
Chapter 111

Soon, Caizher covered almost the whole island with his darkness. The thin tendrils of darkness searched for every corner of the island for the source of the unknown wind energies

However, there was one problem that Caizher faced. It was true that every single piece of his darkness can be used as his eyes. However, even though he is a Noble, it would still hurt his mind if he sees things using hundreds of 'tentacle eyes'

Caizhrr overestimated himself and retracted most of his darkness. He only controlled eight tendrils to go in a different direction so that he can maximize his 'eyes' efficiency

Even though Caizher wasn't able to cover the whole island with his vision, four is also not bad and can definitely speed up the searching process

Caizher waited till his tentacles discovered something and when one of them reached the centermost part of the island, the tentacle finally discovered something

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