
Chapter 1

Naruto was beyond pissed as he walked through the town he and Jiraiya were currently in on their second year of their training trip. The reason for his sour mood was because Jiraiya, for what felt like the hundredth time, had ditched him and stole all his money to pick up chicks.

He knew the difference between actual spy network information gathering and just picking up chicks as for the most part his supposed 'teacher' had been doing the latter for the last two years. Hell Jiraiya had barely taught him anything so far, only some taijutsu and attempts to control the Kyuubi's chakra with no luck. Other than that he had learnt nothing new at all.

'Damn pervert! For once I thought I'd get an actual teacher, someone who will teach me something I can use to get stronger! But no! He's just like Kakashi, he blows me off and expects me to do everything' he thought, glaring as he started walking through the forest surrounding the town.

"Poor little brat, ditched again by the pervert who has yet to teach you a thing" the Kyuubi said in a mocking tone, Naruto's anger allowing it to rear its head more. "You have quite the terrible luck when it comes to teachers" it added as Naruto grit his teeth.

'You think I don't know that!' Naruto yelled in his head, slamming his fist against a nearby tree, as the Kyuubi pointing out the obvious wasn't helping and causing him to draw out a tailless chakra cloak.

"So? Are you just going to vent your frustration out here? Can't say I mind really given it lets me stretch in a sense" the Kyuubi said, smirking as more chakra bubbled out of the cage and causing the cloak to gain a tail.

'Yes! I'm going to vent cause I'm sick and tired of being pushed aside! I'm tired of being deemed not important randomly by my teacher's 'sense of duty' mood swings!' he yelled back, slashing through a tree with the claws of his now two tailed chakra cloak.

The Kyuubi continued to smirk as Naruto started destroying the forest around him. Personally, while he didn't like the boy, he understood his frustration and decided to let this slide a bit since he wanted to see if the boy's natural rage would either help him get free or maybe give the boy more control.

If the boy gained more control he was certain it would it wouldn't last too long and if it led to him being freed then all the better to let him continue his venting session. Either way he wasn't in danger and he had the chance of being freed.

"So this is the unruly energy I felt" a voice spoke behind them, causing Naruto to quickly turn around to see a pale white skinned and orange haired clown smirking at him. The clown was indeed a clown from the hairstyle, red nose, face paint, and red lips plus he wore an odd pink and blue outfit as he looked at him with crossed arms.

"To think a savage like you would be able to catch my eye as I was passing by. Guess there is surprises everywhere, even on this backwater planet" the clown said as Naruto narrowed his now red eyes at him.

"Who the hell are you?" Naruto asked, the Kyuubi's influence making him more brash that usual.

"Seems you really are a savage to speak this way to a God of Destruction. I guess I can give you the honor of my name before I erase this chaotic energy from the universe" the clown said, making Naruto tense up while the clown smiled down at him.

"The name is Belmod, savor it well before you are erased" Belmod said before Naruto, deciding whoever this clown was, he wasn't going to let him supposedly 'erase' him and leapt at him with his chakra cloaked claws aimed at his face.

Whoever this clown was he was incredibly fast and, as Naruto felt a blinding pain in his ribs as he was sent flying away, incredibly strong. 'D-Damn, I-I think he broke a few ribs' Naruto thought as he quickly got up and tried to leap to the side to avoid Belmod only to feel his arm get grabbed tightly before being sent flying through several trees.

He coughed up blood as he pushed himself up with one arm, the other being a mix of broken from Belmod having grabbed it and dislocated from the throw, as he saw Belmod walking towards him with a purple and black orb floating above his palm.

"Kid! That thing in his hand does not feel good. Let me help you and we might survive!" the Kyuubi yelled as Naruto winced a bit but nodded while Belmod chuckled at him.

"You really are some weak savage. Maybe after you're done I'll take a look around and see if this planet needs to be destroyed if the inhabitants are like you" Belmod said with a cocky smirk before throwing the orb at him and promptly turning around and slowly walk away.

Naruto braced himself as, with the help from the Kyuubi, he brought his tails up to defend himself while the orb continued to push against them. "T-This isn't going to last long. Whatever this orb is made out of its destroying my chakra" the Kyuubi said with a groan as he felt his chakra fading fast."Brace yourself as I'm going to have to push out more chakra for a second here! We have to send this back to that bastard!" the Kyuubi told him as Naruto nodded and dug his non-broken hand's fingers into the ground as he felt searing pain run through his body.

