christ sakes?!"

"what? I-I wasn't going to eat it!" Hime lie, "I was smelling it!" Her voice squeak out of nervous.

"Yeah right. It would've been up a little higher, plus your lying just now. That little squeak tells it!"

"I do not squeak!" Hime squeak again. She can feel her cheeks flush. She power the sand on top of her. "Chew!" She sneezed. "Huh, I don't feel any different." She told him. She felt a pound on her head.

"Ah!" Hime groan. The pound hit her again. She groan from the headache. Each hard pound, felt like a punch. Slight of Memories rush in her head. But they weren't all of it. Just memories of what she had from last night. Memories of a man that she knew he goes by Morpheus;The king of nightmares. Have ask for her help of a strange murder that's going on.

"So....anything kicking in yet?"

"Yes, Matthew." Hime gets up. She start to take off her bandages. There was something off about her. She look numb.

"Um...are you okay miss Hime?" He asked worriedly as he looked at her, he noticed something was off. Really off.

"I'm fine." Hime have a heavy glare. Her glare look dark and cold. Once she have bandages off. A huge scare is shown across her chest down to her belly and side. It was already heal along with some burn marks but they left scars on her.

"How long do I have for this to be worn of?"

"When you find the person whose responsible for killing people in their dreams. Right now, you can remember. But once you captured the suspect you won't remember any of or what happened during those time. Just when you fought 16 and waking up here in the coma. After that. Zip!"

"That sounds unreasonable."

"I don't make the rules. Dream does."


Andrea slam him to the wall angerily. She took off her glasses and place it in her jacket pocket.

"Who else know about this?"

"Huh?! Only me and the few that worked during her surgery?!"

"Is that all?" Andrea's eye glow red.

"For Christ sakes yes! What else do you want to know?!"

"I want them destory. All of it. Even her test results and records of her being in surgery." Andrea look at his name tag.

His tag said "Dr. Ling" as he looked at her a bit worried and fearful.

She lean over to his ear. She whispered softly but her voice sound menacing, "If you know what's good for you."

"Okay, okay! It'll be done, j..just why go through all this please?!" He says keeping his distance as much as possible as he trembled.

Andrea's hair strat to move like snakes. She slam her fist to a wall. She left a hole with just a tap. She look annoyed.

"I don't have to answer anything to you!" Andrea look at him with a heavy glare. But her phone rang, "What?" She growl. It was man's voice. She k ew it all too well. "tch, fine!" She hand it to him. "Looks like it's for you."

"Um...o-okay...?!" He picks it up, "Hello...yes?"

"Dr.Lin. hello! Sorry for calling on such short notice." The doctor knew who it was already as he felt the uneasy feeling went away. It was the former boss of the liberation army.

"Yes. What do I owe the pleasure of such evening."

"the woman in front of you is Dr. Williams. She's one of the commanders from the paranormal liberation front. I understand that she have a family member in your quirk."


"good good. And I take it they're fine now?"


"That's good to hear." He sound happy. "Please do what Dr. Williams want. Trust me when I say she's really convincing."

"I...*sighs*...I already figured that out..thank you.."

"Great! Now can you please hand the phone back to Dr. Williams?"

"Of course..." he immediately hands her the phone . Andrea looks at it in disgust. She grabs the phone. She grunt under her breath once she start to speak.

"How did you know I was here?"

"Ah, your lovely assistant call me. She told me about the situation and knowing you, Doctor. You'll be on a rampage."

"Huh?" Andrea sound annoyed. "If this is about coming along with you people, I already told you I'm happy where I'm at!"

"Yes, yes, you've already told me that. But I'm only doing this for what Tomura Shigarake order me to do."

"Hmp!" Andrea groan. "I don't owe you nothing."

"Hahahaha, I'm not asking for anything. But please, do reconsider to be our member full time." He hangs up. Andrea look at her angerily. She felt frustrated. She smash her own phone with her her hands. The doctor look at her shock. Andrea breathe as she calms herself down. "Please, erase those documents and send me the copy to this email address."

"Yes ma'am." He left quickly. Andrea groan angerily in frustration. She wanted to break something, anything would do for her but she needs to keep a level head from this.

