

Kay destroyed one fleet of sirens with a single attack, making the others look scared. His strength isn't normal, yet he is a human.

A raging fire engulfed their surroundings, the sirens are nothing but ash. They look at Kay who is slowly walking towards them.

"Lightning Element, Kay. Nice to meet you ...", said Kay.




Inside the Sakura Empire battleship, Amagi.

Kay and the others had an important meeting. The aura in the room was very intense as the shipgirls thought that Kay was a very dangerous human being. After seeing the greatness of Kay beating the infected wolves and a fleet of sirens, they knew that they had to bring Kay to their side. No matter what it will cost.

Amagi tells Bel-chan to bring some tea and snacks to serve on Kay, while waiting inside. Bel-chan slowly, walked towards Kay and placed what she was carrying on the table.

Monarch, Ibuki, Izumo, Saint Loius, Amagi and Shinano are in the room. The priority ships have insecure in their heart, considering what they need to do to please Kay. Shinano is already closing her eyes, falling asleep just mere seconds even though the meeting is yet to start.

"Well, why you are looking at me liked I just killed several dozens of people?", asked Kay as he saw most of them are watching all his movements. "Girls, please stop. You make me very uncomfortable."

"Ano, Onii-sama…you literally destroyed all the sirens in one attack", said Bel-chan. "I don't think even these nee-sama can do it as you."

"Well…wait, what do you mean?", asked Kay.

The other girls look at Kay and Bel-chan very strangely. They had just met Kay, especially Bel-chan. But they are very friendly even though this is the first time they have met.

"Do you like children, young man?", asked Amagi, wondering about Kay. "You seem to be very close to Bel-chan."

"What makes you think that?", asked Kay, feeling strange.

Before Kay wants to answer Amagi's question, He feels that Bel-chan is trying to grab the snacks that are on the table. However, the snacks were too far for Bel-chan to take.

Kay lifts Bel-chan and puts it on his lap, grabbing the snacks and giving it to Bel-chan.

"Alright, what's your question again?", Asked Kay, while giving the snacks again to Bel-chan. "Ah, about children ... I can't say I like children, but I also don't say I hate children. It's just, they are too hard for me to handle."

As Kay tries to tell them further, a child suddenly jumps behind Kay. When, Kay tries to look behind him and finds it Eugen-chan. Seems liked she also wants to eat the snacks.

Kay just let what Eugen-chan was doing and fed some snacks to her. Eugen-chan's face looked very happy when she got the snacks.

"Alright, what I'm going to say again?", asked Kay. "Ah, yes…there bring too much trouble for me. So, I usually let someone else handles the children while I'm doing my own business."

Suddenly, Kay could feel that someone was pulling on his sleeve. He turned around and saw Taihou-chan, who was still pulling his sleeve to attract Kay's attention. Apparently, Taihou also wanted to taste the snacks when she saw Bel-chan and Eugen-chan eating the snacks.

"Wait a minute, little one", said Kay as he grabs the snacks and giving it to Taihou-chan. "Here you go."

Taihou-chan took the snacks very happily. She then eats it while Kay is petting her head, slowly.

"Alright, what we are talking about?", asked Kay. "Ah yes, well, I don't think I like children, so I don't why you say that."


Amagi, Monarch, Ibuki, Izumo and Saint Louis look at each other, feeling very surprised and confused upon hearing Kay's said.

"That's clearly a lie!!", said them in their mind. "So far, his behavior towards children is nothing but too kind."

"You want more, little one?", asked Kay while smiling.

Bel-chan, Eugen-chan and Taihou-chan nodded, signaling they wanted more. Kay then gave them again and they were very happy.

"And, a doting one too!! Nothing less!!", said them.

"However, this is the best opportunity for us. If he is already very friendly to the children, then it will be a good reason to ask him to join us."

Amagi tries to call Eugen-chan, Bel-chan and Taihou-chan to leave Kay as she doesn't want them to bother Kay.

"I don't mind", said Kay. "They just children, just let them be."

"You literally just said that the children are to hassle for you to handle!", said them in their mind.