His vision started to blur a bit as he saw a four tail appear to help block against the orb before he grit his teeth in frustration. He didn't want to die like this and as he struggled to stay conscious a single image passed through his mind.


The thought of leaving her alone after they had both lost Sasuke was enough to create a burst of energy in him for one last push. He dug his fingers deeper into the ground before he and the Kyuubi roared, the shockwave and whip of his tails being enough to deflect the orb and send it rocketing back towards Belmod with a coating of red chakra who was still sauntering away as he was confident the orb was enough to end them.

Belmod barely had any time to react, having lowered his guard from thinking a simple Orb of Destruction would be enough, before the orb shot through him. He fell to his knees as the destruction energy tore through him.

"Y-You b-bastard!" Belmod tried to yell, the clown's voice hoarse from the hole in his chest, while he tried to raise his hand towards Naruto who was barely conscious. Though before he could do anything else his eyes went dull and Naruto watched as Belmod faded into nothing.

"Serves you right you psychopathic clown" Naruto said as he couldn't help but laugh, despite the pain it brought him while his cloak quickly faded. His strength quickly faded as he fell on his chest, focusing on breathing while he hoped that Jiraiya would at least had sensed him draw out the Kyuubi's chakra.

"Oh my," a female voice said in front of him although he couldn't move to look to see who it was "so Belmod was killed by you? Overconfidence seems to have been his downfall. Can't say I'm too surprised as he was always a bit full of himself" she said before she moved over to his side so he could see her.

The woman was very beautiful with what he figured to be an E cup chest, from what he could see from where he laid, and was a bit taller than him with light blue skin and white hair that was done in two ponytails and a pair of small thin bangs on her forehead. Her violet eyes looked at him with curiosity while she kneeled down to his level which allowed him to make out more of her outfit.

She wore a long sleeved purple dress with puffy shoulders, a black cuirass with orange and white designs on it, and a red sash around her waist. The oddest part of her outfit was the large but thin blue halo that floated around her neck and a red and gold staff that had a floating black ball that was floating in the center of a floating ring.

"W-Who are you?" Naruto choked out, worried that if she knew Belmod it meant she might try and finish him off or try and kill others like Belmod had said he was going to.

"No need to worry, I am your angel Marcarita" Marcarita said with warm smile that made him blush a bit before she cupped his cheek and softly stroked it, causing his blush to increase a bit. "I do have to say you are very different from Belmod, mainly you are much cuter than he was by far" she teased as she continued to stroke his cheek with her thumb before he found all his pain was now gone. "Naruto, young man, I am here because you are my new god" she added making him raise an eyebrow at as he found himself able to push himself up, his arm fully intact again and his ribs no longer in pain.

"W-What do you mean? And how did you heal me?" Naruto asked as Marcarita smiled at him and helped him stand back up.

"Because the one that causes the death of a God of Destruction, such as you did by reflecting the Destruction energy back at him, becomes the next God of Destruction. This is done to ensure the Supreme Kai don't instantly die and that I don't go into standby mode" Marcarita said, only confusing Naruto more before she giggled as she saw his confusion.

"Relax, it will be explained but you must come with me. Zen-Oh-sama is expecting you and we mustn't keep him waiting" she said, holding out her hand to him as he stopped his hand mid-way before accepting it. A part of him trusted her but another part was much too confused by everything that was happening.

"I say trust her. She exudes a strong but calm aura and she isn't lying to you. If she can explain all this God of Destruction and Angel business then I say go with her" the Kyuubi said as Naruto sighed but nodded since Marcarita was their only way to explain what the hell just happened to him.

"Fine, I'll come with you Marcarita. Let's go" he said, accepting her hand as she smiled at him and tapped her staff to the ground before the two of them disappeared.

-Zen-Oh's Palace-

The place he found himself in when they arrived was incredible as it was a room that glowed light blue with planets nearby outside the room with pillars scattered throughout. Naruto was quick to notice four other figures in the room as well, three standing as the fourth sat on a floating throne.

The first looked like Marcarita but male and shorter. His white hair was short and slicked back, his halo was larger and floating above the back of his head. He wore a dark green outfit with an orange triangle on his shirt and a red belt with the kanji for 'Great' on it.

