
Chapter 60. Always be honest and not just when...

Sascha chuckled, watching the antics of pixies and rakshasa. In a strange game that seemed to be called 'Let's pull the cat's tail' where the pixies took turns outwitting the little panther rakshasa, flying close to his claws and bouncing away when it looked like the boy would get a good shot on them, in both the other group of pixies were pulling the boy's tail.

Garo scrambled, growling and hissing in a furious whirlwind of claws and fangs, but since he hadn't crushed any pixies so far, Sascha guessed the pup was enjoying the game too.

The sounds of the laughter of the pixies and the mock-aggrieved rakshasa enlivened and warmed the atmosphere of the store. She leaned back from the counter while resting her chin on her hands.

"I apologize for this." An apology said in a resigned tone came out as a sigh from Jade.

Her eyes drifted to her left and to where the green-winged pixie was perched on the copper scale.

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