"Have you ever met these children. Kay?", Asked Amagi. "Seems liked you are too friendly with them."

Kay tries to be honest with Amagi but he suddenly changes his mind. He thought he should not have told them he was coming from the future since it was the reason, he knew Belfast and Eugen.

"I never met them", said Kay.


"Ano…that's a lie", said Bel-chan. "Onii-sama seems to know me…"

"Here take these snacks, little one", said Kay, trying to bribe Bel-chan. "I never met this little one, but I can say that she seems has the same personality with someone I knew."

"Talk about something nostalgic", said Ibuki. "That's why you seem very friendly to them."

"You mean too much friendly?", said them in their mind.

Monarch thinks this is the perfect time to ask him to join them. She pulls all the courage to invite Kay.

"Then, I have a proposal for you, Kay", said Monarch. "Would your mind to join us? With the strength you have, it can help us in eradicating all the sirens that become the threat. Of course, we also have something that will benefit you."

Monarch knew, for Kay to join them need something extraordinary benefits to him. Consider his powers alone can eliminate some fleets by himself, they need something huge in order for Kay to join them. With the children that very friendly to him, it might become a bargain chip.

They hope that Kay does not make nonsensical requests or go beyond what they can do.

They look at Kay, waiting for his answer.

"Yeah, why not", said Kay, accepting her request. "I don't see any reason for me to reject it."

"....What….", said them. "Wait, you literally just agree with that?"

They didn't expect that Kay would accept their request that easily without hearing more details.

"I already know what you want from me", said Kay. "You want to use my element power to eliminate your sole enemies, siren."

They seem surprised when Kay already knows what happened and what they want from him.

"I hate to say this but I'm not gonna stay here for too long, but I can, at least guarantee your safety and also helping you eliminating them."

"Then, what do you want from us, Kay?", asked Amagi.

"A place to stay, basic necessity but the most crucial thing I want is information", said Kay.

"What kind of information?", asked Monarch.

"That infected wolf, the creatures that suddenly attacked you in the island", said Kay. "Well, basically, my enemy is that type of creature but even more dangerous than that. A creature that powerful enough to destroy us."

"I never saw the creature what you are talking about", said Monarch. "But you have my promise that we will find what do you want and fulfill your requests. As long as you help us."

Bel-chan is still on Kay's lap while Eugen is still sitting on his shoulder, eating the snacks. Taihou-chan looks liked eating the snacks happily. They are too young to understand what the adults are talking about.

"You have my promise", said Kay as he accepts the request while rubbing Taihou's head. "However, seems liked we have some intruders behind the door. They pretty much listened to us this whole time but I afraid that…"


Amagi got up from her chair and continued to move to the door. She opened the door slowly and found some children were stalking their conversation. They are Kaga, Akagi, Shoukaku, Zuikaku and others.

Amagi's sweet face turned scary when she saw the children.

"Ara ... a good child will not keep an eye on adult conversations", said Amagi, being very scary to them. "You might get a punishment to that ... little one."

"Hiiiii !!!!", screamed the children.

"We did nothing wrong, Amagi-neesama", said Akagi. "It's Shoukaku's fault. She forces us to come here."

Shoukaku becomes surprised to hear that as she again become the victim of Akagi scheme. She tried to shake her head, a sign that she was not at fault.

"Is this your doing, Shoukaku?", asked Amagi, making Shoukaku starts to cry.

Shoukaku tears fell on her cheeks, telling that she was innocent to Amagi.

Kay lifted Bel-chan from his lap and told Eugen-chan to come down. He then moved towards Amagi.

"Don't be so harsh to them", said Kay. "They just children and sometimes, they do because of their curiosity."

Then, Kay pets Zuikaku's and Shoukaku's hairs, smiling at them as he is backing them out. Amagi sighed and let them go when he saw Kay on their side.

"Well, as long as they behave, it works for me", said Amagi.

"Thank you very much", said Kay. "Now, off you go little one."

Kay turned to Amagi and thought of something.

"I know this is the past and this is the best opportunity to find out who Amagi is," said Kay in his mind. "Well, I can say that I'm very lucky to find her immediately."