The next two figures were two incredibly tall figures with cyan skin. Their outfits were a high collared purple jacket that only allowed for their eyes and above to be visible of their faces with gold trimming along with a grey shirt and pants under the cloak and gold boots.

The last figure was sitting between the two tall figures and behind the halo wearing man and by far the most 'alien' as it was very short and small that had an oval shaped head with purple and teal skin. It wore a magenta and yellow lined coat with yellow pants and magenta shoes. Its shirt was black and white with the kanji for 'all' on the front twice.

"Zen-Oh-sama, I have returned with the one who killed Belmod and made sure to heal him like you ordered" Marcarita said, bowing her head as the small figure nodded.

"Greetings Naruto, welcome to the King of All Zen-Oh's palace. I am the Grand Priest, please come forward" the blue skinned man said as Naruto looked to Marcarita who nodded with a smile.

"You were called here today because you were able to kill the God of Destruction for your universe" the Grand Priest said as Naruto frowned.

"So am I in trouble for killing him? It was self-defense though" Naruto defended before the Grand Priest laughed a bit and waved it off.

"You are not in trouble as Zen-Oh-sama makes their title up for grabs to anyone who can kill them, although it is not common knowledge. If it were then everyone would try and kill them and things in the universes would be quite chaotic" the Grand Priest explained as Marcarita walked up beside him and cleared her throat gently while looking at the Grand Priest.

"Father I think it would be best to explain what Gods of Destruction are and what they do. His planet has had no interactions with other races or planets" Marcarita explained as the Grand Priest, her apparent father, nodded.

"Ah that explains why he looks confused" the man said with an understanding nod. "You see throughout the 12 universes there are beings called Gods of Destruction who are roles created by Zen-Oh-sama, the King and creator of all the universes. They, along with the Kai, bring balance to the universes. The Gods of Destruction destroy and the Kais create. The Gods can destroy whatever they like as long as they expel the destruction energy, which is what made up the orb that Belmod shot at you. I suspect that red energy of yours, paired with Belmod's over confidence, allowed the Destruction energy to kill the one who created it. It was a rough fight but Zen-Oh-sama was impressed" the Grand Priest finished as he turned towards the small figure who sat on a floating throne in between the two tall figures.

"So because I killed him I have to fill his role?" Naruto asked as Zen-Oh nodded and hopped down from his throne.

"Yes, plus you seemed really cool with that bubbly red energy around you so I thought it'd be interesting to make you a God. If you were able to surprise Belmod then it'll be really cool to see how strong you get with training" Zen-Oh said as Naruto nodded but frowned a bit as this was all too much for him all too quickly.

"Are you sure you want someone as young as me? I am 14 and I have something somewhat dangerous in me" Naruto said with a frown as Zen-Oh turned his head to the side confused a bit.

"I don't care about your age and if the thing is dangerous then I can destroy it for you so you can accept my job" Zen-Oh said, holding up his hand that glowed bright white making the Kyuubi inside him freak out a bit before Naruto shook his head quickly to stop him.

"N-No it's not that dangerous! Actually if it wasn't for it I wouldn't have won" Naruto said, hearing a sigh of relief in his head as Zen-Oh lowered his hand. "Guess my last question is…can I still go back home whenever after this?" he asked as Zen-Oh nodded.

"I don't really care what you do as long as you keep your mortal rate high and do your job" Zen-Oh said somewhat bluntly as Naruto chuckled and nodded.

"Well, then I guess I accept. Guess you'll be my boss from now on in a way Zen-chan. I look forward to doing my best" Naruto said as he held out his hand towards the small King of All, smiling at him as everyone in the room tensed up before Zen-Oh accepted the hand and let Naruto shake his hand.

"Then I officially dub you the God of Destruction of Universe 11" Zen-Oh said with an ever so slight smile as his hand glowed again while they were shaking hands and a bright light engulfed the two of them.

He had to grit his teeth a bit as he felt immense energy shoot through him before the light died down and he noticed his clothes were replaced with an outfit similar to Belmod's.

Around his neck, and draped on his shoulders, was a black collar with gold lining around the outer and inner edges and a white and orange circle on the front of it with an orange loose long sleeved shirt under it. He found golden bangles on his biceps and gold bracelets around his wrists over the shirt. His pants were thankfully black instead of Belmod's pink and blue with a black thin banner of sorts with white lining and a white circle and three orange diamonds on it. Around his waist was a red sash and in place of his sandals were a pair of tan pointed boots that were kept on with a golden bangle around his ankle.

