

(Trisha) Chapter 80

Trisha sat on a stool nursing a mug of ale, the foamy drink mostly full. Taking a sip, she gagged, Bitter and foamy. Shivers ran down her spine as she sat back, scowling. The tenth sip was worse than the first nine sips. What an awful drink, why couldn't they serve aged wine? Next to her was Eliya and Greg drinking the foul stuff. Empty mugs strewn across the table.

For three days and still no opportunity to free her friend. Ever since the high Priest of the church arrived and heard they wanted to become inquisitors. He had been forcing them to spar or practice magic until they dropped. With the intense training schedule, she hadn't had enough energy to lift her practice sword. Let alone perform a rescue single handedly.

Only one day until the execution of her friend. Glancing outside, she noticed the light fading from the street. She bit her lip and balled her fist. How could she ever forgive herself for this? Not only had she betrayed Reskeme, but she had sent him to his death. Grasping the wooden handle, she brought the liquid awful to her lips. Gag! Why did this bar have nothing but cheap ale, where was the sweet aroma of fine wine?

She stood, her chair sliding back, clattering along the rough wooden floor. Her two friends glanced over at her.

" Im going back to the Church, do not wait up for me." said Trisha, her tone somber.

Her two friends shrugged, going back to their drinks. As she pushed open the exit door to the street. The mostly fresh air of the street smelled of horse dung, and sweat was much better than the sour smell of cheap alcohol. Trisha admired the sun setting, the light bouncing off the tops of buildings bathing the merchants' quarter in a dull red glow.

She turned left, heading up the street towards the inner city, one hand resting on the pommel of her short sword. Trisha half jogged, half limped up the street. Her body throbbing from the day's training. How to free Reskeme and make things right? She would need to be careful. That High priest was a monster with a sword, taking on both her and Elija at the same time like they were children.

Her thighs, calfs, stomach and back felt like a rug beaten with a wooden stick to remove the dirt. Ahh! It would only get harder, but she wanted to become a powerful mage and skilled fighter. Trisha vowed to make it to the top of the church ranks, that way she could save her friends. Stumbling and grabbing onto the edge of a stall, she braced herself as the ground shook. Damned High Priest, why had he hit her so many times in the leg muscles.

Her wobbly walk was slow and unsteady, but she made it to the upper city gate. Spotting the guards as they were lighting torches for the night. Walking under the gate she spotted a guard running across the top of the wall towards a bell, she turned right taking a side street and avoiding the main road. This was a more direct route to the church. Clang! Clang! Clang! A bell tolled in the distance, the sound bouncing off the building behind her.

Wait, wasn't that the bell in case of an attack on the city? Her heart skipped a beat, Boom! The ground shook, and she wobbled. Walking forwards, she stumbled down the clean wide alley. Leaning against the edge of the church gate she turns, as a scream of pain shook the air. The clatter of claws on stone drifted up the street behind her. She stumbled towards the fountain and ducked behind it, laying on the grass and peeking over. Her instincts screamed at her as an icy chill ran down her back.

And there, five animals rushed through the gate. The biggest was a massive black creature, a long body, big fluffy tail with a white muzzle filled with dagger-like teeth. Over its fur the creature had armour muddled in brown and gray. The creature's claws sparked and glowed blue as it darted ahead of the pack. The creature stood on two hind paws, slashing the front door of the church door. She swallowed hard. The door simply fell in half as though they made it of wet paper. A small creature that only was as tall as the others stomach entered first, this creature was definitely not the same.

In the light of the now open door she caught sight of the terrifying creature, leathery skin, and a long thin tail. Between its wide sharp ears, she caught site of two small but distinct horns sticking up from its head. The creature turned towards her, its tongue darting out as though tasting the air. Was that a demon? It took all of her willpower not to move. It was as though she was staring death in the face. All but one of the large canines entered the building, Moments later a distinct high-pitched Scream came from the building.

There was a flash of light grew from a window, followed by howling and a bright green light that lit the night. Much of the top floor of the building exploded outwards, glass and wood showering the courtyard. Flames crackled and wood splintered as the building went up in an inferno of green fire. Boom! Grasping her head, she grimaced, her ears ringing. A flash of grey light ripped down a wall. The left side of the building tilted as four of the five enormous monsters rushed from the front door towards the courtyard. Like a stray dog, they exited with tails between their legs as they ran from the building.