"What Akagi wants comes from her, something must have happened to her and Akagi. Best for me to know before I return back."

"Since, I still don't know what my job is in this era. It probably wroth to get the information first. However, the lesser cells reveal everything I need to know."

"The Cell is here."




Kay and Amagi decided to meet outside when Amagi wanted to talk to him without interruption. However, Eugen-chan, Taihou-chan and Bel-chan seem to refuse to part with Kay even for a moment.

Eugen-chan seems to like to sit on Kay's shoulder while Taihou-chan is still holding his sleeves. Bel-chan stood beside Kay, not wanting to disturb Amagi to chat with him.

"So, can I ask what you all are doing here?", asked Kay. "This place is very dangerous as you have just been attacked by sirens. It doesn't make sense to bring children here."

"We actually want children to feel the environment elsewhere", replied Amagi. "They just sit at home and some of them start to feel bored. So, we came here for a picnic. You know ... enjoy and make them happy ..."

"Humm ... it's very fun, Amagi-neesama", said Bel-chan." Thank you for bringing us here !! "

Bel-chan seemed very happy when they were allowed to be brought here. Although they were almost attacked by opponents.

"I just realized I never fully introduce myself", said Amagi while smiling. "My name is Amagi, battleship of Sakura Empire and the guardian of these children."

Amagi introduces herself to Kay and gives a clearer explanation, the purpose of their coming here.

"This trip is for children from Sakura Empire and Royal Navy, which accompanied by me and the priority ships, liked Monarch and the others", said Amagi. "We don't have enough manpower to bring all of them, so we will bring the other two factions tomorrow."

"Well, I guess its fine as long as they safe", said Kay. "But they clearly knew that you will coming to this island," said Kay, a moment before realized something.


"Wait…wait a minute, this girl isn't from either of these two factions", said Kay as he lifts Eugen-chan. "This girl is from Ironblood!"

Amagi seemed surprised when Kay already knew about the faction that this girl belongs to. She never told Kay about Eugen-chan faction in the first place.

"What are you doing here, little Eugen?", Kay asked. "Aren't you supposed to stay with your own faction?"

Eugen-chan suddenly became gloomy and refused to answer Kay's question. She shook her head several times, each time Kay asked her a question. She seems very unhappy, sad Eugen-chan noises.

"Ano ... Eugen-chan seems pretty unhappy, Onii-sama", said Bel-chan. "Maybe Onii-sama should let her be. She doesn't do anything wrong at all."

"Well, I guess it's true", said Kay as he dropped Eugen-chan. "But, aren't Hipper will be worried right now? She is your big sister, remember?"

Amagi becomes more surprised when she heard Kay said that. She wonders how Kay knew about Eugen's sister even though he had just met them today.

"Hipper-nee hates me", said Eugen-chan. "She doesn't care about me."

"That's not true", said Kay as he consults her. "She's probably worried right now and looking for you, little one. So, be a good girl and stay with your faction."

"Ano ... I'm the one who brought Eugen-chan here", said Bel-chan, feels responsible. "I allowed Eugen-chan to do what she wanted, and I can't refuse her request to join us."

"You can't do that, Eugen-chan", said Amagi. "It's very dangerous for you to join them without our permission. "What will happen if you are injured or attacked? We will be blamed for your act, Eugen-chan. "

Amagi reprimands Eugen-chan for her actions that come without their permission. Amagi tries to scold her again but Eugen-chan tries to hide behind Kay. She thought that Kay would side with her.

"Hiding behind his back will not help you, Eugen-chan", said Amagi. "You should, at least, feel sorry for your action."

"Well, she probably has her own reason, Amagi", said Kay. "Nothing good if we scold her, Amagi. You need to know that she is still a child and she needs guardian to teach her about this problem."

Kay then lifts Eugen-chan and rubs her head, telling her that she will be fine and nothing wrong with her acts. She seems to be a little happier than before.

"Ano ... I'm sorry, Onii-sama", said Belfast, feeling guilty.