All in all he liked the new outfit and it gave him a sense of power on its own. But as he looked his outfit over his hand instinctively went to his chest while he felt around until he felt the familiar necklace was still hanging in place.

'At least Tsunade-oba-chan's necklace is still here' he thought with a smile as he didn't want to tell her he lost it when it meant so much for her to give it to him.

"Congratulations Naruto, if you need anything ask your angel Marcarita and she will help you as much as she can" the Grand Priest said as Naruto watched Zen-Oh jump back up onto his floating throne.

"I meant to ask but what is this angel talk exactly?" Naruto asked before Marcarita stepped forward, looking to the Grand Priest to ask if she could explain before the Grand Priest nodded.

"You see Naruto, all Gods of Destruction are looked after and trained by an Angel who is their attendant. Think of me as a secretary and trainer for you. I am to stay by your side and aid you in any way you see fit" she said as Naruto nodded with a frown before nodding as he seemingly understood it in the end.

"Here, come, I can explain it better at the Kai's planet rather than here since Zen-Oh-sama and the Grand Priest are quite busy" Marcarita said, motioning Naruto to follow while he looked at Zen-Oh and the Grand Priest who both nodded at bit before he followed her.

"If you need to speak to us again feel free to have Marcarita call me and we can work something out" the Grand Priest said as Naruto nodded and let her teleport him away again.

-Kai's Planet-

Naruto was once again in awe at the new place he found himself in as it was full of clear fields and trees in the color of fall with floating islands scattered in the sky. "Wow, this place is beautiful" Naruto said before he heard a voice chuckle causing him to look around to see a man walking towards them.

The man had light purple skin and pointed ears that had a green and gold earring on each ear and a white mohawk that was slicked back. The man was somewhat short as he wore a red vest with pointed shoulders and gold trimming that had a blue sash around the waist of it, a long sleeved green shirt under it, a pair of black baggy pants, and a pair of boots.

All in all the man gave off a warm aura as he walked towards them with a soft smile. "I am glad you think so sir. I am Khai, the Supreme Kai of Universe 11 and the one whose life is linked with yours" Khai said as Naruto frowned and Marcarita stepped forward to offer an explanation.

"You see, to ensure balance is kept, all Supreme Kai have their lives linked with the God of Destruction of their universe. This is to make sure you don't kill them all or they don't decide to get rid of you. They serve as allies and equals to you" she explained making Naruto nod and smile towards Khai.

"Well Khai, I look forward to working alongside you" Naruto said as he shook the man's hand who shook it back.

"So what is the first step of being a God of Destruction? Like should we start training?" Naruto asked as maybe Marcarita could be an actual teacher for him unlike his last two.

"Yes! Training is the perfect start for things. I recommend starting right away unless you want to do it back on your home planet" she said before he shook his head.

"No, here is fine and honestly way better but we need to go back for just a moment so I can leave a note for the man I was travelling with. After that we can start, I promise as I am excited to start" he explained as Marcarita nodded with a smile.

"Let's hope third time is the charm with you" the Kyuubi said, speaking up for the first time since finishing Belmod off besides his various reactions during meeting Zen-Oh. "I wonder will this inflate your ego now that you are a god? I swear you humans are so quick to become conceited" it added with a growl of annoyance as Naruto sighed mentally.

'I don't intend to get cocky, hell if it wasn't for your help we'd both be dead by now….which is why I want your help as well' Naruto told it as he accepted a pen and paper on a clipboard from Khai to write his message to Jiraiya.

"My help? Are you sure you don't mean my chakra cause I doubt I'd be able to stop you now" it said while Naruto frowned and shook his head slightly.

'No I want your help, your training a bit as well. I don't want us to butt heads anymore. You aren't some mindless beast of only anger as a mindless beast wouldn't do so much to save me and help me. If we are to be stuck together then why not work together to better our situation….just think about it' he told it as he finished his letter.

"Here we'll go to where I last was as the man I was with will check there due to feeling my energy there. I was two years into my three year trip so I figured six or so years could be good before I return" he said as Marcarita rubbed her chin with a bit of a frown.

"With that timetable we'd have to train hard nearly every day and night to get you even remotely close to the other Gods. Plus paired with your duties as God of Destruction things might get a bit hectic. Are you willing to put yourself through all that?" she asked as Naruto clenched his fists.