"Easy. You don't know this is a mere coincidence! Calm down! Hime doesn't know anything. She doesn't suspect and he haven't found her. Your both safe." Andrea try to calm herself down by breathing.

Once she have the bandages off. A huge scare is shown across her chest down to her belly and side. It was already heal along with some burn marks but they left scars on her. It seem it would not heal anymore this this.

"How long do I have for this to be worn of?"

"There is no time limit," Matthew explain. "The master told me to assist you as much as I can."

"Okay." Hime sigh. She touch the scar on her chest. The stitches seem to have have been cover her skin and fur. She grown at this. She knew it would hurt more if she takes it out now.

"Jesus! That's a really nasty scar." Matthew sound worried.

"A gift from my..." Hime remember 16 face. Her head buzz out of the memory she try to remember but it seem her memory is blocking itself. Her head felt throbbing in pain. "Bloody hell with this blasted headache!"

"Are you okay?" Matthew look at her.

"Sorry Matthew." Hime sat on the floor. She sigh heavily in frustration. Her head pounds with some memories that she can remember. She knew who Matthew is. She knew who Devil is. She knew about Morpheus but does she know him? He seem important to the balance of this world but to her. Who is he to her?

"I'm not quite well at the moment."

"Is there anything you remember?"

"You. The land of dreams. X-1616. I remember how my power works." Hime hold up her hand. Flames burst out of her hands. Matthew look at her in surprised. "I know how to work with it. I remember that Morphus summon me to help solve a case for him."

"Is that all?"

"You seem sad." Hime look at him. He hop towards her.

"I just thought you would remember everything."

"There are some memories I remember. But they are not all good. I guess your master wants me to focused." Hime sigh.

"I'm sorry."

"For what? I think this better. Besides. 16 must be punish for what she have done to my home. To the people." Hime let out a growl. "She would not walk away unpunished."

The two heard a door knock. Hime quickly gets up. She place the bandages under her bed and wrap her robe again. "Ah, I'm reading! Naked!"

Matthew look at her with his head shaking no. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Is that supposed to keep me away?" Bakugo voice sound smooth and calm.

"Bakugo?" Hime look at herself quickly to fix her hair and wrap the robe on her tightly. Once she open it. She saw him standing in the doorway holding up a bat plushie . "Your here!"

"And your dress, I wonder whose more disappointed here!" He look at her. He can see that something is off about her. Hime look at him in surprised to see him here.

"And you actually knock. What a surprise."

"Your never gonna let that go, are you?"

"Nope, but w-what are you doing here Bakugo?" Hime asked surprise.

Bakugo look at the bat plushie and hand it to her. His face turn a little red, "I am, got you this. As a um, get well gift."

Hime blinked in surprised as she gently took the plushie and held it in her hands, "W-wow Bakugo..I..I don't know what to say.."

"Don't say anything!" He grumble as he let himself in to sit on the bed. Matthew caw at him angerily. "What's with the bird?"

"He's a... Um... Pet of mines." Hime says as she closed the door behind her as she peaked by the door real quick and made sure no one else was in sight as she closed it.

"Caw!" Matthew peck him.

"The shit, bird!" Bakugo brush him off. He look at Hime intensively. "So um... Should you be walking? That surgery took a long time."

At first Hime didn't hear him as she blinks and turned to him, "Huh? what?"

"I said should you be up, walking? That surgery took a long time."

"Really...how long was it?"

"pfft, almost two days. The cut was deep and they try to find blood donors for you. A lot of people are in here after what happened. Some of them didn't make it."

"Oh...." Hime says quietly as she looked away a bit. She knew 16 was the cause of most of everything that had happened. Fuck.

"Um about your neighborhood. They're trying to figure out what villian did this. I know you said you know some of those people." Bakugo grunt a little and sigh." You um, okay?"

"Yeah..yeah I'm good." She says as she looks away a bit.

"Your different." He told her.

"What? As in how?" She says raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know. Just something is off about you." He look at her. The door bust open with Adam, Hatsume, Yuie and Midorya all pounce on Hime.

"SENPAI!" Yuie cry.

"Thank goodness your alive! Shinso sucks at making blueprints!"