"Don't worry about that, little one", said Kay. "However, next time, please inform Amagi first. At least, she will know something than nothing."

Bel-chan and Eugen-chan nod their heads at Kay, as a sign that they understand the mistake they made. Amagi sighed, she felt that Kay was too gentle on the children.

"Can I take some of your time, Amagi?", Kay asked. "There is something I want to ask."

"Sure, why not", replied Amagi. "I will try to answer your question."

Kay looked at Bel-chan, Eugen-chan and Taihou-chan, telling them to go meet their peers. Kay didn't want these children to be involved in this matter, although he knew that most likely they were too young to understand.

Eugen-chan seems to refuse to let go of Kay despite being pressured by Taihou-chan and Bel-chan.

"I'm not going nowhere, little one", said Kay. "I promise that I will be back."




"We have been followed", said Kay, making Amagi surprised. "Looks liked your enemies really want you girls to die."

Amagi tried to look around, only to see the sea and the waves which were very calm. There were no signs of sirens around them.

"I don't see anything unusual, Kay", said Amagi.

"Well, the sirens…have abilities to teleport", said Kay. "I'm very surprised that you didn't know about that…but, whatever. They are here, waiting for a perfect moment to ambush us."

"Where are we going actually, Amagi?"

"We will go home, Sakura Empire", replied Amagi.

"Sakura Empire?", said Kay. "... Alright, not a huge problem for me to find it."

Kay actually noticed that this place was very familiar to him. No wonder he knew because it's the same path to go to the Sakura Empire.

Amagi also noticed that Kay knew a lot even though, they just met him today. She wonders, how he knew.


Suddenly, Rakurai came flying and stabbed the ship, just next to Kay. He then takes it and activates the power of his element.

"I'll be back in an hour," Kay said. "Let me deal with these sirens, the others should take care of the children since I don't want them to see this."

"Wait, are you going alone?", Asked Amagi. "It's too dangerous, Kay !!"

"Pretty much better than asking them to come with me because I don't want any deadweight", said Kay. "Don't worry, I can handle them by myself."

Kay ran and jumped out of the boat, heading for the place where he felt sirens would appear. Amagi shuddered at Kay who was slowly disappearing from her eyes.

"Very mysterious man", said Amagi. "But, an interesting one too."




Kay returns to the ship when he feels that there are no more sirens that can still threaten them. It's an easy job for him, probably the easiest one so far.

"Why they seem to be much weaker than usual", said Kay as he walks. "It's liked I been fighting with some amateur tactic."

Kay was in deep thought, until he realized that someone is hiding behind him. He tried to look and see little Shoukaku who was crying and running away from Akagi.

"Come here Shoukaku", said Akagi-chan. "I just want to play."

"Noo!!! I don't want to play with you!!", shouted Shoukaku-chan.

Little Kaga and little Zuikaku ran towards Kay and the others, following their sisters. Akagi-chan seems to like to tease Shoukaku, but Shoukaku isn't happy with her at all.

Shoukaku-chan sees Kay and hopes he can help her out of Akagi's game.

Kay picks up Shoukaku-chan and talks to Akagi-chan, telling her that Amagi is waiting for her.

"Amagi is waiting for you, little one", said Kay. "You don't want to let your big sister waiting for you right? Now, off you go."

Akagi-chan seems very confused but she doesn't hesitate and quickly grab Kaga-chan and bring her to see Amagi. Kay just saw them disappear from his eyes slowly.

"Well, now I know why Shoukaku hates Akagi so much", said Kay in his mind. "I guess she always being bullied by them."

Zuikaku-chan is looking at Kay, wondering what she will do right now. Kay then dropped Shoukaku-chan and pets her head.

"Now, be a good girl, would you", said Kay. "Or, you want to come with me? I still have plenty of places that I need to discover."

Both of them nodded.

Then, Kay heard some noises. It's Eugen and the others, probably waiting for him.

"I guess, I have to be patience a bit", said Kay. "Since we are going to Sakura Empire, there are probably something that can help there."

"Isn't that right, Wiseman?"

Chapitre suivant