"Tell her yes…as I'll be training you as well" the Kyuubi said begrudgingly with a sigh."Your chakra control is crap and you need more elemental jutsu under your belt which I can teach a bit of what I've picked up from my years inside and around shinobi. Plus with the secret of the shadow clones it is safe to say you have an edge you can use to better yourself" the Kyuubi said making Naruto smile as he looked at Marcarita.

"I'm more than ready sensei. Don't hold back" Naruto said, speaking to both Marcarita and the Kyuubi as his angel smiled and nodded.

"Well then, let's drop this letter off and begin right away" she said with an excited smile while Naruto could feel the excitement burning in his gut.

He was going to get stronger no matter what and with Marcarita and the Kyuubi on his side there was a definite chance he could achieve great heights.

-Konoha – A Few Days Later-

Tsunade was beyond furious as she read Naruto's letter that Jiraiya had found near where the Kyuubi's chakra had been let out at.

'Dear Jiraiya,

After two years of basically no training I've decided to go out on my own after finding a better teacher. They will actually teach and train me to get stronger instead of constantly ignoring me to hit on chicks.

I do plan to return to Konoha in six years after I have made progress in actual training. I have come into a situation that requires me to undergo a lot of training so I can protect those close to me.

Please tell Sakura-chan that I still intend to fulfill my promise I made her and Tsunade-oba-chan that I will stay safe and grow strong enough to take her hat from her'

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Tsunade yelled as she slammed her fist into Jiraiya's head, sending the grey haired Sannin flying through the wall and the one after that. "You told me you were going to be serious about this Jiraiya!" she yelled as she watched Jiraiya sit up and wipe the blood that leaked out from his mouth.

"Hime I ha-Don't call me Hime! This isn't the time to joke around! Naruto is gone and who knows where he is or if he's safe!" Tsunade yelled, interrupting him as she slammed open the door that led to the room that the first hole she made led into and walked towards him with a glare.

She was thankful the rooms were empty and as usual everything was sound proofed with a seal so she didn't have to act calm in this situation as she wasn't sure she could honestly. That boy was the one all her hope was placed on, if he died or something happened to her she honestly wasn't sure how she'd handle it.

"I know!" Jiraiya yelled as he stood up and dusted himself off and went through the hole Tsunade sent him through so they were in the same room again. "I know he's alive at least as his name on the toad summoning scroll isn't faded but the elders can't reverse summon him" he said as he pulled the scroll out and unrolled it to show her his name was still bold and legible.

Tsunade fears were immediately lessened as she took the scroll from Jiraiya and walked back to her office before she set it down on her desk that was surprisingly still intact despite her rage. "Why can't they reverse summon him? I thought summons could reverse summon their contractors no matter the distance?" she asked as Jiraiya, who had followed behind her after she took the scroll, shook his head.

"They said something about him being way too far away which is weird given, as you said, the toads should be able to reverse summon a summoner anywhere" Jiraiya said as he rubbed his chin in thought. "I'm already having my network keep an eye out for him discretely and I'm going to investigate the place where I found this note again more in depth" Jiraiya said as he reached for the scroll only for her to slap his hand away.

"I'm keeping this here…it'll help be able to ease my worries and allow you to send toads directly to me with this if you find news on him" she said as Jiraiya nodded, knowing it was useless to argue with her about it.

"Fine, I'll let you know the second I find anything…I'm sorry again Hime" Jiraiya said as Tsunade let out a tired sigh.

"I'll accept your apology when you find Naruto but from the sound of this you'll have to work for his forgiveness as well" Tsunade said making Jiraiya wince a bit. "You knew of Kakashi's laziness and favoritism of Sasuke, causing him to ignore both Naruto and Sakura, the latter of which I am taking under my wing. So why did you not try and set a better example and actually train him with the two years you have had so far?" Tsunade asked as with Naruto being the son of Jiraiya's last student, a man he saw as a son, she had expected Jiraiya to be much more attentive than this.

"…My main focus was trying to give him control over the Kyuubi" he said bluntly as Tsunade frowned.

"And while you were having trouble with this you decided to not work on anything else?" she pointed out making Jiraiya wince again which made her sigh again.