Adam: 😫😭

"ME-ME!" Midorya cry. Everyone from U.A. all came in to check on Hime.

"Oh sweet bullocks?! Can't breathe here mates?!" Hime was happy to see them even though that was unexpected to be honest.

"I brought a melon! I thought we can share it!" Mineta hold the fruit.

"I don't think Siefuki look looks good." Shinso point it out.

The four of them got off her to breath. Yuie and Midorya still cry.

"We thought you were a goner! Aizawa -sensi that your going to be hospitalized."

"Me-me!" Midorya and Yuie both cry a fountain to see her.

"Oi!" Bakugo growl, "can't you see she needs space. She still looks like shit. Compared to what she looks like on any other day ."

"Caw!" Matthew peck at him again for being rude.

"What's with the bird?" Denki look at it.

"Hey, hey I'm okay--wait what?! I must look good everyday then for you to noticed Bakugo!" Hime says with a smirk but glared at him for it.

"pfft, you wish!" Matthew peck Bakugo again.

"Jackass!" Matthew call him.

"Did that bird just talk!" Kirishima and everyone open their eyes in shock. There mouths nearly drop. Even Matthew look shock to open his mouth in front of them.

"Who the fuck are you calling a jackass you stupid bird!" Bakugo growl at him.

"It's a Raven. They're part of a crow family. They're very intelligent creatures. They can mimic words just like people." Koda shyly explain to them.

"Okay guys. Let's all just calm down...Bakugo apologize to Matthew." Hime says as she face palms at how close that the cat was out of the bag.

"Like hell I am!" Bakugo grunt.

"Caw! Jackass, Jackass!" Matthew peck him again.

"Why you...," Bakugo try to grab him but Matthew fly around the room and head out to the window.

"Ah! He fly out! Hime were sorry!" Mina told her.

Hime face palms, 'Welp, that didn't go well...'

"Dam bird!" Bakugo yelled out in the window.

"Oh! Me-me, have you heard anything from Mr. Tatsu? We saw what happened on the news. Are you okay?" Midorya ask her with a worried look.

"Yeah, I'm good Midorya really. And Bakugo leave Matthew alone will you he already left since you try to attack him!"

"That villian attack was by your neighborhood, right? The news said that a lot of people and hero's die. Not many make it. Some have to be sent to different hospitals since they were full." Todoroki told her.

"I know. Bakugo told me briefly..."

"Have you.. heard from Mr. Tatsu or Chip?" Midorya ask her.

"I...now that I think about it, I..I don't think so?"

"You think he's okay?" Midorya ask her.

"Jeeze man! Don't make it so depressing!" Denki slap him on the back. "On the side note, What happened to you? Like how the heck did you get injured?"

"I don't think you should pressure her to this. If Seifuik is comfortable talking to us she would." Tokoyami told him.

"Honestly, I want to know." Mei sound hype. "Did you have a face off with a villian? Give me all the details! Maybe we can whip something up!" She sound excited and already have a notebook out.

"I...um..." Hime wasn't so sure now.

They heard a knock on the door. Sora blink at the sight of everyone in this small room. Her silver pixie hair flow down. Her long eyelashes and silver eyes sparkle. Her porcelain skin look pale. She wore a a long dark blue dress that cover from head to toe. She almost look like a old antique doll.

"Oh my, we have a full house here."

Everyone gawk at her at how beautiful she is. They've never seen someone who look this fair before.

"Sora?! W-what are you doing here?!" Hime says with surprise now more than ever. What is this the episode of full house?!

"Hime you've been holding out on us!" Denki whispered to her.

"Yeah! That lady is a total hot bae? Who is she to you?" Mineta look at her.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Sora. Sora Evergreen. I'm so happy to see Lady Hime have finally made friends. At least now I don't have to worry about her talking to Fenrir all the time."

Adam: 😡👉🤖✌️

"I know your her friend too, Adam. But you know what I mean!" She pay his head and look at Hime who was twitching her nose in anger.

"Of course I made friends!?" She groans while rubbing her face.

"Eeeh!" Sora grin at her childish at her. "I know. You talk about them so highly of them when you come to visit."

"Heh, really? I like to know!" Mei smile.