Boom! on the second floor above her glass smashed. Splash! Wood and glass rained around her, hitting the water sizzling. What was that? Ouch that had to hurt, thought Trish. Standing in the new opening was the High priest, one side of the Priest's face covered in blood, three long gashes running down his chin just above his neck. Splash! the creature of nightmare crawled from the fountain, shaking itself and hissing up at the High Preist.

"Ahh there you are Demon. I hope that love tap did not hurt too much? Dont you know better, then to charge into a Church?" said The High Priest smirking.

Behind The Priest Raged the green flame, lighting the back half of the building in green fire. Trisha rolled to her feet, momentarily forgetting her fatigue. She drew her short sword and backed towards the burning building. No. Reskeme, he was still in there. The Priest sat on the edge of the burning building and hung from the ledge before dropping casually to the ground. Trishas hands trembled as she walked past the Preist towards the burning building. She ignored his look and held up her hand, trying to get closer. But the heat pushed her back. Blinking, Trisha wiped away the moisture under her eyes, pressing through the pain.

"Do not touch the flame young one, its balefire, you would not like the result." said the calm voice of the Priest. Trisha glanced from the Priest, who didn't even have a weapon to the demon that was slowing circling the fountain. The short creature was glancing back and forth from the house to the Priest, snarling.

Trisha rounded the building. She didn't care about that little demon for now. Trisha had to find Reskeme. She passed broken windows, looking in until she reached one at the back. The room was burning, but she forced herself closer until she could see inside. The acrid stench of hair melting made her gag. So, she covered her face with her cloak to peek in the room. The metal cell door was open, a large gash in the door, three distinct claw marks. A figure lay on the ground burning, its skin mostly gone as the surrounding flames devoured the building in smoke and green fire. Through the flames, she caught the glint of manacles clamping over the bones.

Her mind in a haze of grief and denial, she tilted her head, spotting the figure's legs. The bony appendage to had manacles lining its legs together. Trisha staggered away, no longer able to tolerate the heat of the flames. Her eyes blurry, she staggered back towards the courtyard, her sword hand shaking in her sweaty grip. She had done this, one of her only friends, and she had killed him. It was her fault. No! It was the Demon's fault. She could have saved her friend if that demon hadn't killed him. Why was it even here? Jogging around the corner, she watched as the priest went up in a pillar of green fire.

To her horror, the smaller demon lept at the high Priest, Trisha Channeled her Mana, the rush filling her, burning away her fatigue. She formed four runes in the demon's path, the pale runes shimmering as her wind mana exploded. The demon flew back, crashing through the wooden gate fence. The last thing she saw of it was hate-filled eyes. The Demon hissed loudly before disappearing into the darkness of the streets. A moment later the green fire disappeared, revealing brown runes dancing in the air and a Priest frantically searching for his prey.

"Damit! Where did that little Demon go?" shouted the Priest.

"He ran away, after I smashed him through the fence." said Trisha, panting heavily.

Trisha looked the man up and down, The High Priest clasped his forearm, blood soaking his clothes and face. "Dont give me that look. He caught me sleeping. If Kelvin did not scream so loud, I might be dead now. That demon is crafty!" said the High Priest, his calm demeanor now stern and serious.

"What should we do?" said Trisha

"Lets go, lets fetch our horses. We are leaving. My mission is more important than this city." said the High Priest.

She swiveled her head as hard boots on stone came from the street, two People rounded the corner. " There you guys are, Lets go we are leaving." shouted the High priest.

" What is happening? And where is Kelvin?" said Eliya as they all jogged towards the stables in the yard's rear. Well, they jogged. Trisha limped, leaning on Eliya's shoulder for support.

The High Priest turn towards the burning building, shielding his face from the fire. " Last I saw they surrounded him, Four Darvan warriors. May he rest in the war goddess's house." said the High Priest, tone somber.

"The city is under attack by Darva. I believe they are being led by a demon." said The High Priest as they saddled their nervous horses.

"Where are we going to go?" said Trisha, wincing as she mounted her prancing mare.

"Back to the Capitol. Her majesty must hear of this. The entire Kingdom is in Danger if they are being led by a demon." said the High Priest.

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