"Just go do your best to find him and then we'll talk. If you find anything send a toad right away, you're dismissed" Tsunade said as Jiraiya nodded and left through the door behind him, showing how down the man was as the window was his go to entrance and exit.

She couldn't help but frown as she ran her finger over her name in Naruto's letter. 'I hope you're safe out there brat, when you return I'm going to give you a piece of my mind for making me worry' she thought as she called Shizune over the intercom to get a repair team down here to fix her two walls.

-Kai's Planet – Two Months Later-

Naruto grunted from blocking a strong strike, skidding back from the force of it before crashed through a nearby tree. Though, unlike when Belmod threw him through several, it didn't hurt as bad. His training with Marcarita was rather intense, like she said it would be from the start but he didn't mind as it felt great to get actual training for once.

After his first few days of training, despite surprising him at first, he realized he had gained a good deal of skills from becoming a God of Destruction.

The first was that he was now incredibly durable to the point he could be sent crashing into the ground and could dust it off for the most part. Marcarita though warned him that it did not mean he was invulnerable and could just let others hit him with a barrage of attacks and only that his skin was now much thicker than most races. She equated it to armor that would eventually wear thin or break if hit too much or with a strong enough attack.

The second was he gained new energy called Ki that was much easier to control than chakra although his Ki was categorized as Godly Ki due to its potency. He found that with it he could fire blasts from his hands and, if he learned to use it well enough, could do devastating attacks said to be able to blast apart moons without using Destruction energy. Both Khai and Marcarita had been teaching him how to use Ki and his new Destruction energy.

The last major thing was that he found that he could naturally fly without thinking about it. Marcarita had been quite the prankster though as she revealed this by pushing him off one of the floating islands only to innocently giggle when he frowned at her for scaring him. He was still getting the hang of flying and fighting in the sky but after she explained it to him he was getting a much better grip of it.

For the first few days they were working on getting him a solid style given the academy style was not suited for him and, while he was more of a brawler, he needed some baseline form to work off of.

Marcarita, while having a sweet appearance, was quite ruthless in terms of training. She held no punches and didn't let him rest during any moment of it until the timer ran out each time. It was on their first day that he learned that all Angels were the strongest beings in their respective universe.

Though thankfully he was learning and growing even faster than Marcarita had expected once the Kyuubi had revealed a handy secret behind Shadow Clones. It turned out anything learnt by a shadow clone would be transferred back to him once it dispelled. The Kyuubi was surprised he hadn't figured this out yet but given when he learned it he only skimmed over the instructions for the technique and not the notes on it, it made sense why he didn't know of it.

With the use of clones and the Kyuubi's instructions he was making good progress on reigning in his chakra control as well as learn some more jutsu that it was teaching him. Plus now he didn't have to stress about working on his God of Destruction powers and his chakra skills at the same time.

"Your movements are much too rigid Naruto-kun, you must relax and let your body move more fluidly. If you are too tense you leave yourself wide open" Marcarita said as she appeared in front of him before whacking him a few times with her staff before she hit the center of his chest with a palm thrust, all being way too fast for him to block and powerful enough to send him skidding back even faster.

"She has a point. Your past and lack of training has made you rigid. This will be hard to counter but I think we can do it given you have six years to work on it" the Kyuubi said as Naruto nodded, quickly getting back up and smacking away another attempted whack from Marcarita's staff.

"Good, you're learning to react faster. For someone who was merely human two months ago I'd say you are doing decent. If you keep moving at this speed you'll be fine by the time the six years end. Though tomorrow we are planned to go to the planet Belmod used as his home mainly to meet with a group of loyal fighters that need to be brought up to speed on what has happened" Marcarita explained as Naruto frowned.

"Will everything seriously go over well? I mean if they were loyal to Belmod are we sure they'll be loyal to me and not want to get revenge?" Naruto said as he really didn't want to potentially deal with something like that.

"Oh do not worry Naruto-kun as they are loyal to justice. As long as you prove yourself to be kind then you will have nothing to worry about. Plus they are powerful fighters of Universe 11 who could possibly help with your training" Marcarita said with a smile before she tapped her staff on the ground and cleared her throat.

"But enough talking, training must resume" she said, giving him no time to react before he was on the defensive again.

-The Next Day-

Naruto was slightly nervous as they arrived at Belmod's old planet as the fighters he was planned to meet today would be brought here later today and he was still a bit worried about whether or not they would accept him.