"What have you been saying about us?" Iida look at her.

"Oh she talks about how all of you are amazing in your own ways. And how each of you have excellent quirks!" Sora grin but Hime interrupt her. She she try to push her out of the door. She can see Hime's face turn bright red.

"Nope! Nope! Sorry but we're in a bit of a doozy here! Nothing to see here folks!" She was starting to look red as Kirishima hair.

"Aw Hime! Do you like us that much?" Denki join in the tease.

"Awww, are we that amazing to you?" Mina join in the fun.

"Eek! It's not what you think?!"

"Hehehe, why the embarrassment?" Sora twirl around to be away from her. She right away shook her classmates hand. "Let me see if I have this right. You must be Iida. And you must Momo! Hime's right you are lovely!"

'Noooo! This is going to be embarrassing?! Gasp! What if she tell them about anything I did that was supposed to be secret?!' Hime thought as her face turn more red.

"And you must be Tokoyami and Shoji. Finally to meet you two."

"Ah, like wise."

"These two are are handsome as you described them to be." Sora wink at Hime. She bury her face with her hands to hide from them. Tokoyami and Shoji blush.

"Ah! Let me guess, your Hagakure, Mina, Jirou, Ochaco and Sui!"


"Great to meet you ma'am!"

"Ribit? Hime used my nickname?"

"So Hime have talk about us" Mina smile.

"Oh yes! Quite a lot. Over the phone and when she comes visit for a check up."

"Gaaaaahahaha, I think it's time for you to go!" Hime try to pull Sora but she went off to embarrass her more. Sora!! Hime's nose twitch in anger.

" Oh you must be Satou! Hime said you make the most delicious treats. I love the one that you make these cute decorations!" Sora show him the picture of all the sweet treats that Hime took pictures.

"Oh! Wait, she send you those?"

"Yes!" Sora smile.

Hime blush bright red. She can feel her soul coming out of the embarrassment. "Please, leave!" Her voice croak deeply.

"Oh, you must be Kouda! Your right, he is adorable, Hime!" Koda blush nervously.

"Leave!" Hime croak hoarsely.

"Oh! You must Sero, Kirishima and Ojro! Good to meet you. And you must be Kaminari and Mineta!"

"Soar, please leave!" Hime mumble in an exhausting tone.

"You must be the childhood friend Izuku Midoryia!"

"Yes ma'am!" Izuku blush a little as Sora grab his hand to shake. He never seen anyone is this pretty before. Even up close she's more beautiful then ever.

"Please continue to be her friend. I'm sure she's a handful at times and probably give you a hard time."

"Leave. Please!" Hime groan as she already gave up,

"Don't be rude! I finally get to meet your friends in person. The least you can do is introduce me to them."

Hime felt annoyed and frustrated by her. But she already knew that Sora have a scary side of her and she rather be in her good side for now. "They're,..,"Hime grumble angrily. "Just classmates. They just want to stick their nose in to see if I'm okay. You lot over stay. Please leave!" Hime groan.

"Lady Hime, that's rude of you!"

"Your the one who just came in here." Hime whimper.

"I heard that!" Sora glare at her. She glares at her back but she have these eyes that Sora haven't seen in a long time. These eyes, they seem cold and menacing. She knew that look too well. She had it once. It's the look of someone who killed before. Sora shook her head. She thought she was seeing things but went back to smile at 2-A.

"I'm guessing your Shinso! You must be Yuie and Hatsume. Your in Hime's club. Right? My, I'm happy to see that there are kids around her age who enjoys the same thing as her. Thank you for looking out for her." She bow at them.

Yuie blush and bow too, "I-Its r-r-really the other way a-a-around."

"Funny, Siefuki never mentioned about you. What have you been saying about us?" Shinso look at Hime. But she turn around to ignore them. Sora look at Bakugo but her smile fade a little. She seen him before in the sports festival before. She knows little of him from Tomura. But she does k ow that he have a temper on him. There was this attitude that she seem to dislike from him. "Good to meet you Bakugo." She smile at him but he ignore her. She went up to Todoroki and Aoyama.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both."

