
Kiss Kiss Fall in Love!

"It was just a whim," Glenn said, his jade eyes twinkling mischievously.

"I see. So that's your expression when you're lying," Miyu said nodding to herself.

"I'm not lying! What about you? Why did you touch my butt?!" Glenn asked.

Heads turned and stared at Miyu.

"Shush yourself!" Miyu placed her hands over Glenn's mouth.

"Um that's not what happened, everyone! I just touched his hand. This guy is just a natural-born liar," Miyu said out loud awkwardly.

"Pfft," Glenn laughed.

Miyu glared at him and removed her hands over his mouth.

"So, why did you hold my hand?" Glenn asked with a cheeky grin.

"Just a whim," Miyu said.

Glenn chuckled and Miyu rolled her eyes at him.




Their food arrived a few minutes later.

"Your food looks delicious!" Miyu said while eating her chicken and staring at Glenn's steak.

"Um, yes it is," Glenn said while he ate his steak.

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