"New Master! Welcome to our planet we hope you enjoy it as we work to serve you" several women said as Naruto noticed they were all wearing clown or jester outfits as they bowed to him.

"Marcarita, what do they mean?" Naruto asked as Marcarita nodded before motioning towards the women.

"Belmod had an arrangement worked out with this planet. It was one where girls of his choice were to serve him while dressed like how he wanted them to and he wouldn't destroy this planet. Of course you are not bound by it and may destroy it if you wish. I can easily change the location of our meeting if you want" she said, making the girls shiver and flinch in fear of being destroyed.

"W-Wait! Please don't! W-We can serve you too Young Master! P-Please don't destroy us and our planet!" one girl begged as she bowed in front of him, even going as far as to sit and do it on the floor.

Naruto felt his gut churn as he learned how Belmod was basically extorting these women and their planet for servants in exchange for not destroying them. "Stop bowing, please" Naruto said as he gently grabbed her hands and made her stand up, frowning at the tears running down her face. "I have no intention of destroying your home and you all don't have to serve me or dress up like this" he added with a soft smile making them widen their eyes.

"Really?" one whispered out, afraid he was toying with them, only for him to nod.

"Yes, I promise and I never go back on a promise. Ever" he said before all the women burst into tears and dove at him. He was surprised and started to blush dark as the women started to hug him, repeatedly thanking him, before they all kissed his cheeks.

As they pulled away and wiped their tears they, and Marcarita from the sidelines, couldn't help but giggle at Naruto's dark red blush as black lipstick kiss marks were all over his cheeks. "T-Thank you so much Young Master! Know you are always welcomed on this planet and we will make your visits joyful" one girl said as she happily clapped her hands before they all giggled as Naruto cleared his throat and accepted a napkin from Marcarita to clean his cheeks.

"Well I am just happy to remove you all from forced servitude" he said with a smile before his eyes widened slightly as he felt a collection of energies arrive outside. Most of them, while high, weren't too high to really worry him but among the group there were two energies that were insanely high. Though even among those two there was one singular energy that was immense that slightly worried him.

"Oh! They are right on time. Come Naruto-kun, the Pride Troopers await" Marcarita said as she waited for him before following once he gathered himself and headed out.

First thing he noticed, besides the various alien races of their members, was their uniform. They all wore red and black spandex outfit with the red portion 'V' shaped with white boots and white gloves.

"So you are our new God of Destruction? What is your name?" one figure asked as he stepped forward. The figure was easily the tallest with tan skin, pointed ears, bald and hairless except for a large white moustache that covered his mouth. He also had easily the largest hands.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki and yes I am the new God of Destruction. I became it after killing Belmod who attempted to kill me" Naruto said as the man started to walk closer to him, looking down at him due to his height.

"And why did you kill him?" the man asked as Naruto worked on staying calm as the last thing he needed was to anger someone and have it lead to a fight, especially considering they outnumbered him ten to one with one of them feeling incredibly powerful.

"He threatened to kill me and my entire planet just because I was venting in a forest and training more or less. It was in self-defense and not out of gunning for his position or me seeking him out. I didn't even know what a God of Destruction was until I defeated him and was made the God of Destruction by Zen-Oh" Naruto said as he kept eye contact with the large man.

"I killed Belmod to save my planet and everyone close to me. I don't regret it" he added calmly before the man's moustache twitched and he gave him a hard pat on the back.

"Ah! I knew I sensed a spirit of justice in you! I was worried our new boss would be some vile man, guess my worries were for nothing" the large man said, his moustache twitch seemingly being from a smile as he could see it in the man's eyes. "My name is Toppo, leader of the Pride Troopers, come, let me introduce you to the others" Toppo said as he gently put his hand on his back and guided him towards the others.

"First I'd like to introduce you to my lieutenant and second in command of the Pride Troopers. Meet Jiren" Toppo said as he motioned to the emotionless looking figure that the immense power was radiating off of.

Jiren was tall but a good head shorter than Toppo with grey skin. He was muscular with large round black eyes and two nostrils in place of an actual nose as well as a hole on either side of his head in place of actual ears. Like Toppo he too wore a red and black spandex suit with white boots and gloves.

"Nice to meet you Jiren" Naruto said, holding out his hand towards Jiren before the man looked him over and accepted his hand.

