


I just listen on discussion of my professor. I even take some important details.


YES! It has a BREAK again because there's no FOREVER. Kidding.

"Stacie, Let's shopping?" Melanie asked me. They have early dismissal that's why they wait me in outside of my classroom.

"Sure. Let's go!" I said and we walked together.

Before we go to mall we asked my bodyguard and driver's permission. They both agreed. That's why we continue our plan.

When we get in mall we're immediately go in one of boutique. We immediately find and choose some dresses, bags, heels, accessories, make up, and etc.

Choose… Find… Choose… Find… Buy…

We just buy and buy and buy.

We also saw Mia and her group of friends. She smile and waved at me. That's why she immediately receives a rolled eyes and dead glared from my sissy.

After we bought things… We eat in Famous and classic restaurant. After we ate… We go home. I thought my momshie baks going to scold me because I got home very very late but my momshie didn't scolded me. Maybe she can in my eyes that I enjoy my day.

I took a bath and I sleep. Zzzzzzzzzzz…


"Good morning momshie baks and dadshie handsome!" I greeted them with a smile and full of energy. I kissed them on their cheeks and I also hugged them.

Dadshie is always visiting me here in momshie's house. He really want to have a daughter but he doesn't have a wife that's why he treating me as his real daughter.

"Why are you being so sweet? You need something my princess? Do you have a favor?" Dadshie asked me with a smile on his face. He really knows me…

"Can I drive my car? Can you let me go to school without bodyguard and driver? Please momshie and dadshie… Promise I'm going to be fine and safe. Please…" I said with a smile and I also raised my right hand.

"Sis? What's your decision? What your momshie decision is my decision too." Dadshie said to me. That's why I looked at momshie and I made a puppy eyes. Momshie laughed and pinched my nose.

"Fine. If that's make you happy then go." Momshie said with a smile.

"Oh my gosh!! Really?? Are you really letting me drive my car? And are you letting go to school alone? Is this for real?" Momshie and dadshie nodded.

"Yezzzzzz!!! Thank you! Thank you! I love you both!" I shouted in a happy tone and I hugged them again. They both laughed because of my reaction and they hugged me back.

"Thank you so much momshie and dadshie!!! By the way, I need to go..." I said with a smile while a looking at my wrist watch.

"Are you not going eat first?" Momshie asked and she also pointed the foods. I shook my head.

"Uhm… No. I'm going to eat in school. I'm already on my class." I answered and smile.

"Alright. Just be safe." Momshie said while she's nodding at me.

"Okay. Bye! I love you both!" I said while I'm walking. When I'm in front of our double door I called and I gave them a flying kiss.


When I arrived on our school's parking lot I saw my friends. They waited for me. Yes. They wait me even we're all almost late in our class.

"Let's go!" I said to them and we walked together.

I heard someone whispering while looking at me. I saw other students are waving that's why I smile and waved back. I also saw someone stopped because they saw me. Hay… Why I'm so pretty?

"Bye sissy!" Maureen.

"Don't forget what I said." Donna reminded me.

"Be safe sissy." Erica.

"See yahhh later!" Melanie said with a smile.

"Okay! See yahh!" I said and I wave at them before I walk inside our classroom.

I saw Nicole rolling her eyes at me. I rolled my eyes too. How dare you to roll your eyes on me? You're not even pretty.

"TSS. It's make you pretty?!" I said when I sat on my chair. I rolled my eyes again.

"Don't mind her, Stacie. She just insecure at you." Girl in my front said.

"Nicole and her friends have a bad attitude. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk." Girl 2 said while she's shaking her head and glaring at Nicole's group.

"Huh? Why are you so sure on that? Maybe one of them is kind. Like Mia." I said and I pointed Mia. Maybe this girl is wrong. Mia looks very kind. She's good at me.

"WHAT?! Mia? Really? She's not. She's flirt. Yeah. You're right. ONE of them is kind but it's not Mia. It's Rence." Girl 3 said. Half of my girl classmates are sitting near me. So half of my classmates are hating Mia's group. But why?