"Good to meet you." Todoroki said. Aoyama smile nervously and nod. Sora stare at Todoroki for a while. It was something about his face that seem familiar.

"I'm sorry, but have we met?" Sora blink in confusion.

"No. I don't think we have." Todoroki told her

"Huh. I see. My apologies, I just assume we have met somewhere."

"No, sorry."

Sora nod at him and smile, "Thank you all for coming to visit Lady Hime again. I appreciate your consideration. Hime, you should thank them for coming." She told her with a smile. But He look a bit frustrated from the embarrassed introduction that Sora have done.

Hime was looking the other way as she had left her mind drifted off somewhere else for a brief moment as she didn't really didn't want Sora to be here. Not that she didn't want to see her but it wasn't a right timing.

Sora felt her vien pop in anger. She chop her head, "Don't be rude!"

"Ack! What?!" Hime says rubs her head.

Sora's hand throb for her hard head. "I keep for getting your head." Sora clear her throat. "I said you should thank them for coming here."

"Well, of I thank them for coming!...it was just unexpected.." she says quietly to herself.

Sora sigh angerily at her. Everyone felt the tension in the air. "Should we just leave?" Denki whispered. Iida clap his hand.

"Okay everyone. We should let Seifuik rest. We over stay here to long."

Hime tries her hardest not to make things awkward or worse as she sighs, "It's okay guys. I was just taken back a bit is all..."

"No, Iida is right. You should rest. We're not doing any good for being here." Momo told her.

Hime looked at them blankly and yet deep down she did feel bad for making them feel like they were bothering her but they really weren't. She softly smiles at them, "Well, at least I did get to know you guys came and I wasn't unconscious to not see it." She chuckles to herself nervously.

Sora look at her in surprised to see that she smile softly. Not like her normal smile, she always thought Hime was forced herself to do so. In surprise, she actually smile calmly. She couldn't help but grin at this. Everyone left Home and Sora alone. Bakugo stood behind once everyone left. Sora turn to him with a small glare. He notice it but didn't say anything.

"I'll be back. I'm going to the cafeteria to get a drink. Want anything?" He ask Hime.

"Ah! Um,.. a strawberry soda!" Hime ask him.

"Soda? No, no, water is all you need." Sora told him.

"Right." Bakugo roll his eyes at her. He left the two to leave them.

"Is He your friend ?" Sora sound cold.

"Huh? Oh Bakugo? Heheh, yeah." She smile a little.

"I don't like him." Sora told her. "You should choose your friends wisely." Hime sigh at her. She look out the window in frustration. Sora clear her throat, "I'm not here to fight you. I just want to drop these off

Everyone pitch in when they heard you were in the hospital." Sora place a bag in front of her. Hime kept it to see a container of her favorite kimchi stew with blood cubes floating. She look up in surprise. "Mr. Neji came in when he saw the news. Him and the other food venders are doing a soup kitchen for those who have no where to go and drop off food for the patients at the clinic. He heard about you, you wanted you to eat the best."

Hime smile a little, "I'll visit him and Rajah as soon as I can." She told her. She saw a homemade black shaw with purple bats and flowers. She smile at it happily.

"Mrs. Naro came by and over head Mr. Neji. She figure you would be cold." Sora told her. Hime nod. She look through to see a book by H.P.Lovecraft. She open to see a message by her uncle Okuta (Giran) . Hey kiddo, heard your in the hospital. Get better soon. We're worried about you. Hime smile happily. She look through the bag to see a homemade bead bracelet that said bsf, (Best sister forever.) It have a little knife  holding the bracelet together. She knew Toga must have made it for her. She then found a large silver coin that have the same side coin. She knew Compress sent it her as a good luck charm. It was once his and he have used his Magic tricks before with it. She found a game game boy in it by Spinner. A squish-mellow dragon that's big enough to be a pillow just like Bakugo's gifts. Jin place a note that didn't make sense at all but she smile at his weird drawings. And finally a sketch book with color pencils. Hime couldn't help but smell the burning ash on them. She knew it was from Dabi. Everyone have sent her gifts as get well. It was more then enough for her to keep her strong. But deep inside, she failed. She knew 16 is out there somewhere with an associate killing an innocent bystander. She needs to stop her and fast. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine. Thank you Ms. Evergreen ." Hime told her. She right away ate the Kimchi soup. It was still warm. The spicy creamy soup warm her enough from this cold building. Sora was about to leave but she stop. She turn to Hime with wide eyes in shock. Hime have never call her by her last name. The last time she used her last name was when she knew about her mission. She close the door and look at Hime. "D-did you have your memories back?"