"Nice to meet you too. I hope you command us well" Jiren said making Naruto raise an eyebrow at a bit.

"You mentioned that too Toppo, me being your boss. I mean I know I'm the God of Destruction of this universe but am I really your boss?" he asked as Toppo nodded.

"We Pride Troopers serve as your soldiers. We are sent to planets to eliminate threats for you as agents of destruction. Though despite that classification we are heroes of justice" Toppo said as Naruto nodded. "Us ten though make up the main force and strongest, although all other members are very close to strength to use besides Jiren and I" Toppo explained as, given they were a force sent throughout the universe, having only ten members would be difficult to manage.

"Ah okay I get it now. So you aren't going to try and kill me or anything? Cause honestly I was worried you all were super loyal to Belmod and would end anyone who took his job" Naruto said as Toppo nodded, seemingly understanding his worry.

"We would have if you were evil or dark of heart but I see no reason to worry, do you Jiren?" Toppo asked while Jiren silently shook his head.

"He seems fine, we can ask him more about himself later" Jiren said before Toppo nodded.

"Yes, lets continue introductions and we can all sit down and talk" Toppo added with a smile before one by one the others were introduced.

Dyspo was the next Pride Trooper he met who was a purple humanoid cat with large ears but lacking a tail. He wasn't as muscular as Jiren or Toppo, being leaner in build, which allowed him to move incredibly fast.

After him was Kahseral, a human looking man with a robotic right eye. He apparently drove the spaceship they rode in mainly and was a professional warrior and a master of Ki manipulation. He, like Jiren, was a high ranking member of the Pride Troopers.

Vuon, a dark orange skinned tailless human like lizard, was next who specialized in capturing villains with Ki he could turn into a whip that wrapped around others.

Tupper was next and was a teal skinned muscular man with dark blue hair and a mustache and beard. He had the interesting skill to control his weight and petrify himself allowing him to be a tank-like close range fighter.

The next after Tupper was Zoiray who was rather odd given how small he was, only being as tall as a few other Pride Trooper's knees. He had purple skin and a pair of outwardly curving horns and green eyes. For his small size he was apparently quite durable and quick on attacking.

Kettol was another odd looking Pride Trooper, looking similar to a cat fish in terms of long whiskers and amphibian green skin and large yellow eyes. He was apparently best at overwhelming opponents with barrages of Ki orbs that he could create effortlessly and very quickly.

Kunshi was the next Pride Trooper he was introduced to who was a blue skinned, short ogre looking man with purple spots on his head and pointed ears. He was apparently able to create threads of energy that could either explode on contact or wrap around others with strong strength.

The last Pride Trooper was the only female of the group and as she smiled at him he found her to be rather beautiful. Her name was Cocotte and she was human looking with light pink skin, very long dark pink hair, pointed ears, and lime green eyes. Her lips, which were curved into a smile, were colored a soft blue with lip stick.

Her figure too was rather strong with an easily I cup chest that wasn't hidden due to the tight spandex outfit she wore as a Pride Trooper and a bubbly rear. Though he had to look away as Marcarita's laugh from beside him made him blush.

Cocotte's skills were much more defensive based as she could create powerful domes of energy around both herself and allies for protection or around her enemies to contain them for capture.

"That is definitely a lot to take in but I hope I work well with you all" Naruto said with a smile, making Toppo chuckle and pat him on the back again.

"So do we Lord Naruto, I do hear though you are focusing on training. If you wish we can help you with it" Toppo said as Naruto was a bit surprised by this.

"W-Well first don't call me 'Lord', seriously just call me Naruto. And are you sure? Shouldn't you all be, I don't know, focusing on keeping things calm until I'm more able to help?" he asked as Dyspo walked forward with a smirk.

"Training you is doing both though as if we help you get stronger on our off time we ensure you'll be able to deal with your duties as a God of Destruction" he said as Marcarita nodded and walked up beside him.

"I agree, the Pride Troopers will help immensely with your progress. That is another reason I called them here as I thought that with their help when they can spare it would speed things up even more since Jiren here was stronger than Belmod" Marcarita said as he honestly didn't doubt it given how Jiren felt.

'Things are definitely getting interesting for you kid, I truly wonder how strong you will become by the time your self-imposed six years are over' the Kyuubi thought with a smirk as Naruto walked the Pride Troopers inside to talk things out more and figure out how the training would go down.

-Chapter End-

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