"Really?? How about Bryan and Athena? They look nice." I asked while I'm looking at Bryan and Athena.

"Gosh! No! No! No! Shaun is a jerk. Bryan is full of confidence. Bryan is always thinking that he's the most handsome in this world. He's also arrogant. Athena is a brat. But she's easily to get scared. She's just pretending that she's brave and strong but the truth is she's weak. Mia is a girl version of Steven. She's always snatching the persons, things etc. that is not belong on her. She's also a two faced girl. She always pretending to be nice even she's not. Steven is a playboy. Flirt. Like Shaun he's also a jerk. Nicole is most evil their group. What she wants is what she gets. And if someone try to fight her… She going to do everything just to ruin her/his life. But I know you can fight her. And Rence is a super grumpy boy but he's nice. He's the unique one on their group." Girl 4 said while looking at Mia's group. Stalker? Wew! In fairness she so judgemental.

"And I heard some news that one of their friend is dead. If I'm not mistaken Stella is her name." Girl 5 said. I got shocked on what she said. Stella…

"Yeah. That girl. She committed suicide because of them. Someone said Stella do everything just to be a good friend to Nicole's group. Stella got tired and depressed that's why she committed suicide." Girl 6 said and she shook her head.

"Then now... Nicole and her friends acting like nothing happen. Like no one dead because of them." Girl 7 said and sighed.

"Well Rence is not. He still mad at his friends." Another girl said. They all agree and nodded.

"Why Rence is mad at them anyway?" I asked them in a curious tone.

"Because Stella is his bestfriend. In their group... Rence is the only one who can appreciate Stella. He always helping, protecting, and comforting Stella. He does everything just for Stella. Rence really loves Stella… I wish Stella knew it." Another girl answered my question. Stella is so lucky to have him.

"Is she really dead?" I curiously asked.

"Yeah. She is really dead. Stella was my classmate since I was high school. And I was there at her funeral." One of my classmates answered. I nodded at her.

"How can you be sure that they are the reason why she committed suicide? Maybe it was a fake news." I said at them while I arranging the books at my desk. Others nodded at what I said.

"If it was a fake news, why are they get mad at Mia when Mia asking them about it?" Girl 2 asking and smirked. Why? Is that a fake news? Or real?

"Maybe they are guilty hahahaha…" We all answered at girl 2 and we laughed together. They continue talking and I'm just listening to them. They just stopped talking when Rence came and sat in his chair. When Rence came they acted reading a book, others were pretending reading notes, Some of them were pretending arranging something and others were pretending to be using a cellphone. They are all great at acting.

"Hi!" I greeted Rence with a smile. We started talking and teasing each other.

After a few minutes our professor came and starts to discuss something. I was just listening while I simply teasing Rence. He shook his head and laughed at me.

When it was lunch time we went to the cafeteria. My sissy waited for me again and we went to cafeteria together.


"She's here!"

"She's so pretty!"

"She's an artist on Korea, right?"

"I'm her number one fan!"

"Hello Stacie! You are so pretty."

"Hi! Oh really? Thank you. You too." I said to her. I winked and smile at her.

"Stacie let's take a picture. Please…" Someone said to me.

"Sure." I said with a smile. We took a picture together. I also waved at students who waving at me.

"She's so nice!"

"That's my idol!"

"Me too."

"Hi crush!" Someone greeted me. I smiled at him.

"Hi." I greeted him too. I also waved at him.

"OMG! You so famous already!" Melanie said with a smile. I just winked at her.

We ordered some foods.

"Just bring it to our table." Erica said to the cashier. We walked over to our table.

"You're just transferee here but you're so famous already. Wow! You so cool." Donna said in amazed tone.

"Correct. Before we became a famous here we waited for a two weeks." Maureen said with a smile.

"Looks like you can replace Nicole on being Top 1 in popularity." Erica said. She smile and clapped.

"That's great! Stacie is better and prettier than that witch Nicole." Melanie said and she smirked. We laughed together and we talked.

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