
Nobody like lies

Jake sat behind the desk in the private study as he stared at nothing in particular. A deep frown was etched on his face. The words which Jade had said that day at the hospital has completely unsettled him. He couldn't shake her words off his mind. Her words kept pricking his heart like a thousand pins and he was completely swallowed by guilt.

No matter how many times he had told himself that all this didn't matter, he was also aware he was just lying to himself.

How did all this start in the first place? How did the confident playboy, Jake Beau, who had never played such tricks just to win a woman result to lying and pretence?

Was it because he knew Jade was not like his usual women, and that she'll never fall for him like the rest of them that has prompted him into opting for such silly and stupid ideas? He was beginning to regret every action he has taken since the night he met Jade.

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