Hime place the soup down as she look at her with cold eyes, "What gave it away?"

"What do you remember?"

"Not much. Just enough."

"I need details."

Hime smile at her. She gets up and walk towards her. She takes her robe off to show her healed scar. "I know about my quirk." Sora widen her eyes only to see Hime smile. "I also know that your a agent who was sent  to killed Doctor Andrea Williams. And retreat the weapon that she stole." Sora stood there and froze. She wanted to move but she look at Hime who have a sinister smile.


"I won't say anything. I've seen that you have been loyal to the good Doctor. But this memory is on a time limit."

"I don't understand."

"Let's just say I made a deal. But I need your help. I wanted to tell you since I know you won't tell Williams."

"What can I do?"

"I need your sources. I need you to be my eyes and ears around the city. I need you to look in of a patchwork girl who have a horns and a tail. She goes by the name x-1616."

"So they found you." Sora sigh heavily. She knew this day would come. "But you said time limit. What do you mean?"

"I will only remember till I found this murder whose destroying dreams. Once I find him. I won't remember anything again."

"That seems unfair."

"Heh, I don't make the rules."

"And what happens you can't catch this person?"

"I have to. I made a promise."

"To who?"

"I can't say."

"To who?"

Hime hesitates a bit but sigh, "One of the endless. He needs my help. And you have sources that I don't have."

"Endless? What does that mean?"

"Can't you just trust me on this one?" Hime look at her with a pleading look.

Sora sigh at her, "I... I..Okay. I won't ask questions. But how much of a memory do you know?"

"Just  a little. I know about my quirk. I know a little about Andrea. I know ... who you are and what everyone means to me. But that's all I know. I don't know anything else. My head, it pounds on me every time I try. Like it's refusing to let me remember."

"I see. But you know about my mission. Yes?"

"Yes. But I know you won't do it."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Because you love her."

Sora blush at her. She flicks her forhead as a responds. "Ouch!"

"Don't sass me!"

"I'm not." Hime groan. "It was pretty obvious."

"Oh? How so?"

"You could have live or find your own apartment. But, you didn't. And you always say no to Uncle when he ask you out. But I also notice that you never threaten her like you always did with Uncle and the other men that comes by. Not once."

Sora sigh as she heard this. She pat her head and smile. "I'll see what I can do. But for now. Promise me one thing."

"Okay. Promise me you won't put yourself in danger."


"Promise me that."

"I promise."

"Okay. Also, here,"

"What's this?"

"It's a phone number to Tatsu."

"Is he okay? Is chip with him?"

"He's fine. He was working in his new job when all of this happened."

"I see."

"He just bought a cell phone with his new job so you can call him as much as you like."

"Right." Hime look at the number. She pat her head and smile.

"I'll give you results. Just, go to school and study hard. Nothing stupid. Okay."

"I can't promise about the stupid part."

"Hehe. You are Andrea's...Hmm. I'll be going." Sora left. Hime sigh as she walk back to bed. She lay on her bed only to hear Matthew fly back in to her room.

"How long have you been out there?"

"Can we trust her? You said so yourself. She's an agent who was sent to kill that Doctor your staying with." He caw at her.

"I trust her. Sora won't do anything foolish. I know her well enough." Hime told him. "She'll help me if it means helping Andrea."

"I hope your right." He said. He soon leave her alone again. Hime start at the vase of flowers. She smile a little but the gift That Leader left her. Her memories of him were coming back slowly. They were all good memories. Her cheeks flutter with joy but she shook it off. She have to stay focused. These memories well soon disappear if she were help Morpheus with the case. She didn't want to forget again. She just wish these memories of her could cover the blanks. But they are not enough to go by. If only there was a way. She look over the sketch book that Dabi gave her. "Heh, then let's get to it." She told her self.

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